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Enhancing Decision-Making through Integrated Climate Research: Alaska Region Meeting

February 18-19, 2004

Agenda | Participants | Presentations | Invitation | Scoping Video
Draft Meeting Report

The workshop, "Enhancing Decision-Making Through Integrated Climate Research: Alaska Region Meeting", was sponsored by the Office of Global Programs (OGP), Climate and Societal Interactions Division, Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments (RISA) program. Partners for this meeting, included the National Weather Service in Anchorage; USGS-Alaska Science Center; and the National Park Service-Alaska Region. The steering committee was comprised of RISA researchers from the western U.S. and numerous academic, government, Native Alaskan and NGO communities.

The purpose of this workshop was to

  1. identify how climate information could help decision-makers expand their options in the face of climate change and variability;
  2. document opportunities for integrated, multi-disciplinary research on issues important to regional stakeholders; and
  3. share the RISA program methodology with Alaskan researchers order to initiate new collaborations and potential partnerships.

For information on the RISA program, go to (work in progress).

Please contact Juniper Neill for more information.

Juniper Neill
Program Manager, Climate Variability and Health and Program Officer, RISA
(301) 427-2089 ext. 176

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Updated May 26, 2004