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  • Solicitation for Research on Sexual Violence (NIJ)
    (Deadline: February 21, 2003) (Text or PDF)
    NIJ is soliciting research and/or evaluation proposals that address sexual violence against women ages 12 and older. For the purposes of this competition, sexual violence includes rape, attempted rape, sexual assault, and attempted sexual assault. Proposals clearly should state how the proposed research will inform and improve policy and practice in the criminal justice system and also should identify the products to be produced (usually a report of findings), their intended audience, and anticipated format.

  • FY 2003 Safe Havens: Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Grant Program solicitation is available in Text or PDF. Fax non-binding letters of intent to (202) 354-4129 by January 15, 2003. Applications must be submitted online through the Grants Management System (GMS). Applicants should register in GMS no later than January 29, 2003; Applications are due by: February 12, 2003. Only applications submitted online to the GMS will be accepted. Eligible applicants: States, Indian tribal governments, and units of local government.
    NOTE: Current grantees who received funding in Fiscal Year 2002 are not eligible to apply for Fiscal Year 2003 funding. Funding for FY 2003 is contingent upon Congressional appropriation of funds for the Supervised Visitation Program.

  • FY2003 Grants to Encourage Arrest Policies and Enforcement of Protection Orders Program solicitation is available in Text or HTML. Fax non-binding letters of intent to (202) 305-2589 by December 20, 2002. Application Deadline: January 24, 2003, 9:30 p.m. EST. Applications must be submitted online through the Grants Management System (GMS). Applicants should register in GMS no later than January 10, 2003. Eligible applicants: States; Indian tribal governments; State and local courts, including juvenile courts; Tribal courts; and units of local government. NOTE: Jurisdictions that received more than 12 months funding in Fiscal Year 2002 are ineligible to apply for FY 2003 funding. All FY2003 Arrest Program awards are subject to the availability of FY2003 appropriations.

  • Rural Domestic Violence and Child Victimization Enforcement Discretionary Grant Program (OVW) Solicitation (Text or HTML)
    (Apply Online) (Application Deadline: January 17, 2003, 5:30 EST)
    Non-binding letters of intent should be faxed to (202) 514-5818 by: December 17, 2002. Applications must be submitted online through the Grants Management System (GMS). Applicants should register in GMS no later than December 30, 2002. By statute, states, Indian tribal governments, local governments of rural states, and public and private entities of rural states, including faith-based and community-based organizations, are eligible to apply. All those interested in applying should review the Statutory Eligibility Chart in Appendix A of the solicitation. Current grantees who received funding in Fiscal Year 2002 are not eligible to apply. Applicants not serving rural communities will not be considered for funding. *NOTE: Funding for the Rural Program for FY 2003 is subject to the availability of a Congressional appropriation.

  • S·T·O·P Violence Against Indian Women Discretionary Grant Program (OVW) Solicitation (Text or PDF) (Apply Online)
    (Application deadline: January 16, 2003) Applications must be submitted online through the Grants Management system (GMS) Applicants should register in GMS no later than January 3, 2003. Eligible applicants are tribal governments. *NOTE: Funding for the STOP Violence Against Indian Women Grant Program for FY 2003 is subject to the availability of a Congressional appropriation.

  • FY 2003 Legal Assistance for Victims’ Grant Program (OVW)
    Solicitation (Text or HTML) (Apply Online)
    (Online Registration by: Dec. 23, '02 - Application due by: Jan. 13, '03)
    Applications must be submitted online through the Grants Management System (GMS). Applicants should register in GMS no later than December 23, 2002. Eligible applicants: Private nonprofit entities, publicly funded organizations not acting in a governmental capacity, Indian Tribal Governments or Consortia. Only FY 1999 and FY 2001 grantees and new applicants are eligible to apply for FY 2003 funding. *NOTE: All FY2003 LAV awards are subject to the availability of FY2003 appropriations.

  • Fiscal Year 2002 Discretionary Grant (OVC)
    (Deadline: June 28, 2002) (application kit) The kit advertises solicitations for several programs that support efforts to serve crime victims. Highlights include the development of state victim assistance academies; partnerships between victim assistance and faith-based organizations; services for crime victims in urban neighborhoods; services for crime victims provided by law enforcement in rural areas; and improvements in a community's response to victims with physical and intellectual disabilities.
  • Violence Against Women Office Technical Assistance Program. Deadline to submit applications: April 23, 2002. Applicants are required to register for Grant Management System (GMS) user identification by April 4, 2002. Only applications submitted online to the GMS will be accepted. (Text or PDF versions of the application). Available to public or private, nonprofit victim advocacy organizations, national criminal justice constituency organizations, judicial organizations, or other agencies with expertise in the technical assistance categories or subcategories described in the solicitation.

  • Training Grants to Stop Abuse and Sexual Assault Against Older Individuals or Individuals with Disabilities Program (Letters of Intent due: March 5, 2002. Please fax Letters of Intent to 202/307 - 3911, ATTN: Nadine Neufville or E-mail to, with a subject line: Elder Abuse Letter of Intent. Deadline to register in the Grants Management System (GMS): March 14, 2002; Deadline to submit application: March 28, 2002. Only applications submitted online to GMS will be accepted. (Txt or PDF versions of the application). Eligible applicants include: States; Tribes; units of local government; nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations; state or local government agencies; private, nonprofit victim advocacy organizations; public or private nonprofit service organizations for older individuals or for individuals with disabilities; national criminal justice constituency organizations; or judicial organizations.
  • Tribal Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalitions Grant Program. (Deadline: 5:30 p.m. (EST) on February 26, 2002. Applicants who have never registered with the Grants Management System (GMS) should register on-line for a GMS user identification and password by February 12. Applicants who have previously registered with GMS and have a GMS password should log on to GMS by February 12. Text or PDF versions of the application.) Eligible applicants are either established non-profit coalitions or organizations that will obtain non-profit status within the project period that have as their primary mission to end violence against American Indian and Alaska Native women.
  • Violence Against Women Investigator-Initiated Research and Evaluation (NIJ) (Due February 25, 2002) (Text or PDF)
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