Relocation Services (Civilian Employees)
Frequently Asked Questions

Q1 - I am a DoD civilian employee with PCS orders to a new duty station in another city and must sell my primary residence at my current duty station. I understand the Government has a Guaranteed Home Sale program to assist people like me. How can I find out if I qualify to participate in the program?

Answer - The U.S. Army is the executive agent for the DoD National Relocation Program (DNRP). The DNRP provides several different services for civilian employees transferring within the United States and its possessions for the benefit of the government. Employees returning from OCONUS to a duty location different from the departure location are also eligible to participate. For answers to your specific home sale and relocation questions you may contact them at the following address:

DoD National Relocation Program (DNRP)
US Army Engineer District, Baltimore
Real Estate Division
National Relocation Program Office
PO Box 1715
Baltimore, MD 21203-1715

Q2 - I needed answers yesterday, can I call them instead?

Answer - Yes, if you prefer you may contact them by phone or FAX:

For general program information contact:

  • Associates Relocation Management Company, Inc. (ARMC)
  • DoD National Relocation Program (DNRP)
    FAX 410-962-4322
  • National Relocation Program Office (NRPO)

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