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BSE Trade Ban Status as of 10-21-04

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All Updates are in bold.






1. Argentina



Live [bovine] animals, reproductive material [semen and embryos], products and by-products.

Bovine semen protocol accepted by Argentina.


2. Australia


Beef and beef products currently being held by AQIS and those that are in transit which were exported from the USA before the 30 Dec. 2003 (Australian time) will be addressed on a case-by-case basis to determine what action should be taken.
*This is the same approach taken for beef and beef products of US origin that are [already] on the domestic market.
*Beef and Beef products are those that contain meat, bone and offal tissue from all [any] bovine species including cattle, buffalo and bison.
*Excluded are collagen from bovine skins & hides (including sausage casings produced from this type of collagen), minor ingredients of a processed product where that ingredient comprises bovine fat and/or bovine tallow, milk and dairy products, bovine semen and embryos, protein-free tallow, di-calcium phosphate, hides & skins and gelatin and collagen prepared from skins.
**A minor ingredient is defined in Standard 2.2.1, Meat and Meat Products of the Food Standards Code There are two different policies: (1) animal health policy — which covers live animals and pet food, and (2) human health policy — which covers beef and beef products.     
*** There are no new prohibitions placed upon pet food not containing bovine origin ingredients (except for milk or rawhides). Pet food not containing bovine origin ingredients (except for milk or rawhide), may continue to be imported. A valid Australian import permit is required.  (NOTE:  pet food containing ovine or cervid origin meat-and-bone meal remains prohibited.)
***Pet food containing bovine origin ingredients manufactured on or before December 29, 2003, may continue to be imported.  A valid Australian import permit is required.
***Pet food containing bovine origin ingredients produced after December 29, 2003 may continue to be imported ONLY IF the pet food does not contain:  the skull, brains, eyes, tonsils, vertebral column and spinal cord including dorsal root ganglia of bovine animals aged over 12 months, and the intestines from the duodenum to the rectum of bovine animals of all ages, and mechanically recovered meat (mechanically recovered meat is prohibited if it is derived from any Bovine, Ovine, Caprine, or Cervid animal, regardless of age or tissue of origin).  In this case, pet food importers may apply to have their permit application reassessed and amended by the Biologicals Unit of AQIS prior to import. To avoid possible delay with barrier clearance, the importer should first confirm the acceptability of their product with the Biologicals Unit of AQIS. (NOTE:  this pet food must not contain meat-and-bone meal of ovine, caprine, bovine, or cervidae origin, unless these meals are imported from BSE, Scrapie, and CWD free countries.)”
***Biological products for laboratory, therapeutic or in-vivo purposes, (for example meat peptones and culture media) manufactured prior to December 29, 2003 may still be imported. A valid Australian import permit is required. For products produced on or after December 29, 2003, Australian importers should contact AQIS to determine eligibility. (VS will need to see a valid Australian import permit prior to endorsing export certificates for these products.)


2. Bahrain

Exact date being confirmed

Temporary ban on US beef


4. Barbados


Bovine origin products are banned (dairy and semen allowed).


5. Belize


Temporary ban on BSE risk commodities, invalidation of all current import permits for BSE risk commodities, assessment of all risk commodities imported into Belize, tracing of all live ruminants imported from US, tracing and quarantine of all MBM imported from the US.
NOTE:  The USDA has been notified that Belize has lifted their ban on the import of beef and products containing beef for human consumption.  
*Dog food containing ruminant origin ingredients is allowed.  Cat food that does NOT contain ruminant ingredients is allowed entry with certification that the cat food: 1) does not contain ruminant ingredients; and 2) was processed in facility that does not process an


6. Boliva


Live bovine, ovine and caprine animals. Their products including heads, brain meal, meat, bone, bone marrow, liver, thymus, spleen, tonsils, intestines, glands, heart, placenta, other nervous tissue, lymph nodes, cerebrospinal fluid, lungs, pancreas, fetal serum, fetus, and [animal] feed ingredients.
*For fresh bovine, ovine and caprine meats, by-products and derivatives (e.g. sausages), collagen, embryos, ova, amniotic fluids & extracts, serum/albumin, colostrum/ whey, and semen — they will require a risk analysis submitted to SENASAG.

* Bovine semen is exempt.


