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Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure (TMEP)
Third Edition

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Abandonment of application (see also Abandoned application; Petition to revive abandoned application; Reinstatement of inadvertently abandoned application)

after ex parte appeal-718.05; 1501.04; 1714.01(f)(i)

after inter partes proceeding-718.06



incomplete response resulting in-718-718.03(c); 1714.01(f)(ii)

location of files-109.02; 718.07

notice of, for failure to respond-718.04; 718.06

of multi-basis application-806.02(d)

of multi-class application-1403.05

ordering abandoned files -718.07

petition from examining attorney's holding of-1713

reconsideration of holding of-718.03(c)

through failure to file statement of use-718.04

through failure to prosecute appeal-718.05

through failure to respond to Office action -718.02; 718.03

Abstracts of title-503.08(a)

Acceptable Identification of Goods and Services Manual-1402.04

Access by public to files

of abandoned applications-109.02

of pending unpublished applications-109.01

of published applications-109.02

of registrations-109.02

of terminated inter partes proceedings-109.02


of assignment records-503.08

of files held by Office personnel-109

Acquired distinctiveness (§2(f)) claim

as to a portion of the mark-1212.02(f); 1212.09(b)

based on five years' use-1212.05-1212.05(d)

based on ownership of prior registrations-1212.04-1212.04(e)

concession that matter is not inherently distinctive-1212.02(b)

evidence submitted to establish-1212.06-1212.06(e)

in part-1212.02(f); 1212.09(b)

in §1(b) application-1212.09-1212.09(b)

in §44 application-1010; 1212.08

in the alternative-1212.02(c)

printing of-1212.10


Act of 1881-1601.04; 1602.02

Act of 1905-1601.04; 1602.02

Act of 1920-1601.05; 1602.03

Act of 1946 (see Trademark Act of 1946)

Action after issuance of notice of allowance and before filing of statement of use-1107

Action by affidavit/renewal examiner

upon examination of §8 affidavit-1604.15

upon examination of renewal application-1606.11

Action by examining attorney (see also Examination)

after final refusal-715.03(a); 715.03(b)

all arguments by applicant to be addressed in-713.03

all outstanding refusals and requirements to be noted in-713.02

citation of decisions in-705.05

citation of registrations in-705.03

date of-705.07

evidence supporting refusal in-710.01-710.01(c)

form paragraphs in-705.01

incomplete response to-718.03-718.03(c)

language in-705.01

non-receipt of-717.02

piecemeal action to be avoided-704.01

returned-403; 717.01

review by supervisory examining attorney-705.06

"search clause" in-704.02

statutory language in-705.01

to be complete-704.01

unpublished decisions not to be cited in-705.05


changing correspondence address-603.02-603.02(c)


for communications to Patent and Trademark Office-305.01

for electronic mail communications-304.09

for filing documents to be recorded in Assignment Division-503.04

of applicant-803.05

of assignee-502.01

Advisory statement cannot serve as foundation for final refusal-714.05(c)

Aesthetic functionality-1202.02(a)(iii)(C)

Affidavit of continued use or excusable nonuse (§8)

appeal to federal court-1604.19

combined with renewal application-1606.20

combined with §15 affidavit-1605.05

change from mark as registered-1604.13

character of use of mark-1604.10

deficiencies, correction of-1604.06(b); 1604.17-1604.17(c)

domestic representative, designation of-1604.14

execution of-1604.08-1604.08(d)

fee for filing-1604.06-1604.06(c)

form for filing-1604.03

goods and services set forth in-1604.09-1604.09(e)

grace period-1604.04; 1604.06(b)


notice on registration certificate-1604.02

Office action upon examination of-1604.15


petition to Director-1604.18-1604.18(c)

premature filing of-1604.04(a)

recourse after refusal-1604.18-1604.18(c); 1604.19

response to Office action-1604.16

requirements for-1604.05

registrations in 20-year terms-1604.04(b)



time for filing-1604.04; 1604.17(c)

untimely filing cannot be cured-1712.02; 1604.17(c)

use in commerce-1604.10

who may file-1604.07

Affidavit of incontestability (§15)-1605-1605.06

combined with §8 affidavit-1605.05

form for filing-1605.02

requirements for-1605.04

§14 limitation independent of-1605.06

Supplemental Register registrations not eligible-1605.01

time for filing-1605.03

Affidavit of use (see Affidavit of continued use or excusable nonuse)

Affidavit under §8 (see Affidavit of continued use or excusable nonuse)


Agreement of drawing and foreign registration in §44 application-807.14; 1011.01

Agreement of drawing and specimen-807.14; 1215.02(c)

Allegations of use in §1(b) application (see also Amendment to allege use; Statement of use)-1103

Alphabetical List, International-1401.02(c)

Amendment of application

after decision on appeal-1501.06

after final action-715; 715.01; 715.02

after publication-1505-1505.02(d)

from Principal Register to Supplemental Register in §1(b) application-1102.03

prohibited during period between issuance of notice of allowance and filing of statement of use, except to delete specified goods or services (§1(b) application)-1107

to add or substitute a basis for registration-806.03-806.03(h)

to change filing basis from §1(a) to §1(b)-806.03(a); 806.03(c)

to claim priority-806.03(b)

to delete §1(b) basis-806.04-806.04(a)

to different register-816-816.05; 1102.03

Amendment of dates of use

to reflect a change, must be verified-903.05

upon amendment of identification-903.09

Amendment of mark in registration-1609.02-1609.02(c)


fee required-1609.02

material alteration of mark not permitted-1609.02(a)


who may request-1609.02

Amendment of mark on drawing

amendment to cure "internal inconsistencies" not permitted-807.14(a)(i)

may not result in material alteration-807.14(a)-807.14(a)(i)

must be warranted by specimens or foreign registration-807.14

procedures for-807.16; 807.17

processing unacceptable amendments-807.18

in marks comprising domain names-1215.08-1215.08(b)

