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L5HLK1 (dbEST Library ID.12551)

Organism: Homo sapiens
Sex: M
Tissue: Liver
Cell Line: HLK-1
Vector: pCNS-D2 (Plasmid)
Lab host: Top10F'
Cloning sites: EcoRI, NotI

Library Description
The poly (A)+ RNA was dephosphorylated with bacterial alkaline phosphatase (BAP) and then decapped with tabacco acid pyrophosphatase (TAP). The decapped intact mRNA was ligated with DNA-RNA linker including EcoRI site by treatment of T4 RNA ligase and the first strand cDNA was synthesized from oligo dT-selected mRNA by priming with dT-tailed vector. The dT-tailed vector was adjusted to have about 60nt. The cDNA vector was circularized with E. coli DNA ligase after digestion of EcoRI which site is also included in vector. An RNA strand converted to a DNA strand by Okayama-Berg method. The obtained cDNA vectors were used for transformation of competent cells E. coli Top10F' by electroporation method. The cDNA libraries constructed by this method are full-length enriched cDNA library.

Sequence Submitters
Kim YS
Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology
52 Eoeun-dong Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-333, South Korea

Distribution of member sequences in UniGene
3398 of the 3496 sequences from this library have been classified into 1462 UniGene entries

Transcripts per million   EST count UniGene Entry  
43550 148 Hs.446608 Tubulin, alpha, ubiquitous
40310 137 Hs.2795 Lactate dehydrogenase A
16770 57 Hs.426930 Actin, beta
16480 56 Hs.435800 Vimentin
13830 47 Hs.439552 Eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1
13530 46 Hs.433670 Ferritin, light polypeptide
11180 38 Hs.433455 Enolase 1, (alpha)
10880 37 Hs.256184 Eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 gamma
9410 32 Hs.186350 Ribosomal protein L4
8530 29 Hs.410817 Ribosomal protein L13
7940 27 Hs.77091 Ribosomal protein L10
   Relative frequency based on tpm

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