FIREARMS CURIOS OR RELICS LIST(1972 - 2001) http://www.atf.treas.gov/pub/fire-explo_pub/gca.htm
1. "*" indicates an entry made since ATF P 5300.11 was last
published by way of hardcopy (10-95), supplemental, or internet posting; This publication is a cumulative digest of determinations made by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and is not inclusive of all weapons meeting curio or relic classification (i.e., firearms manufactured at least 50 years prior to the current date). The "Introduction" section, under "Regulations Applicable
to Licensed Collectors," refers to selected regulation citations
applicable to licensed collector activities. The citations listed are
illustrative and are meant to emphasize current regulations affecting
licensed collectors. There is no intent to supercede law and regulation
as described in The Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA) as it is amended and
updated versions published in ATF P 5300.4, Federal Firearms Regulations
Reference Guide. Questions arising from these citations should refer to
this publication. Note: ATF P 5300.4, Federal Firearms Regulations Reference Guide, can be obtained from the ATF Distribution Center (703) 455-7801. |