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  • Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG) is available based on a formula to local and state agencies for seven purpose areas.
  • OJJDP Formula Grants to States

    Challenge to the States

    The 1992 reauthorization of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention(JJDP) Act of 1974 added Part E, State Challenge Activities, to the programs funded by OJJDP. The purpose of Part E is to provide initiatives for states participating in the Formula Grants Program to develop, adopt, and improve policies and programs in 1 or more of 10 specified Challenge areas.

    In this program, Challenge Activity B includes - developing and adopting policies and programs to provide access to counsel for all juveniles in the justice system to ensure that juveniles consult with counsel before waiving the right to counsel.

    Bulletin describing Challenge Activity B - PDF or Text Versions

  • Byrne Formula Grants to States

    Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance Fact Sheet - PDF or Text Versions

  • Archive

  • 1999 Open Solicitation Announcement Bureau of Justice Assistance, Closed December 13, 1999

  • PDF or Text Versions

  • FY 1998 Open Solicitation Announcement: Call for Concept Papers - PDF or Text Versions
  • Funding sources outside of OJP

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