Amendment of registration (see also Amendment of mark in registration)-1609-1609.09

correction of mistake-1609.09

dates of use-1609.06


effect on limitation of grounds for cancellation-1609.07

fee required-1609.02

from Supplemental to Principal Register not permitted-1609.08

of identification of goods/services-1609.03

of mark-1609.02-1609.02(c)

territorial restrictions-1609.05

who may request-1609.01

Amendment to allege use

approval of-1104.11

blackout period-1104.03(b); 1104.03(c)

dates of use-1104.09(d)


examination of, by examining attorney-1104.09-1104.09(h)

execution of-1104.09(b)

ex parte appeals-1104.07

fee for filing-1104.09(g)

filed in conjunction with application-1104.05

filing during pendency of ex parte appeal-1104.07

form of-1104.02

identification of goods/services in-1104.09(c)

located after publication-1104.04

minimum requirements for-1104.01

necessary elements of-1104.08


papers prepared for filing as amendment to allege use may be submitted as statement of use-1109.05(a)

review for compliance with minimum filing requirements-1104.01(a)-1104.01(c)


time for filing-1104.03

use in commerce-1104.09(d)

use on all goods/services before filing-1104.03(a)

withdrawal of-1104.10

"America" or "American," marks comprising-1209.03(n); 1210.02(c)


Appeal to Trademark Trial and Appeal Board

amendment during-1501.05

amendment after decision on-1501.06

appealable matter-1501.01; 1704

application record must be complete prior to-710.01(c)

fee for-1501.04

in general-1501-1501.07

time period for-1501

withdrawal of refusal during-1501.03

Appeal briefs, examining attorneys'

format for-1501.02; App. A

preparation of-1501.02

unpublished decisions not to be cited in-705.05

Appealable matter-1501.01


address of-803.05

application void if wrong party identified as-803.06; 1201.02(b)

association as-803.03(c)

citizenship of-803.04

corporation as-803.02(c); 803.03(c)

correcting mistake in name of-1201.02(c)

eligible under §44-1002-1002.05


joint applicants as-803.03(d)

joint venture as-803.03(b)

may not be changed-803.06; 1201.02(b)


must be natural or juristic person-803.01

name of-803.02

partnership as-803.03(b)

verification of-804-804.05

who may apply-803.01

Applicant's name-803.02

Applicants, joint-712.01(a)(i); 803.03(d)

Application checklist-818

Application files

creation and distribution of-401.03-401.03(c)

preparation of, for publication or registration of mark-817

to remain in Office-109

Application for registration

abandoned (see also Abandoned application; Abandonment of application)-718


approved for publication-1502

approved for registration on Supplemental Register-815.03

basis for (see Filing basis)


combined (see Combined application)

concurrent use (see Concurrent use registration)

dates of use-903.01; 903.02

declaration in lieu of oath-804.01(b)

establishing ownership of-502-502.02

filing basis (see Filing basis)

filing date (see Filing date (application))

form for filing-802


intent-to-use (see Intent-to-use applications)

multiple-class (see Combined application)

persons who can sign verification-804.04

priority under 44(d)-806.01(c); 1003-1003.08

should specify register on which registration is sought-801.02(a)


statutory averments-804.02

suspended (see also Suspension of Office action)-716-716.06

use in commerce-806.01(a)

verification made in foreign country-804.01(a)(i)

verification with oath-804.01(a)


Application serial number-401.01

Article 6ter of Paris Convention-1205.02

Artists and authors, name of, as mark-1202.09; 1202.09(a); 1301.02(b)


address of-502.01

entitled to prosecute application or registration-501.05

establishing ownership in name of-502-502.02

issuance of new registration certificate to-502.01-502.02

issuance of original registration certificate in name of-502.01

not domiciled in United States-501.04

stands in place of applicant or registrant-501.05

Assignment (see also Assignee)

accessibility of records-503.08


definition of-501.01

documents-503.02; 503.03(a)

examining attorney's action regarding-502.01(a)

failure to record-501.03

indexing against recorded document not permitted-503.07

of intent-to-use application-501.01(a)

of marks in applications or registrations-501.01

of §1(b) application-501.01(a)

of §44 application-501.04; 1006


recordation of (see Assignment, recordation of)

records open to public-503.08

Search Room-104; 503.08

Assignment, recordation of

address for submitting documents -503.04

correction of errors in-503.06-503.06(f)

cover sheet-503.03(e); 503.06(a)-503.06(a)(ii)

date of-503.05

documents eligible for-503.02

effect of-503.01

errors, correction of-503.06-503.06(f)

fee for-503.03(d)

indexing not permitted-503.07

not a determination of validity-503.01

petitions to correct or expunge assignment records-503.06(f)

procedure for-503.05

requirements for-503.03-503.03(e)

resubmission of documents for-503.05


name of-803.02(c)

state or country of organization of-803.04

Assumed business name-803.02; 803.02(a); 803.02(b)


associate power of-602.01(b)

change of -602.01(b); 602.04; 603.02(a)

communication with-602; 707.01; 708.02

correspondence sent to-603; 603.01; 603.02(a)

Office may not aid in selection of-601.01

powers of (see also Power of attorney)-602.01-602.01(c)

revocation of power of-602.04

representation of owner of mark by-601

signature of-602.02(a)

standards of conduct-602.02

withdrawal of-602.04; 602.04(a)

Attorneys' Window (see Customer's Window)

Author, name of, as mark-1202.09

Averments, statutory-804.02


Background designs and shapes as mark-1202.11

Banking institution as applicant-803.03(g)

Basic Facts About Registering a Trademark-105

Basis for filing (see Filing basis)

BisX (Board Information Systems Index)-108.01

Blackout period-1104.03(b)-1104.03(c)

"Bona fide and effective industrial or commercial establishment"-1002.04

Bona fide intention to use mark in commerce

acceptable language for statement of-1101

application filing basis, under §1(b)-806.01(b)

continued-1101; 1108.02

must be asserted in request for extension of time to file statement of use-1108.02(e)

must be asserted in §44 application, even if use has commenced-1008

must be asserted in written application-806.01(b)-806.01(d); 1101

Bona fides of applicant, in asserting intent to use mark in commerce, not inquired into by examining attorney-1101

Bona fide use in ordinary course of trade-901.02

Boxes for trademark-related mail-305.01

Bulky specimens-904.03

Business cards as specimens of service mark use-1301.04(c)

Business with Office to be transacted in writing-708.03; 709.03; 709.04; 709.05



of inadvertently accorded filing date-204.01

of notice of allowance-1106.03

of registration for certification mark-1306.05(b); 1306.07

of registration for failure to file affidavit of continued use -1604; 1604.04

of registration under §8-1604; 1604.04

of registrations under §14 or §37-1607

surrender of registration for-1608

Catalogs as trademark specimens-904.06(a)

Certificate of mailing procedure

effect of -305.02(e)

eligible correspondence-305.02(a)

correspondence returned by U.S. Post Office-305.02(g)

date used to determine timeliness-305.02(e)

location of certificate-305.02(c)

mailing requirements and address-305.01

non-receipt of correspondence by PTO-305.02(f)

not available for filing trademark applications-305.02(a)

wording of certificate-305.02(d)

