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125 Years of Science for America - 1879 to 2004
U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 2004-1194
Version 1.0

Chemical Analyses Of Tertiary Volcanic Rocks, Central San Juan Caldera Complex, Southwestern Colorado

By Peter W. Lipman


In conjunction with integrated mapping of the Oligocene central San Juan caldera cluster, southwestern Colorado (USGS I-Map 2799, in press), all modern chemical analyses of volcanic rocks for this area determined in laboratories of the U.S. Geological Survey have been re-evaluated in terms of the stratigraphic sequence as presently understood. These include approximately 700 unpublished analyses made between 1986 and 2003, as well as all USGS analyses published since 1965 when the widespread presence of regional welded ash-flow tuffs erupted from large calderas was first recognized. All the analyses are assigned unit identifiers consistent with those used for the new geologic map; quite a few of these differ from those used on sample submittal forms and in prior USGS publications.

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Maintained by: Michael Diggles
Date created: April 30, 2004
Date last modified: May 11, 2004 (mfd)