7. Brazil


Ruminants, ruminant products and byproducts.  Exempted are milk and milk products; semen and embryos; protein-free tallow (maximum insoluble impurities of 0.15% in weight) and derivatives made from this tallow; dicalcium phosphate; hides and skins; gelatin and collagen prepared exclusively from hides and skins; biologic products used as standards for diagnostic tests; and animal origin products used in culture media for microbiologic diagnoses.
Brazil is currently preparing a Normative Instruction that should clarify prohibited and exempted materials.  This Instruction would prohibit import of raw materials and ingredients containing animal origin protein or fat when destined to animal food for countries with BSE cases or determined to present a BSE risk.
NOTE: Biologic products used as standards for diagnostic tests and animal origin products used in culture media for microbiologic diagnoses will be enterable in Brazil only after a previous consultation to the Department of Animal Health to assess the risk of the product.


8. Brunei


Temporary ban on all beef and beef products


9. Bulgaria

12/29/03 - USA

1/2/04 - WA state only

2/?/04- ban lifted

Beef and products

No ban

10. Canada


* Effective 05/04/04 ,Canada is allowing pet food containing ingredients derived from cattle, bison, or buffalo, with certain restrictions.  See information provided in above link.


11. Cayman Islands

12/24/03 (product on the water enterable until 12/29/03)



12. Chile


Live bovine, products, sub-products including fresh, chilled, or frozen meat, bones, viscera, meat-and-bone meal, animal feed (containing any animal origin ingredients — regardless of species of origin) and pet food (containing bovine, ovine, and caprine-origin ingredients only).
Exempted are milk and dairy products, semen, protein-free fats, skins & hides and collagen prepared from hides & skins.


13. China

12/23 or 25/03

Live] Bovine and related products. Regardless of species: meat and bone meal, meat meal, dried blood plasma and other blood products, hydrolyzed protein, hoof meal, horn meal, poultry offal meal, feather meal, greaves, fish meal, dicalcium phosphate, and mixtures of the above, including feeds, feed additives, and premixtures .
* Bovine origin gelatin is prohibited.  Exceptions are all gelatin for photographic use, and non-bovine origin gelatin certified as being free of all bovine origin materials.

** All pet food containing bovine, porcine, or avian origin ingredients is prohibited.

** Effective 4/30/04 ,China is reportedly allowing the "conditional" entry of semen, embryos, and protien -free tallow.  Details are still being confirmed.
*** Also exempted are milk and dairy products, hide & leather.
***Customs-cleared U.S. beef and products are excluded from the import ban implemented on December 25, 2003, all other U.S. beef products currently on the water or that have not cleared customs, will be refused entry.


14. Colombia


Bovines, ovines, caprine, cats, tigers, American panthers, S. African antelope and their products.
Concentrated animal feeds, meat & bone meal, and any mammalian protein for animal feed.
* Exempted are semen, milk, dairy products, products for in vitro lab tests, protein-free tallow and derivatives of protein-free tallow, hides/skins, gelatin and collagen prepared exclusively from hides & skins, and pet foods containing poultry and poultry or pork fat.
* Pet foods containing lamb ingredients from countries free of scrapie are also enterable with country of origin certification.


15. Costa Rica


Beef products, including “bone in” beef, all ground beef and products that contain beef as an ingredient (taco fillers, pizza toppings, etc.).  All offals are also banned (whether for human consumption or for animal feed).
* On May 7, 2004 ,Costa Rica agreed to allow the import of boneless beef from animals less than 30 months of age, provided the meat is free of SRMs and is from plants that test routinely for BSE.
** NOTE:  Dog food is allowed.  Cat food that does NOT contain ruminant ingredients is allowed entry with an import permit and official government certification that the cat food: 1) does not contain any ruminant proteins (except milk); 2) contains protein-free tallow (maximum level of insoluble impurities of 0.15% in weight) [IF APPLICABLE]; and 3) was processed in facilities where there is no possibility of contamination or commingling with ruminant materials.
*** Products deemed safe by the OIE are not subject to the ban (dairy products, bovine semen and embryos, cattle hides, etc.)


16. Cuba 12/25/03 Live ruminants and ruminant products.  [Note:  this is not a formal ban.  Details, including commodities covered, are still being determined.] U.S.A.

