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"Understanding our global environment and our role in it is the first step toward living in better harmony with nature."
Reports to the Nation:
Our Changing Planet

Africa Program

Disaster management workshop and Climate Outlook Forum for the Greater Horn of Africa in Nairobi, Kenya, August 26-30, 2002

The first two days will be devoted to Capacity Building of the users of climate information and prediction products. It will address among others, how the users applied the consensus climate outlook for the March to May 2002 Rainfall season that was developed, February this year. Due to the impacts of the recent climate anomalies on a variety of sectors in the sub region and the anticipated evolution of El-Niño towards the end of this year, the theme of the users’ workshop will be "Disaster Management".

A one-day forum to develop a consensus climate outlook for the September to December 2002 season, will follow the users' workshop. It is expected to bring together scientists from within and outside the region involved in seasonal climate prediction, the user community and decision makers. It will specifically discuss the potential impacts of the climate outlook on regional food security, water resources, health and other socio-economic sectors as well as strategies to mitigate the potential impacts.

The last two days will be devoted to media and meteorology workshop. Its theme is "enhanced dissemination of the prediction products". It will specifically address how to coordinate the dissemination of down scaled information on the expected impacts of the evolving El-Niño event.


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Updated October 31, 2002

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