Certificate of registration

copies kept in Trademark Search Library-104

indication that mark is on Principal Register in-1601.07

indication that mark is on Supplemental Register in-1601.07

issuance in name of assignee-502.01-502.02

new, upon change of ownership-502.02

Certificate of transmission (See Facsimile transmission, certificate of)

Certification Division, Office of Public Records-111

Certification mark

amendment to different type of mark-1306.06(g)(vi)

authority of applicant to control use of geographic term-1306.02(b)

based on foreign registration-1306.08

cancellation of registration for-1306.07

cancellation of prior trademark registration as prerequisite to issuance of certification mark registration-1306.05(b)

certification statement in application to register-1306.06(g)(i)

certification versus performance of services and sale of goods-1306.04

characteristics of-1306.05

circumstances surrounding use-1306.05

classification of goods/services in application to register-1306.06(e)

collective mark, distinguished from certification mark-1306.09(a)

definition of-1306.01

distinguished from other types of marks- 1306.01; 1306.09(a); 1306.09(b)

drawing requirements-1306.06(b)

examination of application to register-1306.06-1306.06(g)(vi)

exercise of control-1306.06(g)(iii)

foreign registration, basis for registration of certification mark-1306.08

geographic term used to designate regional origin-1210.09; 1306.02-1306.02(c)

geographically deceptive term not permitted-1306.02

government as applicant for-1306.02(c)

grounds for cancellation under §14, applicability to examination-1306.07

identification of goods or services-1306.06(f)

indication of regional origin versus description of goods-1306.02(a)

labor performed by specific group or individual, term used to certify that-1306.03

mark not used by applicant-1306.06(g)(v)

may be geographically descriptive-1306.02

not registrable as trademark or service mark-1306.05(a)

ownership of-1306.04

patent licenses, use of trademark or service mark by patent licensee distinguished from-1306.09(c)

purpose is to certify, not indicate source-1306.01(b)

quality control by owner not a requirement-1306.01(a)

related company use of trademark or service mark distinguished from-1306.09(b)

same mark not registrable as other type of mark-1306.05(a); 1306.05(b)

specimens-1306.06(c); 1306.06(d)


statement of control over use of mark-1306.06(g)(iii)

statement of first use under authority of applicant-1306.06(g)(iv)

statement that mark is not used by applicant-1306.06(g)(iv)

statement of what mark certifies-1306.06(g)(i)

uncertainty as to type of mark-1306.09

use is by others-1306.01(a); 1306.06(g)(iv); 1306.06(g)(v)

verification language in application to register-1306.06(g)(iii)

Certification or certified copy of foreign registration required for §44(e)-1004.01

Chain of title-502; 502.01

Change of correspondence address-603.02-603.02(c)

Change of filing date of application-204.03; 205; 1711

Change of name, certificate of-502.01

Character or person, as mark-1202.09; 1202.09(a); 1301.02(b)

Check, in general-405.02

Check, returned unpaid

affidavit of continued use or excusable nonuse (§8)-405.02(a); 1604.06(c)

amendment to allege use-405.02(a); 1104.09(g)

application filing fee-202.03(a); 405.02(a)

extension of time to file statement of use-405.02(a); 1108.02(c)

renewal fee-405.02(a); 1606.05(c)

statement of use-405.02(a); 1109.15(a)

Checklist, application-818

Citizenship of applicant-803.04

Claim of priority (see also Priority under §44(d))

amendment to add-806.03(b); 1003.02

form of-806.01(c); 1003

Claiming benefits of Act of 1946 under §12(c)-1603-1603.03

Class headings-1401.02(a)

Classification of goods/services

amendment of-707.02; 1401.03; 1401.03(b); 1401.04(b); 1403.02; 1403.02(b)

amendment after publication -707.02; 1109.14; 1505.01(b)

certification mark-1306.06(e)

collective mark-1303.02(a)

collective membership mark-1304.09(a)

criteria for determining-1401.02(a); 1401.05

designation by applicant normally accepted-1401.03(a)

designation by Office-1401.03(b)

international system-1401.02-1401.02(c)

plurality of uses-1401.07

services-1401.02(a); 1402.11

short titles of classes-1401.02(b)

should be designated by applicant, if known-1401.03

statutory authority for-1401.01

Clear error in second examination-1109.08

Closings of Patent and Trademark Office, unscheduled-309

Coat of arms, refusal to register mark comprising-1204

Collective mark, in general (see also Collective membership mark; Collective trademarks and service marks)

definition of-1302

history of-1302.01

Collective membership mark


control over use of-1304.09(d)(i); 1304.09(d)(ii)

distinguished from other types of marks-1302; 1304.01; 1306.09(a)

examination of application to register-1304.09-1304.09(d)(iii)

history of-1304.01


ownership of-1302; 1304.04; 1304.05

purpose of-1304.02

refusal to register-1304.08

special elements of-1304.09(d)(i); 1304.09(d)(iii)

specimens for-1304.09(c)

title or degree designations compared with-1304.08(c)

use is by members-1304.03; 1304.09(d)(iii)

Collective organization

use of collective mark by members of-1302; 1303.01

use of trademark or service mark by-1305

Collective trademarks and service marks

control over use of-1303.02(c)(i); 1303.02(c)(ii)

classification of-1303.02(a)

distinguished from other types of marks-1302; 1303; 1305; 1306.09(a)

examination of application to register-1303.02-1303.02(c)(ii)

ownership of-1303

special elements of-1303.02(c)(i); 1303.02(c)(ii)

specimens for-1303.02(b)

use is by members-1303.01; 1303.02(c)(ii)


a feature of the mark-807.09(d)

as a mark-1202.05-1202.05(h)

drawings of-807.09-807.09(e); 1202.05(d)-1202.05(d)(iii)

in the mark-807.09-807.09(e); 1202.05-1202.05(h)


markings which do not indicate-807.09(e)

not a feature of the mark-807.09(d)

shades of-807.09(c)

specimens for marks comprising-904.02(a); 1202.05(f)

Columns or sections of publications, marks that identify-1202.07-1202.07(b)

