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Human Capital Assessment and Accountability Framework
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 Purpose of the Framework

This framework provides consolidated guidance. It includes the revised Standards for Success, it replaces the Human Capital Scorecard, and it incorporates a number of the GAO's Critical Success Factors as well as the accountability requirements of Civil Service Rule X from Executive Order 13197.

Woman sitting at a deskThe Framework imposes no new requirements; it merely offers fuller guidance and integration so that all those involved in transforming human capital management can understand what is to be done, how it can be done, and how to gauge progress and results. It presents the expectations that guide the assessment of agency human capital efforts. This single reference source offers agencies a basis for self assessment and support for achieving the Human Capital Standards for Success.

The Framework consists of these sections:

  • Standards for Success – the results to be achieved
  • Critical Success Factors – actions that mark a path toward a Standard
  • Questions – more detailed guideposts along a path to a Standard
  • Elements of YES – reality checks to confirm a positive response to a question
  • Suggested Performance Indicators – evidence of progress toward a Standard
  • Agencies that seriously address each of the critical success factors are most likely to meet the Standards for Success. The questions and elements of YES will help determine how thoroughly they have addressed them. Then agencies can decide which performance indicators provide the best evidence that they have, in fact, achieved their aim. Performance indicators include agency planning and budget documents, agency human resources and payroll data, agency surveys, OPM Central Personnel Data File/FedScope, and the OPM Governmentwide Survey.

    Recognizing that different agencies will approach success from different directions, the Framework purposefully repeats some elements and indicators so agencies can consider them no matter which path they choose to take. The Framework makes no effort to prioritize activities or to require particular elements of YES or performance indicators. Agencies will do that based on their own missions, plans, concerns, budgets, etc. One size does not fit all across the many varied missions within and among agencies.

    The Framework is flexible and adaptable. It can serve:

  • as part of an ongoing internal assessment and accountability mechanism that promotes dialogue and action among agency leaders and partners in the transformation process;
  • as a basis for collaboration with assigned OPM Human Capital Officers from OPM and OMB for their ongoing agency evaluations;
  • as part of agency evaluations by human capital staff, by Inspector General staff, or by external evaluators like those from OPM or GAO;
  • as a method to identify needed improvements and locate resources to address them, including in-house capabilities, links to available support, and professional consulting services;
  • as a basis for building a business case for funding resources needed to support HC transformation, and
  • as a basis for comparisons across agencies and benchmarking.
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