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NIST Standard Reference Database 20

NIST X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Database: Version 2.0

Link to the FAX or Mail Order Form

Our new XPS Version 3.2 is now available online.

Version 2.0 of the NIST X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) Database gives easy access to the energies of spectral lines for many materials. Resulting from a critical evaluation of the published literature, the database contains about 16,000 line positions, chemical shifts, and splittings. A highly interactive program allows the user to search by element, data type, line energy, and many other variables. Users can easily identify unknown measured lines through matches to measured values in the database.

Pull-down menus are now available to:

  • Initiate searches for the identification of unknown lines;
  • Retrieve data on photoelectron lines (core-level binding energies) and Auger kinetic energies for selected elements;
  • Retrieve data on chemical shifts for selected elements based on direct measurements or based on calculations with respect to elemental reference energies;
  • Initiate searches of the database for selected groups of elements or for specified classes of materials;
  • Perform searches based on compound names and other fields of the database;
  • Display Wagner plots.

You may browse the Users' Guide to see how this database works.

In addition, users can sort the displayed data to tailor the presentation to their needs. Displayed information also can be printed.

Hardware Requirements: Microsoft® Windows® 2000, PC (80386, 80486, or 80586) with an operating system of PC-DOS® 5.0 or greater. Hard disk, 7.5 megabytes available storage; 512 kilobytes of memory. The program also can be run on a Macintosh® computer using PC emulation software. A PC-compatible printer is optional.

Cost: No Charge

Link to the FAX or Mail Order Form  20. NIST X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Database: Version 2.0

For more information on NIST Database 20 please contact:

Standard Reference Data Program
National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Dr., Stop 2310
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-2310
(301) 975-2008 (VOICE)
(301) 926-0416 (FAX)
Contact Us (E-MAIL)

The scientific contact is:

Cedric Powell
CSTL - Surface and Microanalysis Science Division (837)
National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Dr., Stop 8370
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8370
(301) 975-2534

Keywords: photoelectron, spectroscopy, spectral lines, materials, chemistry, line energy, chemical shifts, chemical splittings, Auger kinetic energies.

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Create Date: 6/02
Last Update: Thursday, 06-Mar-03 15:41:22
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