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Following are some sites suggested by GC staff and others that contain information related to NOAA's mission or helpful in carrying out the Agency's business. 

The NOAA General Counsel's Office does not endorse the referenced sites. 
• Legal Research • NOAA Sites • DOC Sites
• Other Federal
• State Government
• State Legal
• Treaties; International Law • Training Info • Legal Practice
• Web Search Sites • Media Sites • Travel Info

Legal Research

Multiple Sources/References
GPO Access Databases Home Page
(Public laws; Congressional Record, Federal Register, CFR, U.S. Code, GAO Reports, etc.)
THOMAS (Materials on Federal Legislation)
Cornell Law School/Legal Information Institute
The Internet Law Library
Guide to Internet Legal Research (ALI-ABA)
(Access to a broad range of sites containing legal and law-related information) ('s Web search engine focusing on law-related sites)
U.S. Constitution
Cornell Law School
U.S. Code
Cornell Law School
Public Laws (104th, 105th, & 106th Congresses)
Government Printing Office
Code of Federal Regulations
Government Printing Office
Cornell Law School
Federal Register
Government Printing Office
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents
Government Printing Office
Legal Materials on Specific Subjects
Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act
Magnuson-Stevens Act Text
NMFS Sustainable Fisheries Act Page
Endangered Species Act
Endangered Species Act Text; 2nd Copy
Fish &  Wildlife Service ESA Page
Freedom of Information Act
Justice Department FOIA Page
Administrative Procedures Act
APA Text: Chapter 5 - Admin. Procedures
APA Text: Chapter 7 - Judicial Review
National Environmental Policy Act
NEPA Text; 2nd Copy
Links to Other Marine Resource Laws and Related Materials
NOAA Fisheries Resource Laws Page
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NOAA Sites

Department of Commerce Sites

DOC Home Page
DOC Person Finder
DOC Library Catalog
DOC Office of General Counsel (OGC)
DOC OGC Vacancies
DOC Organizational/Administrative Orders
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Other Federal

 The following are just a few of scores of federal agency websites.  See the catalog sites listed below for a more comprehensive listing of federal sites.

State Government Sites

State Legal Materials

Cornell Law School
Internet Law Library

Treaties; International Law

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Training Info

National Advocacy Center (DOJ Training Center)
Westlaw Training
Lexis Training
ALI-ABA List of Courses
Environmental Law Institute Calendar of Events
Federal Bar Association CLE Courses
Law Seminars International List of Courses
National Law Journal CLE Page
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Legal Practice

Links to Bar Associations
American Bar Association
Federal Bar Association
Findlaw: Legal Associations and Organizations
All Law ( (Links to Bar Associations)
Ethics Info
ABA Center for Professional Responsibility
Other Legal Links to Ethics and Professional Responsibility Pages
Cornell Law American Legal Ethics Library
Directories of Lawyers; Law Practice Information Sites
Prosecuting Attorneys, District Attorneys, Attorneys General and U.S. Attorneys
All Law (

Web Search Sites

Search Engines

Metasearch Sites (use multiple search engines simultaneously)
Catalog Sites (compiled site lists)
FedLaw (GSA)
The Federal Web Locator (Villanova)
The Great American Web Site
Federal Courts Finder
Federal Government Agencies (LSU)
Lucien Campbell's Page
USGovSearch (

Media Sites

The New York Times
The Washington Post
CNN Interactive
Newspaper Association of America (links to multiple newspaper sites)
The National Law Journal
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Travel Info

Federal Traveler Quick Reference Guide (GSA)
Planning your trip
Microsoft Expedia
Fodor's Online
What's it like where you're going
National Weather Service
The Weather Channel
What to do when you get there
Microsoft Sidewalk.Com
How to find your way around

Publication of the NOAA Office of the General Counsel, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Department of Commerce

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Last Updated: November 12, 2003 11:10 AM