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Updated: 04 October 2004
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Homeland Defense

Escort of LNG Tankers

An armed Coast Guard crew in a 25-foot patrol boat guards the southern tip of New York City as the Staten Island Ferry, Andrew J. Barberi, approaches the slip at the South Ferry Terminal Aug. 4, 2004. Coast Guard and other federal, state and local maritime law enforcement patrols have increased in the New York Harbor in light of the latest terror warnings that draws attention to Manhattan's financial district. As a result of the increase to the DHS threat level from yellow to orange, a 100-yard security zone has been established by the Coast Guard around Manhattan's financial district. USCG Photo/Mike Hvozda

• A Short History of Homeland Defense
NORTHCOM Warning Center Tracks Threats
PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo., Sept. 27, 2004 -- It is called the domestic warning center but the name does not adequately reflect the center's diverse responsibilities.

Even a name like the "Domestic Warning, Current and Future Operations and Civil Support Coordination Center" would fall short of identifying all the tasks assigned to U.S. Northern Command's domestic warning center here.

The DWC tracks potential threats -- man-made and natural -- assesses them and provides a "heads up" so the command can prevent, deter and defeat land and maritime threats. When deterrence is not possible, the center coordinates federal military support to assist civil authorities in mitigating the aftereffects.

Full Story by By Merrie Schilter Lowe
Special to American Forces Press

Cooperation Key to Intel, Surveillance, Reconnaissance Transformation

DENVER, Sept. 30, 2004 -- Transformation is a hot topic in the military community. And this week, transforming the Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance model is the theme of the ISR Transformation Government Symposium here.

The reshaping of the defense community to fight an "asymmetric" enemy as opposed to the known, predictable Cold War enemy is of paramount importance, officials said.

The model of the military that most of today's leaders grew up with is no longer valid or useful, said Army Lt. Gen. Robert W. Wagner, deputy commander of U.S. Joint Forces Command. In that model, each service fought its own fight in its own arena -- land, sea or air.

"That was OK, because the enemy did the same thing and it worked," he said.

Over time, it has become necessary to stitch the services together more tightly. The collective effort today is to make the services coherently joint and interdependent, Wagner said.

Full Story By Samantha L. Quigley
American Forces Press Service

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ISR Transformation Necessary, But Not Simple

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Homeland Security
Advisory System
The National Strategy for Homeland Security

Read the National Strategy
Read the National Strategy

Security is the beginning of what will be a long struggle to protect our Nation from terrorism. It establishes a foundation upon which to organize our efforts and provides initial guidance to prioritize the work ahead.


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Operation LIBERTY SHIELD is a comprehensive national plan designed to increase protections for America's citizens and infrastructure while maintaining the free flow of goods and people across our border with minimal disruption to our economy and way of life. More

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