Central Intelligence Agency, Director of Central Intelligence

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Aerial Photography PigeonsGraphic of Harry the Pigeon

Harry and Aerial Recon:
Family History

Areial PigeonHi, boys and girls! Well, you're probably curious about the cameras Harry and I have around our necks. These cameras were handed down to us by our two great aunts, Jasmine and Sadie. They were part of the Bavarian Pigeon Corps that flew over the International Photographic Exhibition in Dresden in 1909. Of course the idea of using pigeons for aerial photography in a military setting never really got off the ground, so to speak. However, our aunts and the other pigeons did provide wonderful postcards for the people at the Exhibition. Mom has some of those postcards hanging on the roost wall, and they are pretty.

My dad says that we Recons have been in the intelligence operations business throughout US history:

  • With Paul Revere on his midnight ride.
  • With Virginia Hall as she arrived in France during World War II.
  • Winging along side the U-2 as it took off to gather overhead pictures.

As you can see, my family has seen a lot of exciting moments in history!

The history of intelligence, the people and the intelligence gathering methods are probably among the most fascinating areas of history. Go to Operation History to learn more about some of these great historical figures in this special world. Harry and I also put together an Intelligence Book List for kids of all ages. Like our CIA K9 Corps friends always say, you have to study and work hard to be a "top dog" in any field.

Well, time for me to take my camera and carry on the family tradition of taking pictures! Check out some of our postcards of the Intelligence Community!

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