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Manufacturing Standards Metrology Group (826.15)

Performs research in methods for the development, testing, and validation of information technology standards related to manufacturing to reduce the cost and increase the accessibility of data exchange technology to U.S. industry; and advances the state-of-the-art by investigating and applying fundamental principles toward the establishment of testing methods and related services supporting product data exchange and manufacturing information standards. The primary goals are to develop a scientific basis for measuring systems integration, creating testable specifications, and establishing a measurement infrastructure for manufacturing-related standards. Specific research includes: (1) developing methods for incorporating testing capability into data exchange specifications; (2) developing methods and tools for measuring conformance to standards and the potential for interoperability; (3) defining test cases and implementing testing mechanisms for manufacturing data standards; (4) developing techniques necessary for producing high-quality integration specifications that are consistent, unambiguous, well-scoped, and testable; and (5) providing manufacturing software calibration services and reference data where appropriate.


Group Leader: Simon Frechette

Group Secretary: Cathy Graham

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Date Created: February 9, 2001
Last Modified: April 14, 2004

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