Combined affidavit under §§8 and 15-1605.05

Combined application

abandonment of-1403.05

addition of class number(s) in-1403.02(c)

amendment of-1403.02

correction of class(es) in-1403.02(b)

deletion of class(es) from-1403.02(a)

division of (see also Division of application)-1403.03

filing fees for-810.01; 1401.04; 1403.05(a)

goods/services not limited to one class-1403.01

refusal as to fewer than all classes in-1403.05

requirements for-1403.01

single certificate of registration issued, unless application divided-1403.01

specimens for-904.01(b)


bona fide use in ordinary course of trade-901.02

commerce that may be lawfully regulated by Congress-901.03

definition of-901.01

use in (see Use in commerce)


type of-903.03

with the United States-903.03

Commercial name-1202.01

Commissioner, change of title-1701

Companion applications-702.03(a)-702.03(a)(iv)


does not identify legal entity in the United States-803.03; 803.03(c)

used in commonwealth countries to designate legal entity-803.03(i)

Company, related (see Related company)

Compliance with other laws-907

Component or ingredient, mark used to identify-1402.05(a)

Compound word mark, drawing for-807.08

Composition of goods-1402.05(b)

Computer programs

identification of-1402.03(d)

specimens for-904.04(d)

Concurrent use registration-1207.04-1207.04(f)(i)

Conditional assignment-503.01

Configuration of goods or packaging-1202.02-1202.02(e)

Conflicting applications-702.03(b); 1207.01(d)(x); 1208-1208.02(f)

Conflicting marks-702.03(b); 1207.01(d)(x); 1208-1208.02(f)

Congressional inquiry-1802

Consent agreement-1207.01(d)(viii)

Consent to register by living individual-1206.03-1206.03(b)

Conservatorship as owner of mark-803.03(e)

Constructive use-201.02

Control over nature and quality of goods/services-1201.01; 1201.03; 1201.03(a)

Convention or treaty relating to trademarks-1001; 1002.01; 1002.02; App. B

Copending (companion) applications-702.03(a)-702.03(a)(iv)

Copies of documents, when acceptable for filing-302.01

Copies of materials in files, requests for-111

Copies of trademark applications and registrations, requests for-111

Copying materials in files-109.03


address of-803.05

name of-803.02


signature on behalf of-712.01(a)(iv); 804.04

state or country of incorporation-803.04


Correction of errors in cover sheet or recorded document-503.06-503.06(f)

Correction of mistake in name of applicant-1201.02(c)

Correction of mistake in registration-1609.09

Correction of special-form drawing-807.17

Correction of typed drawing-807.17

Correspondence address-603-603.05

change of-603.02-603.02(c); 603.05


Correspondence with applicants not domiciled in United States-603.05

Correspondence, with whom held-603-603.05

Country of origin-1002.04

Courier service, delivery of correspondence by-307

Court orders concerning registrations-1610

Cover sheet required for recording in Assignment Division-503.03(e)

Credit card-405.01-405.01(a)

Charges refused or charged back-202.03(a)-202.03(a)(i); 405.01(a)

Cultivar names-1202.12

Customers' Window-307



of filing (see Filing date (application); "Office Date" stamp)

of first use in commerce-903.02

of first use of mark-903.01

of notarization of application-804.01(a)

of receipt stamped on hand-delivered papers-303.01; 303.02(b); 307

of signing of §2.20 declaration in application-804.01(a); 804.01(b); 804.03

Date stamp (see "Office Date" stamp)

Dates of use (see also Date of first use in commerce; Date of first use of mark)


in allegation of use, may be earlier than application filing date-903

in another form-903.08


must be specified in amendment to allege use-903; 1104.09(d)

must be specified in §1(a) application-806.01(a); 903

must be specified in statement of use-903; 1109.09(a)

must be verified-903

pertain to at least one item in class-903.09

relation between-903.04

DBA designations-803.02; 803.02(a); 803.02(c)

De Facto Functionality-1202.02(a)(iii)(B)

De Jure Functionality-1202.02(a)(iii)(B)

Dead languages, translation of-809; 1207.01(b)(vi); 1209.03(g)

Deadline for response, how to compute-310

Deceptive matter-1203.02-1203.02(b); 1210.05(a); 1210.07(d)

Deceptively misdescriptive geographic marks-1210.01(b); 1210.05; 1210.07(c)

Deceptively misdescriptive marks-1209.04

Declaration under §8 (see Affidavit of continued use or excusable nonuse (§8))

Declaration in lieu of oath-804.01(b)

Defective application materials-204-204.03

Degrees or titles-1304.08(c); 1306.03; 1306.06(a)

Delay between execution and filing of papers-804.03; 1104.09(b); 1108.02(b); 1109.05(a); 1109.11(c)


of items from identification-1104.09(c); 1107; 1108.02(d); 1109.13; 1402.06(a)

of matter from mark on drawing-807.15

Deposit accounts-405.03


guidelines for requiring-808.01

identifying position of mark on goods-807.10

of color in mark-807.09-807.09(d); 1202.05(c)

of designs of figurative elements-808.01(b)

of letters and numerals-808.01(a)

of location of mark on goods-808.01

of mark comprising configuration-808.01; 1202.02(d)

of sensory mark-807.11

of symbols in mark-808.01(b)

of three-dimensional mark-807.12; 808.01

printed in Official Gazette-808.03

printed on registration certificate-808.03

Descriptiveness, geographical-1210-1210.09

Descriptiveness, mere-1209; 1209.01-1209.03(s)

combined terms-1209.03(d)

design or picture-1209.03(f)

domain names-1209.03(m); 1215.04; 1215.05

first user-1209.03(c)

foreign equivalents-1209.03(g)

function or purpose-1209.03(p)


laudatory terms-1209.03(k)

more than one meaning-1209.03(e)

no dictionary listing-1209.03(b)

phonetic equivalent-1209.03(j)

procedure for refusal-1209.02

retail store and distributorship services-1209.03(r)


source or provider of goods/services-1209.03(q)

third party registrations-1209.03(a)

Destruction of files-109.02; 718.07

Diacritical marks in typed drawings-807.06(b)

Diligence (see Due diligence in monitoring status of pending matters)

Director, statutory authority of-1701



as to certain classes, or certain goods or services-1213

compound word marks-1213.05(a)-1213.05(a)(ii)

double entendre-1213.05(c)

form of-1213.08 - 1213.08(d)


in relation to likelihood of confusion-1213.09; 1213.10

of domain name-1215.07

of entire mark not permitted-1213.06

of entity designations-1213.03(d)

of foreign words-1213.08(d)

of generic matter-1213.03(b)

of misspelled words-1213.08(c)

of pictorial representations of descriptive matter-1213.03(c)

of unregistrable matter in its entirety-1213.08(b)

piecemeal disclaimer not permitted-1213.08(b)

refusal to register because of failure to disclaim-1213.01(b)

removal rather than-1213.07

slogan not subject to-1213.05(b)

sound patterns-1213.05(e)

standardized printing format for-1213.08(a)(i)

unitary mark not subject to-1213.05-1213.05(f)


with respect to unitary marks-1213.05 - 1213.05(f)

