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Regional Meteorology- Media Workshop for South African development community
(SADC) Countries
February 18-20, 2002

Title: Regional Meteorology- Media Workshop for SADC Countries.

Organizing Agency: Drought Monitoring Centre Harare in collaboration with World Meteorological Organization

Sponsors: NOAA/OGP.

Venue: Maseru, Lesotho.

The preparation of seasonal weather forecasts through the SARCOF process, which started in 1997/98 with participation of meteorologists from the SADC NMS, has provided good basis for building regional capacity in the generation of seasonal forecasts in the SADC region. Annually the Drought Monitoring Centre has been organizing the capacity building workshops since 1997 to train SADC meteorologists in acquiring skills and techniques in the generation of seasonal forecasts. Fora in which meteorologists convene to formulate consensus seasonal outlook for the region follow the training workshops. Thanks to the SARCOF process the SADC NMS are now able to issue pre-season seasonal outlooks and their related updates in the respective SADC countries. However, the countries have not yet derived full benefit from the forecasts due to limited dissemination of the same to the various categories of targeted audiences such in agriculture, early warning and food security, natural disaster management, industry, transport and the general public at large. In order to promote a wider coverage and dissemination of the forecasts information in these countries the SADC NMS expressed a need to convene meteorology- media workshop for the region.

Overall Objectives
The overall objective of the workshop is to promote the dissemination of weather forecasts and meteorological information in the SADC region so that the information benefits all the targeted audience in the countries.

Specific Objectives
Specifically the workshop is expected to:

(a) Formulate a common regional approach in optimising dissemination of Meteorological information in the SADC region.

(b) Stimulate interest of media organs in publishing meteorological
Information in the region.

(c) Solicit inputs from media representatives on how best to present Weather forecasts and meteorological information for understanding by the general public.

(d) Promote public awareness in the region on meteorological services information and warnings.

The workshop will attract media representatives from various media organs such as newspapers, radio, and TV as well as news and information agencies. The workshop proceedings will adopt a participatory approach in which the agenda will incorporate presentations, working group discussions and recommendations.

Key agenda items will include:

(a) Meteorological information and warnings for the general public,

(b) The SARCOF process and the related seasonal weather outlook forecasts,

(c) Terminology used in conveying meteorological information.

(d) Role of media in the dissemination of meteorological information.

(e) Intended audience of weather forecasts and meteorological information.

(f) Collaboration between NMS, media organs and press agencies.

Overall expected Benefits from the Workshop
The workshop is expected to result in increased access of information on early warning, weather forecasts and meteorological information by various audience groups in the SADC region. This will assist in minimizing the negative effects of meteorological and hydrological disasters on the region and hence promote sustainable socio-economic development of the SADC countries, through the application of meteorology in various weather and climate sensitive sectors of the economy.

Specific benefits to be derived from the workshop include:

(a) Increased awareness on weather forecasts and related information in the region.

(b) Timely and effective dissemination of warnings and weather information to various user groups of meteorological information.

(c) Increased publication of weather information in the region

(d) Increased collaboration between NMS, press and media organs in the region.

(e) Improved presentation of weather information for understanding by the general public.

(f) Generation of more user-tailored meteorological information and products in the region.

(g) Increased feasibility of NMS in the region.

(h) Enhanced priority by the media and press organs to publish weather information.

(i) Improved mitigation of adverse weather conditions on the communities and infrastructure.

(j) Proper planning of socio-economic activities in the region taking into account weather information.

Participating Countries.
Representatives from the fourteen countries comprising of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) member states: Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

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