Standards for Scientific and Technical Data

John Rumble

National Institute of Standards and Technology

President, CODATA

Standards for Scientific and Technical Data

This Talk

Needs for S&T Data and Database Standards

Basic Approaches to Data and Database Standards

Basic Approaches to Data and Database Standards

      include normal data dictionary information
     identify minimum set necessary
     define others in case wanted or needed
     allow extensions (self-definition)
     Do not underestimate difficulties in resolving nomenclature problems

Content of S&T Data and Database Standards - 1

Description of Substances, Systems, Species - 2

Description of Substances, Systems, Species

Reporting Properties, etc.

Property Context -1

Property Context -2

Types of Standards Bodies

Examples of S&T Data and Standards

The Standards Process

    1. Someone identifies need for standard
    2. A group is convinced of the need
    3. A technology (approach) is proposed
    4. A consensus is achieved by all interested parties
    5. The standard is published
    6. The standard is used by people and groups who have a vested interest (business reason) to do so

Some Standards Economics and Sociology

Standards and Science

Where does CODATA fit in - 1

Where does CODATA fit in - 2