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Dot von Kármán Lectures and other JPL Events

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Archived Webcasts:
Dot 2002
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spacer January, 2003

Jan. 13
  Launch window opens for Rosetta spacecraft, carrying JPL's Microwave Instrument

Jan. 23
  JPL's von Karman lecture series and webcast
     Topic: Using Space Technology to Understand Earthquakes

Jan. 24
  von Karman lecture series at Pasadena City College, Pasadena, CA
     Topic: Using Space Technology to Understand Earthquakes

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February, 2003

Feb. 19
  Women Working on Mars Webcast"
     Topic: Engineering on the Red Planet

Feb. 20
  JPL's von Karman lecture series and webcast
     Topic: New Weather and Climate Tools for the 21st Century

Feb. 21
  von Karman lecture series at Pasadena City College, Pasadena, CA
     Topic: New Weather and Climate Tools for the 21st Century

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March, 2003

Mar. 1
  Regional Ocean Sciences Bowl Competition
  Location: University of Southern California

Mar. 20
  JPL's von Karman lecture series and webcast
     Topic: The Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn

Mar. 21
  von Karman lecture series at Pasadena City College, Pasadena, CA
     Topic: The Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn

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April, 2003

Apr. 1 - 3
  Responsive Space Workshop and Conference
  Event includes keynote luncheon address with JPL's
  Deputy Director Lt. Gen. Eugene Tattini and NASA town meeting

Apr. 17
  JPL's von Karman lecture series and webcast
     Topic: Mars Global Surveyor Across the Centuries

Apr. 18
  von Karman lecture series at Pasadena City College, Pasadena, CA
     Topic: Mars Global Surveyor Across the Centuries

Apr. 25 - 28
  National Ocean Sciences Bowl Competition
  Location: La Jolla, California

Apr. 28
  Launch of Galaxy Evolution Explorer

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May, 2003

May 1 - 5
  National Science Bowl Competition
  Location: Washington, DC

May 8
  JPL's von Karman lecture series and webcast
     Topic: Challenges in Mobility and Robotics for In situ Science

May 9
  von Karman lecture series at Pasadena City College, Pasadena, CA
     Topic: Challenges in Mobility and Robotics for In situ Science

May 17 - 18
  JPL Open House

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June, 2003

June 10
  Launch of first Mars Exploration Rover

Jun. 12
  JPL's von Karman lecture series and webcast
     Topic: SIRTF – The Last of the Great Observatories

Jun. 13
  von Karman lecture series at Pasadena Community College, Pasadena, CA
     Topic: SIRTF – The Last of the Great Observatories

July, 2003

no earlier than July 7
  Launch of second Mars Exploration Rover

July 8-11
  The 5th Int'l Symposium on Reducing the Cost of spacecraft Ground Systems and Operations
  Location: The Westin Pasadena

July 13-16
  Int'l Conference on Space Mission Challenges for Information Technology (SMC-IT) 2003
  Location: Pasadena Conference Center

Jul. 17
  JPL's von Karman lecture series and webcast
     Topic: Searching and Crawling, A Few JPL Research Robots

Jul. 18
  von Karman lecture series at Pasadena Community College, Pasadena, CA
     Topic: Searching and Crawling, A Few JPL Research Robots

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August, 2003

Aug. 21
  JPL's von Karman lecture series and webcast
     Topic: The Mars Exploration Rovers – Robotic Geologists

Aug. 22
  von Karman lecture series at Pasadena Community College, Pasadena, CA
     Topic: The Mars Exploration Rovers – Robotic Geologists

August 22
  Prelaunch/science briefing of Space Infrared Telescope Facility

No earlier than August 25 (Eastern time)/ August 24 (Pacific time)
  Launch of Space Infrared Telescope Facility

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September, 2003

Sept. 17
  Space Science Update: Galileo's Legacy

Sept. 18
  JPL's von Karman lecture series and webcast
     Topic: Galileo’s Odyssey – The Worlds of Jupiter

Sept. 19
  von Karman lecture series at Pasadena Community College, Pasadena, CA
     Topic: Galileo’s Odyssey – The Worlds of Jupiter

Sept. 21
  Galileo end of mission

Sept. 29 - Oct. 15
  NASA Robotics and Mars webcast lecture series

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October, 2003

Sept. 29 - Oct. 15
  NASA Robotics and Mars webcast lecture series

Oct. 16
  JPL's von Karman lecture series and webcast
     Topic: Cosmic Jets: New Building Blocks of the Universe

Oct. 17
  von Karman lecture series at Pasadena Community College, Pasadena, CA
     Topic: Cosmic Jets: New Building Blocks of the Universe

November 2003

Nov. 5
  Space Science Update
     Topic:  Voyager

Nov. 20
  JPL's von Karman lecture series and webcast
     Topic:  The Deep Space Network Challenge for 2003-2004: Tracking Dozens of Mission-Critical Spacecraft Events

Nov. 21
  von Karman lecture series at Pasadena Community College, Pasadena, CA
     Topic:  The Deep Space Network Challenge for 2003-2004: Tracking Dozens of Mission-Critical Spacecraft Events

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December, 2003

Dec. 2
  Prelanding briefing about Mars Exploration Rovers
     Topic: Preparations for the January Mars landings by NASA's two mobile robotic geologists, Spirit and Opportunity, will be discussed

Dec. 4
  Earth Science Update
     Topic: Advances in space technology, coupled with new ground-based and computational techniques, have begun to revolutionize our understanding of earthquakes and earthquake processes

Dec. 11
  JPL's von Karman lecture series and webcast
     Topic: Pointing the Way to Exoplanetary Systems – New Initiatives in Space Astronomy and the Legacy of the Hubble Space Telescope

Dec. 12
  von Karman lecture series at Pasadena Community College, Pasadena, CA
     Topic: Pointing the Way to Exoplanetary Systems – New Initiatives in Space Astronomy and the Legacy of the Hubble Space Telescope

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  Susan Watanabe
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