17. Dominican Republic


Beef & Beef products.  NOTE: The Dominican Republic has indicated that boneless beef will be allowed when derived from animals less than 30 months of age. Beef must be deboned by hand (not mechanically) into specialty cuts, in units of 5 lbs or less, and contain only muscle tissue. Veal will also be allowed from animals that are 36 weeks or 9 months of age or younger at the time of slaughter.  
* Bovine semen is exempt.
** Cannot meet certification for bovine embryos


18. Ecuador


Live bovine, caprine, ovine, feline, exotic ungulates and zoo animals, their products or by-products and any other risk material. (Complete list is being translated)


19. Egypt


Suspended issuance of beef import permits.
*Shipments that left 12/24 or earlier are enterable.
**Exemptions include milk and milk products, protein free tallow (maximum level of insoluble impurities 0.15% in weight), dicalcium phosphate (with no trace of protein or fat), hides and skins, gelatin and collagen prepared exclusively from hides and skins, and semen.  Bovine embryos are still banned.


20. El Salvador


Live susceptible animals, ruminant meat, meat of susceptible species, casings, bones and bone meal, blood meal, petfood and feedstuffs (containing ruminant proteins-except for dairy), hormones derived from ruminants, biologicals derived from ruminant protein, ruminant blood and derivatives, fetal bovine serum, fishmeal. There are no restrictions on products considered safe by the OIE (semen, embryos, DCP, protein-free tallow, hides/skins, hide derived gelatin and collagen).
* On May 28, 2004, El Salvador agreed to allow in boneless beef, its products and sub-products from animals less than 30 months of age.

Possibly open to discussions on regionalization.

21. Grenada

12/30/03 –USA
4/29/04 – Ban lifted

On April 29, 2004 ,Grenada removed its temporary ban on the import of beef and beef products subject to conditions that include removal of SRMs (defined as tonsils, intestines, brain, skull, eyes, trigeminal ganglia, spinal cord, vertebral column, and dorsal root ganglia).

22. Guatemala







Live ruminants, and their products and subproducts , including products containing ruminant materials, regardless of their intended use. Prohibited ruminant products include meat, bones, meat meal, bone meal, fat, casings, blood and blood derivatives, fetal bovine serum, organs, viscera, offal, gelatin, collagen, hormones derived from ruminants, biologicals containing ruminant protein; and pet food*, animal feeds, and feed additives containing ruminant material. Also prohibited are low risk ruminant products such as hooves, horns, antlers, and hides/skins.
*Guatemala allows the importation of certain cuts of boneless beef from animals less than 30 months of age that were slaughtered after May 1, 2004.

Tallow is allowed entry with the following certification:
--The maximum level of insoluble impurities is 0.15% in weight [must have lab results]
--The manufacturing facility is dedicated to tallow production
--The manufacturing facility does not store, handle, or process any products of ruminant origin except tallow

** DOG food may contain otherwise prohibited ruminant materials.  Entry and certification requirements are unknown, and exporters are advised to obtain this information through their importers.  Please note that this exemption applies ONLY to dog food.  Use of ruminant ingredients in cat food is still prohibited.
NOTE:  Finished leather products will be allowed entry into Guatemala in sealed containers with APHIS VS certification which includes statements about how the product was processed and subsequently kept in a sanitary condition. These statements can be made on the basis of an affidavit.
The following products and by-products from NON-ruminant species are allowed restricted entry with certification that 1) the manufacturing facility is dedicated (does not manufacture any products containing ruminant ingredients); and 2) the final product does not contain ruminant materials. Other requirements have not been determined.
*meat meal, blood, offal, and poultry feathers
*hydrolyzed bones
*enzymes, hormones, and excipients
*veterinary drugs and excipients
*animal feed/pet food
*fish meal


