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At the REAC/TS facility in Oak Ridge, the staff are equipped to perform medical and radiological triage, decontamination, diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) chelation therapy, diagnostic and prognostic assessments of radiation-induced injuries, and biological and radiological dose estimates by methods that include cytogenetic analysis, bioassay, and in vivo counting. A health physics laboratory is located within the REAC/TS facility, and numerous other labs for chemical, radiological, and cytogenetic analyses are in nearby ORISE facilities.

REAC/TS coordinates the national use of DTPA for treating internal contamination by:

  • Managing the Department of Energy-held Investigational New Drugs (INDs) protocols for both calcium and zinc DTPA
  • Evaluating new developments in chelation therapy involving either improved protocols for the existing agents or research on improved chelators
  • When indicated, submitting the appropriate IND amendments or new INDs to the Food and Drug Administration through DOE
  • Managing the DTPA registry, a computerized collection of case histories of DTPA-treated individuals

REAC/TS has IND status for Prussian Blue, which is used in decorporation therapy for radiocesium and radiothallium.

REAC/TS is located in the Methodist Medical Center of Oak Ridge and has full access to the hospital's services as needed.

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