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SciDACFunded ProjectsSciDAC/A.S.C.R.SciDAC/B.E.S.SciDAC/B.E.R.SciDAC/F.E.S.SciDAC/H.E.N.P.

Towards the Prediction of Decadal to Multi-Century Processes in a High-Throughput Climate System Model

The University of Wisconsin team will pursue interdisciplinary research to simulate decadal to multi-century global variability and change in a primitive earth system model that couples climate to the terrestrial ecosystem. The primary tool will be a high-throughput climate-ecosystem model that enables rapid turnaround on long climate runs.

First Year Funding:   $231K

Institutions Involved

Principal Investigators

Zhengyu Liu
    University of Wisconsin

John Kutzbach
    University of Wisconsin