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FDA Consumer Quiz Archive

How's your health I.Q.? Feeling up to a mental challenge? Using this page, you can take any of the FDA Consumer quizzes we've featured on the FDA Web site since 2001. Quiz questions come from articles in the issue of FDA Consumer linked from each quiz. Good luck!

Quiz 1 - Food safety

Quiz 2 - Diabetes, AIDS, flu, home diagnostics

Quiz 3 - Obesity, drug approvals, foodborne illness

Quiz 4 - Eye diseases, leukemia, dietary supplements

Quiz 5 - Allergies, "mad cow disease," gum disease

Quiz 6 - Antibiotic resistance, bottled water, Botox

Quiz 7 - Blood pressure, vaccines, osteoporosis

Quiz 8 - Proper medicine use, sleeping disorders

Quiz 9 - Depression, West Nile virus

Quiz 10 - Drug advertising, smallpox, asthma

Quiz 11 - Cloning, medication errors, infant nutrition

Quiz 12 - Cancer, Alzheimer's disease, SARS

Quiz 13 - Generic drugs, dietary fats, clinical trials

Quiz 14 - Genetically engineered foods, heart disease

Quiz 15 - "Keepsake" ultrasounds, cervical cancer

Quiz 16 - Chronic headaches, hip/knee replacement

Quiz 17 - Mercury in fish, Lyme disease

Quiz 18 - Dietary supplements, allergies in dogs, pre-diabetes

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