
led by the USDA Forest Service's Southern Region and Southern Research Station in collaboration with the USEPA, US Fish & Wildlife, TVA, and state forestry agencies of the Southern United States


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October 21th, 2003 - Our Data Center has been completely overhauled and beefed up. Read about and download 55 different detailed datasets used in the Assessment, including 23 GIS coverages. Datasets describe timber price projections, land use forecasts, historical timber growth and removals, forecasts of forest growth under climate change, and infestation histories for gypsy moth, dogwood anthracnose, and hemlock woolly adelgid, just to name a few. Spatial datasets offered for download allow you to map ecoregions, federal lands, hydrologic basins and rivers, and ranges of spruce-fir forests, beech bark disease, and butternut canker, among others.

Look for the link "Data behind this" throughout the online version of the Final Report, this indicates detailed information is available. Following the link takes you to a page describing the dataset and links to download the data and its metadata in various formats. You can also go the other direction, visiting the Data Center and following links to where the data were used in the report.

red oak leaf as separator

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webmaster: John M. Pye

modified: 21-OCT-2003