Central Intelligence Agency, Director of Central Intelligence

Parent's, Privacy, and Security notices

CIA's Homepage for KidsPhoto Collage

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Home Pages for Kids that have been developed
at other US Government agencies.

U.S. Department of Agriculture Page for Kids

U.S. Census Bureau Kid's Corner

The Center for Disease Control's Page for Kids

The United States Department of Energy Kids Zone

The Federal Bureau of Investigation
Kid's and Youth Educational Page
FBI Kid's Page, Kindergarten-5th Grade
FBI Youth, Grades 6th - 12th

Federal Citizen Information Center's Page for Kids

The Federal Emergency Management Agency's Page for Kids

General Services Administration Page for Kids

Department of Housing and Urban Development Kids Next Door

U.S. Justice Department for Kids & Youth

Library of Congress: America's Story

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's
Welcome to Kids

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Page for Kids

National Reconnaissance Organization's Page for Kids

U.S. Mint for Kids

The United States Department of State for Youth

The United States Treasury's Page for Kids

Department of Veteran's Affairs Page for Kids

The White House for Kids

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