Disparagement-1203.03 - 1203.03(d)

Distinctiveness under §2(f) (see Acquired distinctiveness (§2(f)) claim)


fee for-1110.02

of application-1110-1110.07

of application subject to Board proceeding-1110.06

of application under §44-1110.07

of multiple class application-1403.03

of registration not permitted-1110.08

time for filing-1110.01

when statement of use is due-1110.04

when response to Office action is due-1110.05

Divisions, operating or unincorporated-803.01

Documents which the Office will record-503.02

Domain names, marks comprising-1209.03(m); 1215-1215.10

agreement of mark on drawing with mark on specimen-1215.02(c); 1215.08-1215.08(b)

combined with geographic matter-1215.06

combined with surname-1211.01(b)(vii); 1215.03

descriptiveness-1209.03(m); 1215.04; 1215.05

disclaimer of-1215.07

for domain name registry services-1215.02(d)

generic refusals-1209.03(m); 1215.05

intent-to-use applications-1215.02(e)

use as a mark-1215.02-1215.02(e)

Domestic representative (of party not domiciled in United States)

designation by applicant-604

designation by assignee-501.04

designation by renewal applicant-1606.10

mailing of correspondence to-603.05

with respect to affidavits under §8 -1604.14

with respect to proceedings before Trademark Trial and Appeal Board-604

Drawing(s) (see also Special-form drawing; Typed drawing)

agreement with foreign registration in §44 application-807.14; 1011.01

agreement with specimens-807.14; 1215.02(c)

amendments (see Amendment of mark on drawing)

broken lines on-807.10; 1202.02(d)

clear drawing of-202.01; 807.03

color -807.09-807.09(d); 1202.05(d)-1202.05(d)(iii)

deletion of matter from-807.15

determining when special form exists-807.07-807.07(b)

diacritical marks in-807.06(b)

dotted lines on-807.10; 1202.02(d)

electronically filed application-807.02

fax transmission not permitted-306.01

for sensory marks-807.11

format of-807.01-807.01(d)

heading -807.01(c)

ink (see Special-form drawing)

limited to mark-807.04

limited to one mark-202.01; 807.03

motion, drawing of marks with-807.13

multiple-202.01; 807.03

multiple page-807.01(d)

not required for sound or scent mark-807.11

punctuation marks in-807.06(a)

recommended format-807.01

required for marks other than sound and scent-807

separate drawing page-807.01(a); 807.05

showing position of mark-807.10

size of-807.01(b)

special form and typing not to be combined in-807.07(c)

special-form (see Special-form drawing)


three-dimensional marks-807.12; 1202.02(d)

transfer of (under 37 C.F.R. §2.26)-807.19

transmission of


type of paper for-807.01(b)

typed (see Typed drawing)

Dual citizenship asserted by applicant-803.04

Due diligence in monitoring status of pending matters-1705.05; 1712.01; 1714.01(d)

Duplicate registrations not issued-703

Duration of registration-1602-1602.04


Educational institution as owner of mark-803.03(f)

Effective date

of Trademark Act of 1946-1601.02

of Trademark Law Revision Act of 1988-401.01; 1602.01

of Trademark Law Treaty Implementation Act-1602.04

Effective filing date of application-206-206.02

Electronic filing through TEAS-301; 303.02(a)

confirmation of receipt of-303.02(a)


signature-301; 804.05


Electronic mail-304-304.10

address for correspondence by-304.09

authorization of-304.03

communications that may be filed by-304.01; 304.02

filing date of-304.04

signature of-304.08

English, application must be in-802

Enrollment and Discipline, Office of-602; 602.02; 602.03; 719

Entity, legal-803.03

Entity of foreign applicants, common terms designating-803.03(i)

Entry of papers in file wrapper-401.03(a)

Equivalents, foreign-1207.01(b)(vi); 1209.03(g)

Errors in cover sheet or recorded document, correction of-503.06-503.06(f)

Establishing ownership of applications or registrations-502

Estate as owner of mark-803.03(e)

Evidence with respect to refusal or requirement-710-710.03

from Internet-710.01(b)

from research database-710.01(a)

indicating no refusal or requirement necessary-710.02

of third party registration-710.03

record must be complete prior to appeal-710.01(c); 1501.02

remand for introduction of new evidence-1504.05



initial (see also Intent-to-use applications, initial examination of)-704.01; 1102-1102.04

of related applications-702.03-702.03(b)

order of-702.01



"second" examination (see Statement of use, examination of)

"special" applications-702.02; 1710-1710.02

statutory authority for-701

suspended applications-716-716.06

Examiner's amendment

approval of-707.01

combined with priority action-708.05

form of-707.03

objection to amendment of identification of goods/services-1402.07(e)

when appropriate-707.01; 707.02

without prior authorization-707.02

Examining attorneys' appeal briefs (see Appeal briefs, examining attorneys')

Ex parte, contacts with third parties regarding ex parte matters-1806

Express abandonment of application-718.01

"Express Mail," filing of correspondence by —305.03

Extension of time to file statement of use (see Request for extension of time to file statement of use)

Extension of time to oppose-1503.04


Facsimile transmission, certificate of (see also Facsimile transmission, filing of correspondence by)

effect of-306.05(c)

eligible correspondence-306.01

non-receipt of correspondence by PTO-306.05(d)

not available for filing trademark applications-306.01

requirements for-306.05-306.05(c)

wording of certificate-306.05(b)

Facsimile transmission, filing of correspondence by (see also Facsimile transmission, certificate of)

documents excluded-306.01

documents included-306.01

effect of-306.03

not available for filing applications-306.01

procedure for-306.04; 306.05

False suggestion of connection-1203.03(e); 1203.03(f)

Fax copies of documents, filing of-302.01

Fax transmission (see Facsimile transmission)

Federal holiday, response period ending on-308


for filing amendment to allege use-1104.09(g)

for filing application-202.03; 810-810.02; 1401.04; 1403.01; 1403.05(a)

for filing multi-class application-810; 810.01; 1401.04; 1403.01; 1403.05(a)

for filing request for extension of time to file statement of use-1108.02(c)

for filing statement of use-1109.15

for recording document in Assignment Division-503.03(d)

number of-810; 810.01; 1401.04; 1403.01; 1403.05(a)

refund of (see Refund of fees)

returned check-202.03(a)-202.03(a)(i); 405.02(a); 1104.09(g); 1108.02(c); 1109.15(a); 1604.06(c); 1606.05(c)