23. Haiti Date being confirmed Live cattle U.S.A.

24. Honduras





Honduras announced on May 26, 2004 , that it was rescinding the import restrictions of  December 29, 2003 affecting ruminants, ruminant products and subproducts . Previously prohibited ruminants, ruminant products and subproducts are now allowed entry.
On 12/29/03 ,Honduras had imposed the following all US ban:
Live ruminants. The following ruminant origin items are prohibited: meat, casings, organs, hydrolyzed protein, other concentrated proteins, proteins for laboratory use, glands, bile, meals, any derivatives for animal consumption, hides and skins, milk substitutes for bovines, fats and fat derivatives, blood and blood derivatives [including fetal calf serum], biologicals and excipients, diagnostic test kits and components (antigens), hormones, enzymes, veterinary pharmaceuticals, amniotic fluid extract, industrialized placenta, intestinal serosa, gelatin, collagen, pet food, and all specified risk materials (Honduran SRM definition is under clarification).
The following items (if not derived from ruminants) may be allowed with special certification (including that they were not produced using ruminant proteins): fish meal, poultry meal, feather meal, blood and derivatives, biologicals and excipients, activated antigens and kits for diagnostics, hormones, enzymes, and excipients, amniotic fluid extract, hydroyzed bone, pet food, and feed stuffs.
Exporters of animal origin materials should have their importers confirm prior to shipment that materials will be permitted entry on issued certifications.
* Pet food containing ruminant protein is prohibited. Pet food not containing ruminant protein is allowed if accompanied by certification that the product does not contain ruminant protein.

No ban

25. Hong Kong


Beef imports and (future) import licenses.
*Beef consignments already shipped are enterable.
*Milk and milk products are enterable.
** Inedible beef products such as pet food are exempt with special certifications.
** Hides are exempt with special certifications.


26. Indonesia

[retroactive to] 12/24/03

Live cattle, sheep & goats. Ruminant products of meat, bones, offals,embryos, semen and casings. Rendered products of meat & bone meal, blood meal, tankage, tallow & gelatin. Plus pet food containing ruminant products. *products en route prior to 12/24 are enterable

*On May 31, 2004, Indonesia announced it will now allow the importation of certain bovine products including beef meat, livers, hearts, and feet; and the low risk commodities of semen and embryos. Other low risk commodities, such as milk and milk products and hides and skins continue to be enterable.


27. Israel


Bovine animals, products and by-products, animal-derived meals for animal feed which represent a risk of transmission of BSE.
*The following products, produced in plants approved by Israel according to required protocol are eligible for entry into Israel: 1)Veal meat (including bones, tongue, heart, and liver), originating from milk calves that were fed milk and milk products only and were not older than 6 months at the time of slaughter; 2) Milk and milk products and derivatives thereof; 3) Protein-free tallow with maximum level of insoluble impurities of 0.15% in weight and derivatives made from this tallow; 4) hides,skins , hair, and products derived from these tissues; 5) gelatin and collagen derived exclusively from hides and skins; 6) dicalcium phoshpate (no trace of protein or fat); and 7) blood products and other biological products for laboratory use only, if the raw materials utilized for their production are imported from countries approved by Israel and confirmed as BSE free , and the plant only processes ruminant proteins from BSE-free countries.


28. Jamaica


Beef & beef products


29. Japan


Cattle, sheep, goats, & products derived from them, including products (meat, viscera and meat products, casing, etc.)
Ruminant serum products are NOT prohibited. (Ruminant blood products for animal feeding remain prohibited.)
* Bovine hooves, horns, and rawhide intended for use as pet food (chews) and bovine aortic endothelial cells for experimental purposes are allowed.
*Inedible protein-free tallow is allowed (laboratory results showing total level of insoluble impurities by weight of 0.15% or less are required).
Bovine embryos are allowed.

*Japan has indicated that under certain circumstances they will accept the export of bovine origin gel bone. Exporters will have to work with their Japanese importers to determine the exact import requirements. Due to the lack of clear direction from Japan, exporters will have to ship at their own risk.

**see Japanese information for list of import protocols suspended
**MHLW is investigating prior imports for SRMs and commingling
*Followup questions from MAFF — 12/24/03
*Bovine semen is allowed without BSE certification as of 12/26/03 per MAFF instruction to Japan's ports. MAFF will send APHIS letter on this.


30. Jordan


Cattle, meat and meat products including products intended for animal feed and for agricultural and industrial use.

*Exemptions include milk and milk products, protein free tallow (maximum level of insoluble impurities 0.15% in weight), dicalcium phosphate (with no trace of protein or fat), hides and skins, gelain and collagen prepared exclusively from hides and skins, and semen and embryos.


