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  What's New!...
  Country Pages...
  Listing of recent FAS reports on dairy, livestock, and poultry commodities. 
10/21 U.S. Trade at a Glance - updated
10/19 Import/Export Data by Commodity - updated
10/15 International Dairy Prices
Hot Issues:
Avian Influenza
bullet BSE Resources (updated)
Guidance for Exporters  
BSE Response Plan Summary
BSE Chronology
BSE Trade Ban Status (updated)
BSE Surveillance
- Enhanced Surveillance Program
- Test Results 
U.S. Beef Statistics
bullet BSE Update Statements  
bullet Federal Register Notices
bullet Technical Briefing Updates
USDA Announces Taiwan to Resume U.S. Beef Trade (10/26/04)

U.S. - Japanese Officials Conclude Agreement for Resumption of Beef Trade (10/23/04)

Q&A's Concerning U.S.-Japan Beef Trade Agreement (10/23/04)

Joint Press Statement for the Resumption of Trade in Beef and Beef Products by the Government of the United States and the Government of Japan (10/23/04)

Country of Origin Labeling
- Notices/Announcements (AMS)
- Impact on Canada (FAS/Ottawa)
International Agricultural Trade Reports

Timely, topical reports on key trade situations.
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Weekly notice of updates and additions to information provided on the DLP homepage.
DLP-related Attache Reports
Updated the first working day of each week.)
  Special reports, updates on trade issues, industry partners, and data sources are consolidated in country-specific pages.  

search by country

Commodity Pages...
Special reports, updates on trade issues, industry partners, and data sources are consolidated in commodity-specific pages.

search by commodity

Trade Data...
Select from a variety of current and historical data reports:
Import and Export Data by Specific Commodity
Fixed monthly reports containing year-to-date data. Data available back through Dec 1999.
Production, supply and distribution of agricultural commodities for the U.S. and key producing and consuming countries.  Select predefined tables or create custom queries.
U.S. Trade at a Glance
Monthly charts condensing analysis of U.S. beef, pork and poultry trade
U.S. Trade Internet System
Imports, exports - Customize your own trade reports with data from 1989 to the present.

  Reports, Pubs. & Presentations...
  Helpful Links...
  Link to issues of DLP's agricultural trade reports and publications and more. Includes links to other U.S. Government reports sites.
bullet Dairy: World Markets and Trade
bullet Livestock and Poultry: World Markets and Trade
Publication Dates - 2004:
Dairy: 7/15 12/16
Livestock & Poultry: 3/26  11/03
  Provides links to over 30 federal sites related to exporting agricultural products.
bullet ATAC for Trade in Animals and Animal Products
BSE - updated
FSIS Library of Export Requirements
bullet ITC Harmonized Tariff Schedule
bullet Key APHIS Links
bullet Office of the U.S. Trade Representative

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Last modified: Thursday, October 23, 2003