Fruit and Vegetable Programs
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Domestic Origin Verification System (DOVS) Program 

All fruit and vegetable commodities provided for USDA purchase must be 100 percent domestic origin.  The United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service, Fruit and Vegetable Programs, Commodity Procurement Branch announcements and invitations define the domestic origin requirement.  The Fruit and Vegetable Programs have the authority for verifying compliance of this requirement.

Those entities providing fruit and vegetable commodities for USDA contracts have two options for ensuring their compliance of this requirement. The options are (1) a minimum of one trace back per contract and commodity at each facility, or (2) the Domestic Origin Verification System (DOVS) Program. 

If so desired, approved DOVS program participants have the value added benefit of their company's name posted on the Commodity Procurement Website.  To view a listing on this website, click on the Internet publication, Official Listing of Approved DOVS Program Participants.

Listed below is information on the DOVS program.  To participate in the DOVS program, please obtain a DOVS Questionnaire from

The documents below are in the Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF).  Click on the icon if you need to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader used to view and print PDF files. 

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DOVS Flyer

DOVS Program Requirements and Procedures

Definitions of DOVS Terms

DOVS Audit Checklist

Official Listing of Approved DOVS Program Participants

Power Point Presentation

For more information, contact:

Renee Wassenberg
DOVS Audit Coordinator
USDA, AMS, F&V, Processed Products Branch
121 South 13th Street, Suite FL 3
Lincoln, NE 68508
Telephone: (402) 742-9154
Fax: (402) 742-9155

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AMS Fruit and Vegetable Programs