Port Security Units
Source: G-OPD

Coast Guard Port Security Units (PSUs) are Coast Guard units staffed primarily with selected reservists.  They provide waterborne and limited land-based protection for shipping and critical port facilities both INCONUS and in theater.

PSUs can deploy within 24 hours and establish operations within 96 hours after initial call-up.  Each PSU has transportable boats equipped with dual outboard motors, and support equipment to ensure mobility and sustainability for up to 30 days.  Every PSU is staffed by a combination of reserve and active duty personnel.  PSUs require specialized training not available elsewhere in the Coast Guard. Coast Guard Reservists assigned to Port Security Units must complete a 2 week Basic Skills Course at the PSU Training Detachment in Camp LeJeune, NC.

In addition to their most recent support of homeland security operations around the country, PSUs were deployed to the Persian Gulf during Operation Desert Storm in 1990.  They also served in Haiti during Operation Uphold Democracy in 1994.  In December 2000, PSU 309 from Port Clinton, OH was deployed to the Middle East to provide vital force protection for the Navy assets following the attack on the USS Cole.

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