File jacket (see File wrapper)

File wrapper

arrangement of papers in-401.03(a)


"notes-to-the-file" section of-709.03; 710.02

opinions and conclusions not to be indicated on-710.02

Files, destruction of-109.02; 718.07

Filing basis

abandonment of multi-basis application-806.02(d)

amendment after publication-806.03(a); 1505.01(f)

amendment, effect on filing date-806.03(g); 806.04(b)

amendment from §1(a) to §1(b) permitted-806.03(c)

amendment from §44 to §1(b) permitted-806.03(d)

amendment, verification of-806.02(e); 806.03(h)

bona fide intention to use mark in commerce-806.01(b)-806.01(d); 806.02(e)


claim of priority under §44(d)-806.01(c); 806.02(f); 806.03(b); 806.04(b)

combining §1(a) and §1(b)-806.02(a); 806.02(b); 806.03(c))

combining §1 and §44-806.02(e); 806.02(f); 806.03(d); 806.03(f); 806.04(b)

deletion of, in general-806.04

deletion of §1(b) basis-806.04-806.04(b)

foreign registration under §44(e)-806.01(d); 806.02(e)

intent-to-use-806.01(b); 806.02(b); 806.03(c); 806.03(d); 806.03(e); 806.04(a)


must be stated in written application-806

not required for receipt of filing date-806

requirements for establishing-806.01-806.01(d)

review prior to publication or issue-806.05

specimen, deferral of examination in multi-basis application-806.02(c)

use in commerce-806.01(a); 806.02(b); 806.03(c)

when basis can be changed-806.03(a)

Filing date, application

change of-204.03; 205; 1711

denial of-204-204.03; 1711


request for restoration of-1711

requirements for receiving-202-202.03

restoration of-1711

review for compliance with minimum requirements-203

review of denial of-1711

Filing date, for correspondence (in general)-205; 303.01; 304.04

Filing date, for correspondence filed via electronic mail-304.04

Filing date label-303.02(b)

Filing fee, application-202.03; 810-810.02; 1403.01; 1403.05(a)

Filing of correspondence with Patent and Trademark Office

at Customers' Window-307

by courier or delivery service-307

by "Express Mail" (see "Express Mail," filing of correspondence by)

by fax (see Facsimile transmission, filing of certain papers and fee authorizations by)

by hand delivery-307

by mail-305-305.03

by unauthorized individual-602.03

certificate of mailing procedure for (see Certificate of mailing procedure)

certificate of transmission procedure for (See Facsimile transmission, certificate of)

time between execution and-804.03; 1104.09(b); 1108.02(b); 1109.05(a); 1109.11(c)

Filing receipt-402

Final refusal

action after-715-715.04

for failure to provide information requested by examining attorney-814

issuance of, after removal of application from suspension-716.06

new issues requiring issuance of non-final action-714.05-714.05(c); 715.03(b)

not permissible on first action-714.01

not permissible on suspension-714.02

pertaining to identification-714.05(a)(ii)

pertaining to proposed amendment of drawing-807.18


proper response to-715.01

request for reconsideration after-715.03-715.03(c); 1714.01(a); 1714.01(f)(ii)

statement of grounds of-714.04

when appropriate-714.03; 714.05-714.05(c)

with respect to §2(f) claim-714.05(a)(i); 1212.02(h)


Flag, refusal to register mark comprising-1204

Foreign applicant

common terms designating entity of-803.03(i)

signature on behalf of-712.01(a)(v); 804.04

Foreign equivalents, doctrine of-1207.01(b)(vi); 1209.03(g)

Foreign priority (see Priority under §44(d), application claiming)

Foreign registration, application based on ownership of

assignment of home country application or registration-1006

bona fide intention to use mark in commerce -806.01(d); 806.02(e); 1004; 1008

certification or certified copy of foreign registration required-806.01(d); 1004.01

drawing-807.14; 1011-1011.03

establishing entitlement under a treaty-1002.01; 1002.03

from applicant's country of origin-1002.04

identification of goods/services-1012; 1402.01(b)

must be in force-1004.01(a)

ownership of foreign registration-1005

requirements for receiving a filing date-202-202.03

requirements for §44(e) basis-806.01(d)

specimen not required-1009

status of foreign registration

translation of -1004.01(b)

use not required-1009

"Foreign" commerce-903.03

Form paragraphs-705; 705.01

Forms, trademark-103

Fragrance as mark-807.11; 1202.13

Franchisees, use of mark by-1201.03(f)


Freedom of Information Act requests-1803

for copies of letters of protest-1715.07



Generic terms-1209.01(c)-1209.01(c)(iii); 1215.05

Geographic terms

as certification marks-1210.09; 1306.02-1306.02(c)

combined with additional matter-1210.07-1210.07(e); 1210.08

combined with domain name-1215.06

disclaimer of-1210.08

misleading indication of origin of wines/spirits-1210.05(b)

obscure or remote-1210.04(d)

registration of, under §2(f)-1210.06(b)

used as certification mark to designate regional origin-1306.02

Geographical marks, deceptive-1203.02(a); 1210.01(c); 1210.05(a)

Geographically deceptively misdescriptive marks-1210.01(b); 1210.05; 1210.07(c)

Geographically descriptive marks-1210-1210.09

Geometric shapes-1202.11

Good cause, showing of, in request for second or subsequent extension of time to file statement of use-1108.02(f)

Goods (see Identification of goods/services; Classification of goods/services)

Goods/place association-1210.04-1210.04(e)

Goods in trade-1202.06-1202.06(c)

Governmental body as owner of mark-803.03(f)

Grade designation-1202.10


Hague convention-804.01(a)(i)

Hand delivery of correspondence to Patent and Trademark Office-307

Heading, drawing-807.01(c)

Heading or caption for papers-302.03(a); 302.03(b)

Holiday (see Federal holiday, response period ending on)

Hologram-807.03; 1202.14

House mark-1402.03(b)


Identification of goods/services

accuracy of-1402.05


amendment permitted to clarify or limit-1402.06-1402.06(b)

association services-1402.11(c)

broad terms in-1402.03; 1402.03(a)

certification mark-1306.06(f)

charitable services-1402.11(d)

clarification of-1402.06-1402.06(b)

components or ingredients-1402.05(a)

computer programs-1402.03(d)

computer services-1402.11(a)

consulting services-1402.11(e)

deletion of items from-1104.09(c); 1107; 1108.02(d); 1109.13; 1402.06(a)

entitlement to filing date with respect to-202.02; 1402.02

final refusal pertaining to-714.05(a)(ii)