31. Kenya

date of US-wide ban being being confirmed


Cattle, semen, meat and meat products including products intended for animal feed and for agricultural and industrial use

Kenyan Veterinary Services advised that they have lifted the ban on importation of embryos and semen originating from the USA, with the exception of Washington state


32. Korea


Ruminants and ruminant products: including meat, viscera & their products, SRMs, embryos & ovas, and non-hide derived gelatin derived from ruminants.

Regardless of species of origin: meat and bone meal, meat meal, dried blood plasma, other blood products, hydrolysed protein, hoof meal, horn meal, poultry offal meal, feather meal, dry greaves, fish meal, and mixtures of the above, e.g., feed, feed additives, and premixtures.

* Exception – hydrolyzed protein derived exclusively from poultry (liver or hearts only) for animal feeding ingredient. [Note: prior to export the facility must be approved by Korean MAF.]

* Exception – finished, packaged, and ready for retail sale pet food which contains these items may be imported if those ingredients are sourced from non-ruminant species.

* Dicalcium phosphate (free of protein and fat) is enterable. [Note: prior to export the facility must be approved by Korean MAF.]

*Gelatin derived from non-ruminants is enterable, but must be certified as coming from non-ruminants.

*Gelatin derived from hides and skins (regardless of species) is enterable, but must be certified as coming from hides and skins exclusively. [Note: prior to export the facility must be approved by Korean MAF.]

*Permitted ruminant origin articles are raw hides, milk and milk products, semen.

* Plus refusal of entry of products stored in incoming quarantine facilties.

* All SRMs are being recalled in the country

* The US Dept of Commerce has reported that by-products and derivatives for cosmetics, gel caps, etc may also be banned

*Tallow is permitted with USDA certification that ‘Certified materials have been tested, and found to have a level of insoluble impurities of 0.15% or less.’

The ban on blood products includes all blood products from all species, regardless of intended use. (e.g., porcine serum for use in diagnostic test kits is banned.)

** Fetal bovine serum (FBS) is exempt with special certifications.

**Non-ruminant origin blood products not for animal consumption are exempt when certified with special certifications. These exempt materials include: whole blood, serum, and plasma derived from non-ruminants for laboratory use or for manufacturing biological pharmaceuticals (e.g., vaccines) as well as albumin and globulin, and similar blood derivatives. Required certifications include that the materials: 1) were derived from a species other than ruminant (certification should specify the species of origin) and 2) have been processed, stored, and transported in such a manner as to prevent contamination by communicable animal disease pathogens including BSE.


33. Kuwait

Exact date being confirmed

Temporary ban on US beef



34. Latvia

12/12/03 –USA
5/1/04 – Ban lifted

Latvia joined the EU on 5/1/04 and therefore lifted its BSE-related restrictions on that date in harmonization with EU policy.

No ban

35. Macau date of US-wide ban being confirmed Bovines, their meat and meat products, organs and viscera, meat and bone-meal from bovines and other derivatives from the said animals; whatever for consumption or for industrial use.
**Commodities without restriction: a) Milk and milk products; (b) semen and in vivo derived cattle embryos collected and handled in accordance with the recommendations of the IETS; (c) protein-free tallow (maximum level of insoluble impurities of 0.15% in weight) and derivatives made from the tallow; (d) dicalcium phosphate (with no trace of protein or fat); (e) hides and skins; (f) gelatin and collagen prepared exclusively from hides and skins

36. Malaysia


Beef imports.  Pet food containing bovine origin ingredients.  (Pet food containing ovine or caprine origin ingredients is prohibited based upon scrapie.)
* Dairy products are exempt from the ban.


37. Mexico


Live [bovine, ovine and caprine] animals, meat, offals, meat-based preparations, non-deproteined tallow-derived products, gelatin & collagen prepared from bones and ruminant [feed] meals including blood meals.
**all prior-issued import permits for the above products are cancelled.
**exempted are milk and dairy products, semen, embryos, deproteined tallow, bicalcium phosphate, skins, hides, gelatin & collagens from skins & hides.

*** All pet foods containing US origin ruminant meals (except dairy) are prohibited.  Other pet foods may be allowed by permit and with special certifications.

Non-ruminant origin meals may be imported from certain approved plants approved by Mexico , by import permit, with special certification.

