[US Patent & Trademark Office, Patent Full Text and Image Database]
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PatFT Operational Notices and Status

Patent Database Load Status:
  • The field "Current US Classifications" still contains classifications as of 30 August 2004.

Patent Database Known Problems/Limitations:
  • The full-text database remains incapable of finding multi-token (i.e., multi-word) search terms in patents when those terms span a line break in the patent source text. Thus searching for multi-word text within quotation marks (e.g., "baseball bat") may not return all occurrences of those terms.

  • The four database servers are now capable of processing approximately 300 simultaneous searches. Users attempting to execute a search when this number of searches are already in progress will receive an error message advising that the "Maximum number of users has been reached. Please try again later." Since most searches execute in a metter of two seconds or less, such status is, in effect, real-time, and users should feel free to re-submit their searches immediately.

Direct Document Access without Searching:
  • To Full-Page Images: Direct access to the full-page image database is now permitted without first conducting a search on the full-text database. Such access is now possible by using a URL of the form:




    where "nnnnnnn" is the seven-digit patent number (right-justified with leading zeroes). The first URL, to patimg1.uspto.gov, is used if the patent number's last two (low-order) digits are in the range 00 to 49; the first URL, to patimg2.uspto.gov, is used if the patent number's last two digits are in the range 50 to 99.

    For example, "http://patimg1.uspto.gov/.piw?Docid=01234501&idkey=NONE" would retrieve patent number 1,234,501;

    "http://patimg2.uspto.gov/.piw?Docid=01234567&idkey=NONE" would retrieve patent number 1,234,567.

    When a patent image is retrieved by this method, clicking on the link showing an up-arrow "Full-Text" will no longer take the user to the full text page.

  • To the Full-Text of a Particular Patent: A special shortened URL format:


    where the patent number "5123456" may be replaced by any valid patent number within the database, has been established to enable users to more easily construct a URL for bookmarking or linking to the full-text of a single granted patent. To simplify this process even further, the patent grant search process has been modified such that when a search results in a single hit, the user is taken directly to the full-text display for that patent, rather than to a hit list containing only the single patent.

  • For patent grant searches resulting in a single hit: the user is now taken directly to the full-text display for that patent, rather than to a hit list containing only the single patent. It may be necessary to hit the "Back" button more than once, quickly, to return to the search page.

Problem/Event History: