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FOIA Contact:

Suzanne Little, Assistant Director
FOIA/Privacy Unit
Executive Office for United States Attorneys
Room 7300, 600 E Street, NW
Department of Justice
Washington, DC 20530-0001
(202) 616-6757

Conventional Reading Room:

Patrick Henry Building
Room 10200
601 D Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.
(202) 616-5564

Electronic Reading Room:

Includes frequently requested records, opinions, policy statements,staff manuals,and memorandums, created by the Executive Office for United States Attorneys after November 1, 1996.

Component Description

The mission of EOUSA is to provide the 93 United States Attorneys (94 United States Attorney offices) with: general executive assistance and direction, policy development, administrative management direction and oversight, operational support and coordination with components of the Department of Justice and other federal agencies. These responsibilities include but are not limited to budgetary, administrative, and personnel services, as well as legal education and legal advice.

DOJ Reference Guide:

A comprehensive guide to the FOIA that serves as a handbook for obtaining information from the Department

Special information required to make a FOIA request: None

Publicly available information for which a FOIA request is not required:

Information and reports considered to be of significant public interest. If interested in such information, please contact the office listed above.

Multitrack processing:

Requests expedited in accordance with subsection (a)(6)(E) of the FOIA are placed in track one. Requests which do not involve voluminous records or lengthy consultation with other entities are placed in track two. Requests which involve voluminous records and for which lengthy or numerous consultations are required, or involve sensitive records are placed in track three.

Major Information Systems

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Updated page January 30,2001