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3 Privacy Procedures

3   Privacy Procedures

3-1   General

3-2   Collecting Information from Customers, Employees, or Other Individuals

3-2.1   Collection

3-2.2   Privacy Notice

3-2.3   Customer Choice

3-3   Managing Information Relating to Customers, Employees, or Other Individuals

3-3.1   General

3-3.2   Managing a System of Records

3-3.3   Creating, Amending, or Deleting a System of Records

3-3.4   Business Impact Assessment and Security

3-4   Requests for Information by Customers, Employees, or Other Individuals

3-4.1   Requests to Access Information

3-4.2   Requests to Amend Information

3-4.3   Appeals and Customer Redress

3-4.4   Accounting of Disclosures

3-4.5   Fees

3-5   Disclosing Customer, Employee, or Other Individuals' Information to Third Parties

3-5.1   General

3-5.2   Internal Disclosures

3-5.3   External Disclosures

3-5.4   Coordination with Other Postal Service Offices

3-5.5   Validating Records and Noting Disputes

3-6   Operating a Customer Web Site

3-7   Sending Marketing E-mail

3-8   Entering into a Contract or Business Agreement

3-9   Computer Matching Programs