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Social Security Online
Employer Reporting
Instructions & Information
SSA logo: link to Social Security Online home

Training Seminars

Employer Information Website Index

Main Employer Reporting Page
General W-2 Filing Information
How To File
Where To File
Wage Reporting Software
Vendor List
Forms & Publications
Social Security Number Verification
Developer Specifications
Employer Reconciliation Process
Frequently Asked Questions & Answers
Training Seminars
How to Reach Us
State & Local Government Employers
Other Sites
International Agreements

National Payroll Reporting Forum - May 20, 2004

SSA Operational Overview     IRS e-File 1099's
2004 Forms Update     E-mailing Forms W-2 to Employees
Filing for Social Security Benefits Online
Homeland Security Issues for Employers

silver ball Links to Regional Website
Seminar Information

Atlanta Regional Office

Chicago Regional Office

Dallas Regional Office

Denver Regional Office

Seattle Regional Office

New York Regional Office


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