Real Property Sustainable Development

GSA has developed tools to assist agencies in transforming the way they do business:

Hard copies of  the guide, the videos, and presentations can be requested by calling (202) 501-0856.

  1. The "GSA Real Property Sustainable Development Guide" is a compendium of information on sustainable development, sustainable workplaces and implementing sustainability, including ideas, case studies and resources. It is available on the left, under Resources.
  2. GSA's "Sustainability 2000 Workshop" brought together recognized pioneers and innovators in sustainability. Two videos are available highlighting the keynote speakers' ideas:
    • Video "Highlights of William McDonough Speech," which was given at the "Workshop."
    • Video "The Road to Sustainability: A Conversation with Ray Anderson," features Ray C. Anderson of Interface Inc.and Joseph Moravec, the Commissioner of the GSA Public Buildings Service.

      On the left, under Resources, view an excerpt of the Anderson video, download the transcript of the video excerpt, or download a full transcript of the video.
  3. Presentations:
    • On the left, under Resources, download the "Creating the Sustainable Workplace," presented at the IFMA World Workplace meeting in Toronto, Canada on October 8, 2002.
    • On the left, under Resources, download the "Federal Policy and General Services Administration Practice," presented by David Bibb, at the 2002 Annual Civil Engineering Conference and Exposition, November 3-7, 2002, in Washington, DC.

These offerings are just part of GSA's efforts to help make the U. S. Government more sustainable. GSA is working to promote partnerships between federal, state, local, and private entities to further sustainability goals.


Last Modified 9/2/2004