
Lispix is a public domain image analysis program for Windows, written and maintained by David Bright.  While including basic image processing functions found in NIH ImageImageJ, Scion Image, ImageTool, and in some commercial programs, Lispix also has a collection of special purpose research tools for electron microscopy* and spectral imaging at NIST**.  In spite of that, many of the features incorporated into Lispix have been useful for other researchers. Lispix is useful for processing and analyzing images, and stacks of images or data cubes. Image pixels can be bit, integer, real, complex and color.

*    Surface and Microanalysis Science Division home page

**  NIST home page.

Lispix current version Lx38P   8/20/04


Other Image Processing Pages

·       Sets of Test Images – for testing image processing software: counting particles, and measuring fractal dimension.

·       Image processing exercises using NIH Image– introductory tutorial using Mac or PC platform.

·       Legacy versions of Lispix and MacLispix  for Mac or PC (no longer supported).  Changes up to 6/03.

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