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U.S. Department of Justice-Office of Justice Programs
Photos of Public Safety Officers in action
Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor
Synopses of Acts of Valor

Robert Giorgio, Fire Chief, Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Chief Giorgio arrived upon a scene where a vehicle had crashed from a highway overpass onto State Highway 295. The car, with its engine on fire, was suspended some five feet above ground, held in place by a small tree. Chief Giorgio placed himself beneath the suspended vehicle and worked to free the woman trapped inside. At any point, a shift in the car's position would have likely dislodged it from the tree, bringing the burning car down on top of Chief Giorgio. Even as the fire spread in the car, and parts of the car began to melt, Chief Giorgio risked his life to safely free the woman.

Keith Borders, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. Officer Borders responded to a 911 call in reference to a domestic disturbance. Officer Border successfully removed an endangered woman from the house and placed her safely behind his police cruiser. The suspect, armed with a .38 caliber revolver, a 9 mm semiautomatic handgun and a .12 gauge pump-action shotgun, emerged from the house and opened fire on Borders and the victim. Officer Borders suffered a head wound and significant blood loss. Maintaining his composure, Officer Borders shielded the woman from harm and returned fire, killing the suspect.

Eric Svihovec, Volunteer Firefighter, Miller Place Fire Department, New York. Eric Svihovec was in a shop when he saw the taillights of a car disappear off a boat ramp into the water during a storm. Winds were in excess of 30 miles per hour and heavy downpour had reduced visibility to almost nothing. Eric jumped into Mount Sinai Harbor, and found a young mother and her 2½-month-old daughter in the car. With the car already partially submerged, Svihovec rescued the mother and got her safely to the ramp. Svihovec returned to the car, which was still sinking. Diving underwater, and after three attempts, Eric Svihovec freed the baby from her car seat and brought her safely to the surface.

Sean VanAtter, Firefighter, Hillsborough County, Florida Fire Rescue. Firefighter VanAtter was returning to the fire station in a taxi after having just driven an ambulance to a hospital. On his return, VanAtter came upon an accident involving a tanker truck and a car. The car had slammed into a concrete barrier and was on fire with a family of five trapped inside. VanAtter had the taxi stop so he could rush to the aid of the victims, knowing that additional help would not arrive on time. VanAtter forced his way into the burning car and was able to pull the family out safely.

Ron Kennett, Rick Klein, Robert Borer, Mike Wright, Guy Jones, and Jeremy Hosek, Firefighters, Lincoln, Nebraska, Fire and Rescue. Workers were raising a digital telecommunications cable to the top of a 1,524-foot television communications tower - 67 feet taller than the Sears Tower - when a worker was accidentally struck by the cable. The worker was alive, but injured critically and hanging almost 1200 feet off the ground in his harness. Several other fire departments, the State Patrol and the National Guard all responded by stating that a rescue of this type was beyond their capabilities. Lincoln Fire and Rescue personnel Kennett, Klein, Borer, Wright, Jones, and Hosek received permission from the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency, the Mayor, and the Governor to attempt the rescue. The team arrived on the scene and began the more than two hour ascent of the tower. Tragically, the worker died before the rescuers could reach him - but these brave individuals persisted in their climb, and successfully brought the victim to the ground.

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