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SRD Major Publications in Thermochemistry

NIST has a long history as the source for reliable thermochemical data starting from the 1920's with the International Critical Tables. The tradition continues as new SRD databases on thermochemical properties of inorganic and small organic molecules gain acceptance.

The JANAF Thermochemical Tables contain the most complete compilations of evaluated temperature-dependent thermodynamic data for inorganic species.


NIST-JANAF Thermochemical Tables. Fourth Edition
M.W. Chase, Jr.,
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference, Monograph 9 (1998).

Recommended temperature-dependent values are provided for chemical thermodynamic properties of inorganic substances and for organic substances containing only one or two carbon atoms. These tables cover the thermodynamic properties over a wide temperature range with single-phase and multiphase tables for the crystal, liquid, and ideal gas state. The properties tabulated are heat capacity, enthalpy, entropy, Gibbs energy function, enthalpy of formation, Gibbs energy of formation, and the logarithm of the equilibrium constant for formation of each compound from the elements in their standard reference states. All values are given in SI units and are for a standard-state pressure of 100 000 Pa (1 bar). Each tabulation is accompanied by a critical evaluation of the literature upon which the thermochemical table is based. Literature references are given. This volume is an update to the Third Edition which was published in J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Volume 14 Supplement 1 (1985). It contains new and revised tabulations, In addition, it contains numerous corrections to errors (both typographical and numerical) which resulted from the massive changes made for the Third Edition.

NIST-JANAF Thermochemical Tables, Fourth Edition, Monograph No. 9 (Part I and Part II) available from the American Institute of Physics

TRC International Data Series

TRC International Data Series, Selected Data on Mixtures, Series A
ISSN 0147-1503

A serial publication, initiated by TRC in 1973, IDS contains fully documented tabular experimental data for non-elecrolyte mixtures of organic compounds. The IDS tables provide data for one or more properties of mixtures that contain components selected from among 500 pure compounds. Broadly classified, these pure compounds include simple aliphatic, alicyclic and aryl nitrogen-containing organic compounds; mono- and heterofunctional oxygen-containing organic compounds; hydrocarbons and halogenated hydrocarbons; and sulfides, disulfides and sulfoxides.

The data presented in these tables provide equilibrium thermodynamic data an physical properties of binary systems. The tables include P-V-T; phase equilibrium (LVE, LLE, SLE), compressibility, mixture critical properties, excess volumes, excess enthalpies and excess heat capacities, as well as derived properties, such as the excess Gibbs function. Estimates of uncertainties appear for each of the measured variables, as well as purity of materials and measurement method. Outstanding investigators from around the world contribute original, critically evaluated experimental data. The complete set contains more than 5,500 tables published in 80 issues with approximately 75 tables per issue.

2000 Annual Subscription Rate - $965.00

Keywords: Thermodynamics; thermodynamic; data; TRC; chemical engineering.



TRC Thermodynamic Tables - Hydrocarbons
ISBN 1-883400-06-6

A 14-volume set containing critically evaluated data covering physical and thermodynamic properties of all classes of hydrocarbons and certain classes of sulfur derivatives of hydrocarbons present in petroleum and coal, the Hydrocarbons collection contains information on more than 3,700 compounds.

2000 Annual Subscription Rate - $965.00

Keywords: Thermodynamics; thermodynamic; data; TRC; hydrocarbons; chemical engineering.



TRC Thermodynamic Tables - Non-Hydrocarbons
ISBN 1-883400-25-2

An 13-volume set containing critically evaluated data covering physical and thermodynamic properties for selected nonmetallic inorganic compounds and for organic compounds other than hydrocarbons and sulfur compounds, the Non-Hydcrocarbons collection contains information on more than 3500 compounds.

2000 Annual Subscription Rate - $965.00

Keywords: Thermodynamics; thermodynamic; data; TRC; non-hydrocarbons; chemical engineering.

To order please contact:

Standard Reference Data Program
National Institute of Standards and Technology
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Last Update: Thursday, 06-Mar-03 15:43:20
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