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Forest Inventory and Analysis
Database Retrieval Systems

National FIA Data Base Systems

These online databases are created, maintained and supported by the FIA program to make our data readily accessible to our customers. 

National FIA Data Base Retrieval System

This program produces tables and maps from the USDA Forest Service's Forest Inventory and Analysis Data Base (FIADB). The user inputs the following information: 1) geographic area of interest (state/county retrieval or radius retrieval) 2) attribute of interest (timberland area, number of trees, growing-stock volume, etc.) 3) optional filters (for restricting the query to a specific ownership, species, etc.) 4) classification variables to be used for columns and rows and the web application generates the resulting table. If the user selects County or Congressional District as the row variable, a shaded county map is generated.  This application replaces the old Eastwide/Westwide database, which is no longer supported. 

Phase 3 (Forest Health) Data Set Archive

This page includes links to archived data sets associated with the Phase 3 sample plots including attrributes such as tree crown and damage data, lichen species diversity, ozone damage, and soil data.  Prior to 2000, these attributes were collected as part of the Forest Health Monitoring program; since 2001, they have been collected as part of FIA.  Data from both programs are available by year, and include metdata.  Data are available in ZIPped archives, in both ASCII and SAS dataset formats.

Timber Product Output (TPO) Database Retrieval System

Developed in Support of the 1997 Resources Planning Act (RPA) Assessment. This system acts as an interface to a standard set of consistently coded TPO data for each State and county in the Country. This national set of TPO data consists of 11 data variables that describe for each county the roundwood products harvested, the logging residues left behind, the timber otherwise removed, and the wood and bark residues generated by its primary wood-using mills. 

Related Databases

These online databases combine FIA data with data from other sources to address specific information needs. 

2002 Resource Planning Act (RPA) Assessment Database

This retrieval system allows you to select the geographic area and variables of interest and generate a standard set of tables from the 2002 RPA Database.  Includes some data collected by National Forest programs in areas where FIA data were not available.  For more information about the RPA program, please go to http://fia.fs.fed.us/rpa.htm


1992 & 1997 Resource Planning Act (RPA) Assessment Database

This retrieval system allows you to select the variables of interest and generate a standard set of tables from the 1992 or 1997 RPA Database.  The RPA database includes mostly FIA data, but also includes data collected by National Forests in some areas which were not covered by the FIA program.  Please read the 'Procedures' section of the RPA documentation to fully understand the caveats associated with the database. 

Climate Change Atlas for 80 Forest Tree Species of the Eastern United States

Authors:  A. M. Prasad and L. R. Iverson, USDA Forest Service, Delaware OH. 

This is an outstanding site which presents distribution maps and tables for different climate change scenarios, life-history and disturbance attributes, ecological attributes, forest type maps and sorted list of species importance values by state/county for different climate change scenarios,  and more for 80 species in the eastern half of the United  States (east of the 100th meridian). 

The products presented in this atlas were a result of a modelling effort that involved the use of USDA Forest Service's Forest Inventory Data, numerous environmental variables gleaned from various sources and climate variables provided by various Global Circulation Models (GCMs). 

Last updated 1/15/2003