Description of Chart 1: This chart titled "Alignment of PBGC Goals, Budget and IT Investments" shows four arrows pointing to four different rows, each with three different columns. The first arrow, labeled "Defined by PBGC Strategic Plan", points to a "Strategic Goal 1" box, which is next to a "Cross-Cutting Operational Support" box, which is next to a "Strategic Goal 2" box. The row below begins with an arrow labeled "Annual Performance Targets" which points to an "Outcome Goals for Pension Insurance" box, which is next to an "Outcome Goals for Operational Support" box, which is next to an "Outcome Goals for Plan Termination" box. The row below begins with an arrow labeled "Revised Budget Methodology" which points to a "Pension Insurance Activity Funds" box, which is next to an "Operational Support Activity Funds" box, which is next to a "Plan Termination Activity Funds" box. The last row begins with an arrow labeled "IT Investments by Program Areas and OIT" which points to a "Pension Insurance Systems" box, which is next to a "Cross-Cutting Operational Support Systems" box, which is next to a "Plan Termination Systems" box.
Close Description of Chart 1

Description of Chart 2:

PBGC Organization Chart
Office of the Inspector General    
  Executive Director Advisory Committee
Assistant Executive Director for Legislative Affairs Executive Director Assistant Executive Director for Communications and Public Affairs
General Counsel Deputy Executive Director, Chief Operating Officer Deputy Executive Director, Chief Financial Officer Deputy Executive Director, Chief Management and Human Capital Officer Assistant Executive Director, Chief Technology Officer
Office of General Counsel Corporate Finance & Negotiations Department Contracts & Control Review Department Budget Department Office of Information Technology
Participant and Employer Appeals Department Corporate Policy & Research Department Financial Operations Department Facilities and Services Department  
  Insurance Operations Department   Human Resources Department  
  EEO Staff   Process Change Consulting Group  
      Procurement Department  
Close Description of Chart 2

Description of Chart 3: This graphic displays a box labeled "PBGC's Strategic Plan" which has arrows linking it to four other boxes. The four boxes, from left to right, are labeled "Enterprise Architecture Plan", "New Budget Structure", "Key Management Structures", and "Human Capital Plan".
Close Description of Chart 3