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Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do if I come across dead or injured wildlife?

If the animal is dead and could be considered a health hazard, contact the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Wildlife Services at 505-248-2640 in New Mexico.

If the animal is an endangered bird, please call the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Division of Migratory Birds at 505-248-7882 or Law Enforcement at 505-248-7889.

If the animal is injured, in New Mexico call Wildlife Rescue of New Mexico at 505-344-2500.

If you suspect the animal is a threatened or endangered species, call the Fish and Wildlife Service's office in your state for specific advice. In Arizona, 602-242-0210. In New Mexico, 505-346-2525. In Oklahoma, 918-581-7458. In Texas, 512-490-0057.

Do I need to be certified in hunter education to hunt on a refuge?

It depends on what state the refuge is in. Hunter education certification requirements are set at the state level and vary with each one. Please call your state's natural resource agency or department of game and fish to find out. In Arizona, 602-789-3242. In New Mexico, 505-841-8888. In Oklahoma, 405-389-8140. In Texas, 512-389-8140.

Questions? Please see our answers to the Frequently Asked Questions, and try the Index/Site Map and the Search Engine, before you contact us.