Industrial and Corporate Programs (36)
ONR Keyword(s): industrial, corporate, 36

Industrial and Corporate Programs (Code 36)

Because affordability and manufacturability are top priorities for the Navy and Marine Corps, ONR's integrated science and technology program interests include consideration of the manufacturing methods used to build naval warfighting systems. With affordable and quality naval combat technologies in mind, ONR's Industrial and Corporate Programs Department stimulates advantageous government-industry partnerships and promotes the development in manufacturing of innovative, cost-efficient, and cost-reducing processes.

In addition, its Corporate Programs Division manages ONR's cross-disciplinary education and research infrastructure programs to increase the numbers and improve the capabilities of engineers and scientists working on issues of concern to the Navy, now and in the future.


Points of Contact

Department Head
Phone: 703-696-4448

Deputy Head and Detachment Director
Phone: 703-696-4449


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