**** Effective March 4, 2004, Mexico announced that it will allow the importation of boneless beef from bovine animals under the age of 30 months and veal from animals under the age of nine months under specific conditions, pending clarification of certification requirements.    Those specific conditions will include (once certification requirements are clarified):  Until March 15, 2004, and between the hours of 10:00 am and 1:00 pm importation can occur at the following Mexican ports: Tijuana, Baja California; Nogales, Sonora; Cd .Juárez , Chihuahua; Colombia, Nuevo León ; Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas ;Reynosa, Tamaulipas , and Puerto Morelos , Quintana Roo .


38. Nicaragua


The following ruminant origin items are prohibited: meat, casings, organs, hydrolyzed protein, proteins for laboratory use, collagen, glands, bile, meals, any derivatives for animal consumption, milk substitutes for bovines, fats and fat derivatives, blood and blood derivatives [including fetal calf serum], biologicals and excipients , diagnostic test kits and components (antigens), hormones, enzymes, veterinary pharmaceuticals, and amniotic fluid extract.
The following ruminant commodities recognized as low risk for BSE by OIE are allowed entry:  milk and milk products; protein free tallow (maximum insoluble impurities of 0.15% in weight); dicalcium phosphate (no trace of protein or fat); hides and skins; and collagen and gelatin derived exclusively from hides and skins. The following items are prohibited, regardless of species of origin: blood meal, placentas and derivatives, intestinal serosa , hydrolyzed bone, and feedstuffs for porcine and bovines.
The following items (if not derived from ruminants) may be allowed with special certification that the product was not produced using ruminant proteins: pet food, fish meal, poultry meal, feather meal, blood and derivatives, biologicals and excipients , activated antigens and kits for diagnostics, hormones, enzymes and excipients , and veterinary pharmaceuticals and excipients . Vaccines where fetal bovine serum (FBS) was used in the manufacture are only allowed if the FBS is sourced from a BSE free country.
NOTE: Animal feeds, including pet foods, clearly intended for animals not susceptible to BSE may contain ruminant ingredients.  This includes pet food for dogs and cats.
* Semen and bovine embryos may be exported to Nicaragua without restriction.
** Nicaragua has indicated that boneless beef will be allowed when derived from animals less than 30 months of age. Removal of specified risk materials (SRM) will not be required. Beef tongues, hearts, kidneys, and lips are allowed when derived from animals less than 30 months of age.  Beef livers from any age animal are allowed.
Exporters of animal origin materials should have their importers confirm prior to shipment that materials will be permitted entry on issued certifications.


39. Oman

Exact date being confirmed

Temporary ban on US beef


40. Panama


Beef products. Pet food which does NOT contain ruminant origin ingredients will be accepted with certification that the product: 1) does not contain any ruminant protein; 2) contains tallow (if applicable) with a maximum level of insoluble impurities of 0.15% in weight; and 3) during manufacturing, did not come in contact with products or byproducts of ruminants originating from the United States.


41. Paraguay 05/21/04 After weeks of negotiations with Paraguayan Animal Health Officials a protocol was agreed upon for the export of US Bovine Semen to Paraguay. This reopens the market after the closure due to the case of BSE identified in the US. Shipments are authorized after 21 May 2004.  

42. Peru


Live cattle, sheep, goats & cervids. Embryos and products and by-products of bovine, ovine, caprine or cervid-origin — including brain, spinal cord, thymus, spleens, tonsils, intestines, nervous or lymphatic tissue.
Plus concentrated feeds, meat and bone meal of mammalian origin. Exempt are bovine semen, milk and dairy products, tallow (less than 0.15% impurities), dicalcium phosphate, skins and hides, and gelatin and collagen made exclusively from skins and hides.


43. Philippines


Philippines issued a Memorandum Order that bans beef imports, except it would allow imports of deboned and deglanded beef from animals 30 months of age or less, provided that: 1) nerves and other BSE specified risk materials (SRM) have been removed, 2) the beef comes only from healthy ambulatory and not downer cattle, 3) the age of the animal is certified by USDA or third party organization, and 4) the production or slaughter date of the beef is included on the packaging label.  This will be a temporary measure. 

* Beef tallow is allowed entry with official government certification that the tallow contains a maximum level of insoluble impurities of 0.15% in weight.


44. Poland


Note: Poland joined the EU on 5/1/04 and lifted all BSE-related restrictions on that date in harmonization with EU policy.

