Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum, West Branch, Iowa   
What's Current?
Now Showing!

"Of Cottages and Castles: Homes of the Presidents"
April 17-October 31, 2004
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Now Showing!

"If Elected... "
September 10- November 7 , 2004
For Halloween!
Carve your own Herbert Hoover Pumpkin!
see pattern!

"Frequently Asked Questions"
about Herbert Hoover and the Library

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"The Rooster" an embroidered Belgian flour sack
"The Rooster" an embroidered Belgian flour sack

The Herbert Hoover Presidential Library-Museum is one of the eleven Presidential Libraries operated by the
National Archives and Records Administration.

View hours, admission fees and directions to the museum

1928 campaign photo of Herbert Hoover and his dog, King Tut; 1928 campaign pin

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Lou Henry Hoover with Alan (left) and Herbert Jr. in 1908 "The imperative need of this nation at all times is the leadership of Uncommon Men or Women."
          --Herbert Hoover, August 10, 1954
The Herbert Hoover Presidential Library-Museum
P.O. Box 488
210 Parkside Dr.
West Branch, IA 52358
fax: 319-643-6045
The Hoover Library-Museum is administered
by the National Archives and Records Administration.
To visit NARA's website, www.archives.gov, click on the

Seal of the National Archives


Please contact us:Contact us with website problemsor Contact us with general quiestions
(for website problems: hoover.webmaster@nara.gov or for general questions: hoover.library@nara.gov)

Remember: Our Frequently Asked Questions
section might have the answer you're looking for!

October 4, 2004 8:42 AM