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USDA Forest Service
Southern Region

Attn: Public Affairs
1720 Peachtree Rd, NW
Atlanta, GA 30309

Logos for USDA and Forest Service










Introduction: Our Purpose and Mission


Assessments - Sensitive to forest ecosystems that must be considered at various scales, or area sizes, multiforest planning is often conducted across individual forest boundaries and in cooperation with adjacent landholders. The planning unit coordinates the assessment of conditions and trends across forest boundaries and reporting of those factors that will affect planning, such as those in the Southern Appalachian Assessment (SAA), Ozark/Ouachita Highland Assessment (OOHA), and the Southern Resource Assessment (SRA). Common concerns and issues are then identified to guide the planning on each Forest in the area and Forest Planning is coordinated.

Forest Planning - Forest Plans undergo significant amendments or major revisions in compliance with the National Forest Management Act of 1976 at least every 10 years.  The Forest Planning Schedule for Southern Forests displays where your national forest is in this process. Plans can also be amended or revised (using a public NEPA process) at any time to respond to changed resource conditions, social issues and values, or economic climates; or if monitoring reveals that the Plans are no longer appropriate in some way.

Environmental Analysis - All forest plans and projects affecting the environment are the subject of both public and agency analysis.  The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 governs how we administer that process.  The Planning Unit in the Regional Office oversees that process.

Legal and Regulatory Requirements - The planning unit oversees Region 8 compliance with:

  • the National Forest Management Act (NFMA) and NFMA implementation regulations (36 CFR 219);

  • the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the NEPA implementation regulations (Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Regulations);

  • and the Forest Service Appeal Regulations.


Monitoring - To keep the plans current and adaptable to change over time, projects and management activities designed to implement these plans are monitored and evaluated to determine how well the plans are working. The best place to view the most recent Monitoring and Evaluation Reports is on the Forests' own web sites.  Some of the Annual monitoring and evaluation reports are found here.

Appeals - Administrative Appeals procedures, established by the Forest Service, help us assure that the public has a voice in national forest management, even to the point in time where direct actions are taken on the ground. Individuals can express their concerns about planned actions by appealing decisions to take those actions. Current appeals can be viewed on this site.


Current Topics and Releases

Plan revisions, announcements, and related documents can be found on this page.


A growing list of documents, other than the Forest Plans (which can be found above), are requested by the public.  We will try to make the more common ones available here on this site.  If you would like to see certain documents here please send an email to the address below.




This page maintained by Region 8 Planning Unit
Last Updated August 11, 2004
For questions or comments on the page, contact Robert Wilhelm

Table Boundary