"full line of"-1402.03(c)

house mark-1402.03(b)

identical language in more than one class not permitted-1401.07

in amendment to allege use-1104.09(c)

in §44 application may not exceed scope of those in foreign registration-1012

inappropriate in collective membership mark application-1304.09(b)

inclusive terminology in-1402.03(a)

in request for extension of time to file statement of use-1108.02(d)

in statement of use-1109.13

limitation of-1402.06(a)

location of-1402.01(c)

moving goods/services between companion applications-1402.08

negative language in-1402.06(a)

on-line publications-1402.11(a)

"ordinary meaning" test for determining scope of-1402.07(a)

parenthesis and brackets should not be used in-1402.12

printed publications-1402.03(e); 1402.11(a)

required for application to receive a filing date-202.02; 1402.02


scope of, for amendment purposes-1402.07; 1402.07(e)

specificity of terms in-1402.03; 1402.03(e)

trademarks/service marks inappropriate in-1402.09


Immoral or scandalous matter-1203.01

Improper use of registration notice-906.02

Incomplete application materials-204-204.03

Incomplete response to Office action-718.03-718.03(c); 1713; 1714.01(f)(ii)


affidavit of (§15) (see Affidavit of incontestability)

effect in examination-1216.02

Indexing against recorded document not permitted-503.07

Individual as applicant

citizenship of-803.04

doing business under assumed name-803.02; 803.02(a); 803.02(c)

name of-803.02(a)

Individual, living-813; 1206.02; 1206.03-1206.03(b)

Individuals who may practice before Office in trademark matters-602

Informal application materials-204-204.03

Information, examining attorney's request for-814

Informational matter as mark-1202.04; 1301.02(a)

on drawing, deletion of-807.15

Initial examination to be complete-704.01; 1102-1102.04


from Congressional office-1802

from member of press-1804

from third party regarding ex parte matter-1806

general inquiries from public-1805

letter of, with respect to suspended application-716.05

regarding status of pending matters-108-108.04; 1705.05

Insignia, refusal to register mark comprising-1204

Inspection of files on Office premises-109

"Insurance" extension of time to file statement of use-1108.03-1108.03(a)

Intent-to-use applications (see also Amendment to allege use; Notice of allowance; Request for extension of time to file statement of use; Statement of use)

allegation of use required prior to registration-1103

assignment of-501.01(a)

distinctiveness under §2(f)-1102.04; 1212.09; 1212.09(b)

initial examination of:

color marks-1202.05(h)


drawings-1102.02; 1104.09(f); 1109.12

for use as mark-704.01; 1102-1102.04

identification of goods/services-1104.09(c); 1108.02(d); 1109.13


under §2(d)-1102.01

under §§1, 2(a), 2(b), 2(c), 2(e)-1102.01

statutory averments-804.02; 806.01(b); 1101

Supplemental Register-1102.03

publication of-1105

Supplemental Register-1102.03

Inter-American Convention-1001; App. B

Interference, petition to declare-1208.03-1208.03(c); 1507

"Internal inconsistencies," amendment of drawing to cure not permitted-807.14(a)(i)

International Alphabetical List-1401.02(c)

International trademark agreements-1001; App. B

Internet domain names, marks comprising-1209.03(m); 1215-1215.10

Internet, evidence from-710.01(b)

Interview with applicant or attorney-709-709.06


Joint applicants

application by-803.03(d)

signature by-712.01(a)(i); 804.04

Joint venture

name of-803.03(b)

setting forth names and citizenship of joint venturers-803.03(b)

signature by-712.01(a)(iii); 804.04

state or country of organization-803.03(b)

Jurisdiction over application-1504-1504.05(a)

Jurisdiction, request for-1504.04(a)

Juristic person-803.01


Lanham Act (see Trademark Act of 1946)

Laudatory terms in marks-1209.03(k)

Legal advice, Office cannot render-108.03; 1801; 1805

Legal entity of applicant set forth in application-803.03; 803.03(i)

Letter of inquiry with respect to suspended application-716.05

Letter of protest in pending application (see Protest)

Letterhead stationery as specimen of service mark use-1301.04(c)

Library, search (see Search library, patent; Search library, trademark)

License agreements, recording of-503.02

Licensees, use of mark by-1201.03(f)

Likelihood of confusion

actual confusion unnecessary-1207.01(d)(ii)

attack on registration improper in ex parte proceeding-1207.01(d)(iv)

between collective and other marks-1304.08(b)

classification not relevant-1207.01(d)(v)

consent between parties-1207.01(d)(viii)

design marks-1207.01(c)-1207.01(c)(iii)

doubt resolved in registrant's favor-1207.01(d)(i)

famous mark-1207.01(d)(x)

foreign equivalents-1207.01(b)(vi)

legal equivalents-1207.01(c)(i)

meaning, similarity in-1207.01(b)(v)

no per se rule-1207.01(a)(iv)

parody marks-1207.01(b)(x)

past decisions of examining attorneys-1207.01(d)(vi); 1216-1216.02

related companies and-1201.07-1201.07(b)(iv)

relatedness of goods and/or services-1207.01(a)-1207.01(a)(vi)

reliance on identification of goods/services in application/registration-1207.01(a)(iii)

sophisticated purchasers-1207.01(d)(vii)

sound, similarity in-1207.01(b)(iv)

similarity of marks-1207.01(b)-1207.01(b)(x)

third-party registrations-1207.01(d)(iii)

transposition of terms-1207.01(b)(vii)

weak marks-1207.01(b)(ix)

Limited liability company-803.03(h)

signature by-712.01(a)(vii); 804.04

Lining, color-807.09(b)

Lining statement-807.09(b); 807.09(e)

Living individual-813; 1206.02; 1206.03-1206.03(b)

Loss of papers-305.02(f)


Mail sent to Patent and Trademark Office related to trademarks-302.03(a); 302.03(b)

Manner of use of mark (see Method-of-use)

Material alteration -807.14(a); 807.14(a)(i); 1604.13; 1609.02(a)

Material difference between mark on drawing and mark in foreign registration-807.14; 1011.01

Meaning of term in mark, inquiry as to-808.01(c); 814

Membership mark (see Collective membership mark)

Mere descriptiveness (see Descriptiveness, mere)

Merger, documents of-503.02

Method-of-use -905

Minor as applicant-803.01

"Misspelled" words-1209.03(j); 1213.08(c)

