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Science and Technology Homepage, NWS Louisville, KY
Link to National Weather Service Louisville's Main Homepage

Welcome.  Enhance your meteorological knowledge through our training, research, and technological information. Learn about atmospheric processes, severe storm structure, Doppler radar, AWIPS, and much more. Comments or suggestions?
Please e-mail us or use our feedback form.

Loop of Example WSR-88D Doppler Radar Thumbnail Images at NWS Louisville

Example images (left) from NWS Louisville's WSR-88D Doppler radar. Link to these and other graphics and accompanying discussions.  Also check the many scientific training documents available.

Example images (right) from NWS Louisville's AWIPS system. Link to these and other graphics and accompanying discussions. Also view research activities at our office. Click on "New Additions" for updates.

Loop of Example AWIPS Thumbnail Images at NWS Louisville
Science and Technology Subject Areas
Link to WSR-88D Dopper Radar Technology
Link to WSR-88D Doppler Radar Imagery
Link to NWS Louisville's On-Line Training Documents and Exercises
Link to Research Activities and On-Line Papers at NWS Louisville
Link to AWIPS Workstation Technology
Link to NOAA Weather Radio Technology
Links to Other Interesting Scientific Sites
Link to View New Additions and Changes to NWS Louisville's Science and Technology Site

WSR-88D Technology | WSR-88D Imagery | Training Documents and Exercises | Research Activities/Papers
AWIPS Technology | NOAA Weather Radio | Scientific Links | New Additions
The NWS Louisville Science and Technology Page is created and maintained by
Ted Funk, Science and Operations Officer, National Weather Service, Louisville, KY.