No ban

45. Qatar

Exact date being confirmed

Temporary ban on US beef


46. Republic of South Africa


Live ruminants and ruminant products, including all dry or canned pet food containing ruminant ingredients.  Pet food not containing ruminant origin ingredients (except milk or rawhide) may continue to be imported.
* Ban applies to shipments en route plus 2 containers in-country are being traced
* The following products are not subject to South Africa’s import ban: protein-free tallow, milk and milk products, bovine semen and embryos, bovine hides and skins, di-calcium phosphate with no trace of protein or fat, and gelatin and collagen prepared exclusively from hides and skins.
* Exempted products also include wool and mohair, products containing fetal bovine serum or those in which serum was used in the manufacturing process including vaccines for use in animals and other veterinary biologics containing ruminant-derived materials considered not to be a BSE risk. NOTE: Veterinary biologics containing ruminant-derived materials considered not to be a BSE risk refers only to those products for which import permits have been issued by the Department of Agriculture, Directorate of Animal Health.


47. St. Kitts 02/24/04 Beef products. Pet food which does NOT contain ruminant origin ingredients will be accepted with certification that the product: 1) does not contain any ruminant protein; 2) contains tallow (if applicable) with a maximum level of insoluble impurities of 0.15% in weight; and 3) during manufacturing, did not come in contact with products or byproducts of ruminants originating from the United States. U.S.A.

48. St. Vincent & the Grenadines


Require certificate of origin of beef & beef products


49. Saudi Arabia

Exact date being confirmed

Must certify that US beef exported does not come from the farm where the index case occurred.

Washinton — index case premise

50. Russia


Live cattle, beef, beef by-products.
*shipments that were shipped on 12/22 or prior are enterable with proper documentation
*Exempted are dairy products, semen and embryos
*Hides and skins are not prohibited, but certification language is still under negotiation.


51. Singapore


Beef imports.

The following commodities, as identified in the OIE Animal Health Code, as being of minimal risk for BSE are allowed entry: milk and milk products; protein-free tallow with a maximum level of insoluble impurities of 0.15% in weight and derivatives of such tallow; hides and skins; collagen and gelatin derived exclusively from hides and skins; dicalcium phosphate with no trace of protein or fat; semen; and in vivo derived cattle embryos.

* Pet food NOT containing bovine ingredients (except milk or dairy ingredients or protein free tallow) is allowed entry with USDA certification that the product does not contain bovine ingredients (with exceptions noted above). Pet food containing proteins of bovine origin that are sourced from Australia and/or New Zealand is allowed entry with appropriate certification.

Finished pet chews containing rawhide are permitted entry.


52. Surinam


Beef & beef products.

* Note: According to April 5, 2004 letter from Suriname CVO, live bovine animals will be allowed in if the shipment is accompanied by an official USDA declaration certifying that the state(s) and farm(s) of origin have been BSE free, i.e., no case of BSE was diagnosed in either the state or the farm.


53. Taiwan


Cattle, goats, and sheep.
Serum from cattle *, sheep, and goats for any purpose.  
*Taiwan does not technically ban the import of bovine serum from states other than Washington for in vitro use; however, the US cannot meet the certification requirements for serum from other states.
Regardless of species:  meat-and-bone meals (MBM), meat meals, bone meals, poultry meals, blood meals, pet food **  with animal protein (other than dairy or fish protein).
Regardless of species, the following items are banned from import for animal feeding:  all animal origin oils, fats (including tallow and lard), and greaves.
The following products are exempted from Taiwan ’s BSE ban:
1) Protein-free tallow and derivatives for uses other than animal feeding (Note: impurities must be below 0.15% as defined by OIE.) (All tallow remains prohibited from importation for use in animal feed);  
 2) Dicalcium phosphate, which is protein-free an doil/fat free;
 3) Gelatin and collagen derived from skins of cattle, goat, or sheep.
4) Milk products, hides, and skins.
5) Pet food produced at facilities not handling any US origin ruminant materials (except dairy) if the manufacturing facility has been inspected and approved by Taiwanese officials and with special certifications.
6) Pet food containing no animal origin ingredients except those derived from fish or milk.   
7) Certain other feeds and proteins (non-ruminant origin) manufactured at plants approved by Taiwan (Taiwanese importers should contact Taiwanese animal health authorities for information on these exemptions).  Only those materials manufactured at plants that Taiwan has notified APHIS are "approved" may be endorsed by APHIS.


