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Lupski_sciatic_nerve (dbEST Library ID.7209)

Organism: Homo sapiens
Developmental stage: Adult
Sex: male
Tissue: Peripheral_Nervous_System
Vector: pCMV-SPORT6 (Life Technologies) (plasmid (ampicillin resistant, 200 ug/ml))
Lab host: DH10B
Cloning sites: NotI, SalI

Library Description
cDNA made by oligo-dT priming. Directionally cloned using the following adaptors: 5'-TCGACCCACGCGTCCG-3' and 5'-GACTAGTTCTAGATCGCGAGCGGCCGCCCT(15)-3'. Size selected > 1 kb for average insert length 1.87 kb. This is a primary library, non-amplified. Library constructed by Life Technologies and donated by J. Lupski, M.D./Ph.D. (Baylor College of Medicine) and is available through Life Technologies.

Sequence Submitters
Robert Strausberg, Ph.D.

Distribution of member sequences in UniGene
5265 of the 6602 sequences from this library have been classified into 3538 UniGene entries

Transcripts per million   EST count UniGene Entry  
5120 27 Hs.171995 Kallikrein 3, (prostate specific antigen)
4930 26 Hs.169476 Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
4550 24 Hs.406283 Homo sapiens, clone IMAGE:6069899, mRNA
3790 20 Hs.439552 Eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1
3600 19 Hs.181350 Kallikrein 2, prostatic
3410 18 Hs.14376 Actin, gamma 1
3220 17 Hs.183704 Ubiquitin C
2840 15 Hs.435953 Spondin 2, extracellular matrix protein
2650 14 Hs.279604 Desmin
2650 14 Hs.179526 Thioredoxin interacting protein
2460 13 Hs.119598 Ribosomal protein L3
   Relative frequency based on tpm

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