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10/22/2004  Ukraine: 2004 Corn Output Will Hinge on Harvest Weather The USDA October estimate for 2004/05 Ukraine corn production is 6.6 million tons, down slightly from last year's harvest of 6.85 million.  The 2004 growing season for corn was marked by cool, wet weather which delayed planting and development but resulted in high "green yield" (the potential yield of the standing crop).

10/20/2004  Argentina: 2004/05 Corn Production Forecast to Rise by 20 Percent.  As Argentine farmers prepare for planting the 2004/05 corn crop, expectations are for a big year. USDA estimates 2004/05 corn production at 15.5 million tons, more than 20 percent higher than higher than last year’s 12.75 million ton crop.  Two factors contribute to this increase: planted area intentions are up nearly 20 percent and yields are expected to recover from last year’s unusual weather.

10/15/2004  EU-25: Crop Travel Verifies Record Yields in Central EuropeAs a whole, weather in the expanded European Union was extremely favorable during the entire 2004/05 growing season. Beneficial weather created bumper crops for both autumn- and spring-planted grains and oilseeds.   

10/13/04  Winter Grains Conditions in Russia and Ukraine.  The sowing campaign for the 2005/06 winter grain crops in Russia and Ukraine is nearing completion.  Reports from the Russian Ministry of Agriculture indicate that large agricultural enterprises, which account for roughly 85 percent of the country's grain production, had sown 10.8 million hectares of winter grains by October 5 against 10.9 million by approximately the same date last year. 

10/13/04 South Africa Releases Final 2003/04 Estimates.  USDA's October estimate for South Africa's 2003/04 corn production, for both developing and commercial agricultural sectors, is 8.93 million tons, up 234,000 tons from last month but down 741,000 from last year.

10/13/04 South Africa's Wheat Yields Near Average.  South Africa's wheat crop was planted in May/June this year and will be harvested in November/December.  Yields this year are expected to return to the 5-year average of 2.5 tons/ha, after last year’s wheat crop suffered from very poor yields caused by dry weather in the Western Cape

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Updated: November 14, 2003  Write us: Index | | FAS Home | USDA |