54. Thailand


Live cattle, buffalo, goats & sheep, and their products, including meat, offal, and any other parts of slaughtered animals. Also feed (including pet food) which contains meat meal, bone meal, blood meal, and other meals derived from ruminants. Meals and feeds derived from non-ruminant species must be accompanied by certification that the product is free of ruminant animal products.
* Hides & skins are allowed entry with previously agreed upon certification for anthrax.

* Exempted from prohibitions are milk and milk products, protein-free tallow, dicalcium phosphate with no trace of protein or fat, and gelatin and collagen prepared exclusively from hides and skins.

** Pending shipments of poultry & swine feed MAY be allowed if importer can provide lab analysis to show they are ruminant protein free.
** Shipments at their ports will be sent back.


55. Trinidad & Tobago




Entry of prepackaged and canned dog and cat food containing meat and bone meal derived from ruminants is allowed as of June 24, 2004. NOTE: Pet food must meet certification requirements posted on the APHIS International Animal Product Export Regulations.

Beef & beef products - NOTE: Bone-in or boneless beef and beef meat products are allowed entry provided they are not derived from and do not contain any 1) specified risk materials (SRMs) from animals over 30 months of age and/or 2) mechanically separated meat or advanced meat recovery products, and 3) the source cattle were humanely stunned by a method that did not inject air into the cranial cavity.

* pet food containing bovine origin ingredients (except dairy, raw hide, and protein free tallow with a maximum of 0.15% insoluble impurities by weight).
** Collagen casings are allowed if certified as exclusively derived from hides and skins.


56. Turkey

12/29/03 — being reconfirmed

Live cattle.
Exempted are bovine semen & embryos, hides & skins and tallow.
**Ruminant origin pet food shipped after 12/23/03 is prohibited (pet food derived from non-ruminant origin materials is allowed).  While the actual ban is only on materials originating in Washington state, the US cannot meet the certification requirements for any ruminant origin pet food, regardless of the state of production.


57 Ukraine


Pet food containing US origin bovine ingredients (except raw hide and dairy).
* Milk and dairy products, pet food not containing US origin bovine ingredients (except dairy or hides), technical gelatin, hides, skins, horns, hooves, sheep pelts, and goat underfur are exempt with special certification.


58. United Arab Emirates


Beef products (including pet food, gelatin, and other products still being determined) are prohibited. Pet food not containing beef derivatives is permitted. Product shipped prior to December 28, 2003 is likely to be accepted.
* Hides, bovine embryos, and bovine semen are not prohibited.


59. Uruguay


Live ruminants and their products, subproducts , and by-products, including meats, meat meal, tallow (including deproteinated tallow), gelatin and collagen (unless hide-derived), and any products containing ruminant ingredients.  Exempted products include hides/skins and leather; and collagen and gelatin derived solely from hides and skins.  Milk and milk products are not prohibited – but the USA cannot meet current certification requirements.
* Bovine semen is permitted subject to certification requirements that the U.S. can meet.
** Effective July 9, 2004, bovine embryos are allowed.


60. Venezuela


Beef import permits suspended


61. Vietnam


Temporary ban on imports of live animals, ruminant meat including beef, meat and bone meal and other animal products related to BSE. Cargos leaving US ports for Vietnam prior to 12/23 will be allowed entry, except any products connected to the farm where the BSE case was found.
* Milk and milk products, bovine semen, protein-free tallow (maximum level of insoluble impurities of 0.15% in weight), dicalcium phosphate (with no trace of protein or fat), hides and skins, and collagen and gelatin derived exclusively from hides and skin are exempt.
** Products originating from Washington state have extra requirements.

(USA-wide as of 12/27)


Additional Trade Notes:

United States no longer meets certification requirements for bovine semen and/or embryos for 3 additional countries. The countries are: Lithuania and Morocco.

United States no longer meets certification requirements for bovine embryos to Ukraine.


BSE Testing

for the latest info on USDA's BSE Testing

For More Information
on animal identification

on BSE Trade Issues

on Hunter-Harvested Meat from Canada

on Harvard's risk assessment

on food safety, meat, meat products, or meat inspection
USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service
1 (800) 535-4555

Canada's BSE website
1 (800) 454-8408

For Other Government Agencies