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Public Tours at NIST-Boulder

NIST provides guided public tours on Thursdays at 1 p.m., except on federal holidays. Tours begin in the lobby of Building 1 (the building with the flagpole in front) and last approximately 2 hours. Visitors see a cryogenics demonstration and the atomic clock. Tours are free, but U.S. citizens must make reservations at least one week in advance; foreign visitors must register two weeks in advance. Reservations may be made by calling (303) 497-5507.

Special group tours also are provided upon request by calling (303) 497-5507. No self-guided tours are allowed.

Public and special group tours are subject to cancellation for security concerns.

On-Line Tour



See also: A-Z Subject Index (Boulder), General Information (Boulder), What NIST Does, NIST Boulder Laboratories Homepage, Products and Services, NIST Home Page

Created: Sept. 20, 2000
Last updated: March 28, 2003



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