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Y79AA1 (dbEST Library ID.7006)

Organism: Homo sapiens
Tissue: Eye
Cell Line: Y79
Cell type: retinoblastoma
Vector: pME18SFL3

Sequence Submitters
Takao Isogai
Helix Research Institute
1532-3 Yana, Kisarazu, Chiba 292-0812, Japan

Distribution of member sequences in UniGene
2744 of the 2799 sequences from this library have been classified into 713 UniGene entries

Transcripts per million   EST count UniGene Entry  
256550 704 Hs.298280 ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F1 complex, alpha subunit, isoform 1, cardiac muscle
33160 91 Hs.2795 Lactate dehydrogenase A
22590 62 Hs.446608 Tubulin, alpha, ubiquitous
20770 57 Hs.406283 Homo sapiens, clone IMAGE:6069899, mRNA
20400 56 Hs.439552 Eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1
12750 35 Hs.433455 Enolase 1, (alpha)
10200 28 Hs.356729 Beta 5-tubulin
7650 21 Hs.533257 HepG2 3' region MboI cDNA, clone hmd5d07m3.
7280 20 Hs.3343 Phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase
6920 19 Hs.20930 Poly(rC) binding protein 4
6190 17 Hs.78771 Phosphoglycerate kinase 1
   Relative frequency based on tpm

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