Mistake in applicant's name, correction of-1201.02(c)

Mistake in registration, correction of-1609.09

Model, style or grade designation-1202.10

More than one mark-202.01; 807.03

Motion, drawing of marks with-807.13

Moving goods/services between companion applications-1402.08

Multiple-class application (see Combined application)

Multiple copies of papers should not be filed-302.02

Multiple drawings-202.01; 807.03

Multiple filing bases-806.02-806.02(f)

Multiple page drawings-807.01(d)

Musical performer/group names-1202.09; 1202.09(a); 1301.02(b)



NAFTA (see North American Free Trade Agreement)

Name of applicant, correcting mistake in-1201.02(c)

Names of artists and authors as marks-1202.09; 1202.09(a); 1206.01; 1301.02(b)

Name, portrait or signature as mark-1206.01

National Archives and Records Administration-503.08

National symbols-1203.03; 1203.03(b); 1203.03(c); 1203.03(d)

Negative identification language-1402.06(a)

New certificate of registration, issuance to assignee-502.02

Non-English wording in mark, translation of-809-809.02(a)

Non-Latin characters in mark, transliteration of-809-809.02(a)

Non-lawyers-602; 707.01; 708.02; 712.01

Non-profit corporation-803.03(c)

Non-receipt of Examining attorney's Office action-717.02

Nonuse of registered mark-1604.11

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)-1210; 1210.06(a); 1210.06(b); 1211; 1212; 1212.02(a)

Notice of abandonment-718.04; 718.06

Notice of allowance-1106-1106.04

action after issuance of (but before filing of Statement of use)-1106.02; 1107

cancellation of-1106.03

correction of errors in -1106.04

information printed on-1106.01

issuance of-1106.01

non-receipt of-1714.01(c)

"Notice of incomplete trademark application"-204.01

Notice of publication-704.01

Notice, registration (see Registration notice)

Number of specimens-904.01


Office action (see also Action by examining attorney; Response to Office action)

non-receipt of-717.02

preparation of-705-705.08

remailing of-717

response period-310; 711-711.02

returned as undeliverable -403; 717.01

"Office Date" label-303.02(b)

Office personnel

not to express opinion on validity of registered mark-1801

not to give legal advice-108.03

not to testify-1801.01

Official Gazette (see also Trademark Official Gazette)-106; 1502; 1502.01

Old drawing, use in new application-807.19

"Olympic" and other designations protected under Amateur Sports Act of 1978-1205.01

One mark, application limited to-202.01; 807.03

Operating divisions-803.01

Opinion, Office personnel not to express-108.03; 1801


Order of examination-702.01

Order of work-702-702.02

Ordering abandoned application files-109.02; 718.07

Original document, filing of-302.01


Owner of mark is proper party to apply-803.01; 1201

Ownership of application or registration

change of-501-501.06


Ownership of mark (see also Assignment; Applicant; Related Company)

change in, after application filed-501-501.06

inquiry by examining attorney with respect to-1201.04

refusal on basis of-1201.02(b)

related-company use-1201.03-1201.03(f)


Papers not returnable-404

Paris Convention-1001; 1002.03; 1002.04; 1205.01

Partial assignment-501.06

Partners, setting forth names and citizenship of-803.03(b)


address of-803.05

name of-803.02; 803.03(b)

signature by-712.01(a)(ii); 804.04

state or country of organization-803.02(b); 803.04

Patent and Trademark Depository Libraries-112

Period for response

ending on Saturday, Sunday or federal holiday-308

how computed-310

may run from date of previous action-711.01

reset in examining attorney's letter correcting error-711.02


Petition decisions available to public-110

Petition from examining attorney's holding of abandonment-1713

Petition to cancel-1607

Petition to Director -1702; 1703; 1704; 1705-1705.09; 1706; 1707; 1708

after refusal of §8 affidavit-1604.18-1604.18(c);

after refusal of renewal-1606.14; 1606.14(c)

appeal to federal court from-1705.09

delegation of-1709


evidence and proof of facts-1705.03

fee for-1705.02

petitionable matter-1704

procedure for-1705-1705.09

request for reconsideration of denial of-1705.08

standard of review on-1706


stay of deadlines pending disposition of-1705.06

supervisory authority-1707


to make special (see Petition to make "special")

to reinstate abandoned applications-1712.01

to reinstate cancelled registrations-1712.02

to reverse examining attorney's holding of abandonment-1713

to review denial of filing date-1711

to revive (see Petition to revive)

to waive rules-1708

types of-1703

Petition to make "special"-1710-1710.02

basis for granting or denying-1710.01

fee for-1710

handling of-1710.02

must state facts justifying special action-1710.01

routing of-1710

Petition to revive abandoned application (see also Unintentional delay)

basis for granting-1714.01(e)

diligence with respect to-1705.05; 1714.01(d)

fee for-1710

request for reconsideration of denial of-1714.01(g)

requirements for filing-1714.01-1714.01(e)

time for filing of-1714.01(d)

unintentional delay, statement of-1714.01(e)

unintentional delay, where unintentional delay applies-1714.01(f)-1714.01(f)(ii)

Petitionable matter-1704

"Phantom" elements in marks-807.03; 1214-1214.03

Photocopies of documents, when acceptable for filing-302.01

Piecemeal action to be avoided-704.01

Portrait as mark -1206

Postcard, acknowledgment-303.02(c)-303.02(c)(i)

Power of attorney-602.01-602.01(c)


change of -602.01(b); 602.04; 603.02(a)

filed after registration-602.01(c); 1612

relating to multiple application or registration-602.01(a)

Practice before Office in trademark matters-602

Predecessor in title, first use of mark by-903.06

Preparation of case for publication or registration-817

President of United States, deceased-1206.02; 1206.03

Press, inquiries from members of-1804

Previous examining attorney, examination approach of-713.01

Principal Register

advantages of registration on-801.02(a)

applications for registration on-801.02(a)

registration on Supplemental Register may not be amended to-1609.08

Printing of information in Official Gazette and on registration certificate-817

Prior registrations of applicant

effect of-1216-1216.02

identification of, in application-812


not controlling-1216.01

proving ownership of-812.01

refusal under §2(d) with respect to-812.01

Prior trademark acts (see also Act of 1881; Act of 1905; Act of 1920)

registrations issued under-1601.04; 1601.05; 1602.02; 1602.03

repeal of-1601.02

reregistration of marks registered under-1601.03

Priority action

combined with examiner's amendment-708.05


elements of-708.01

form of-708.03

when appropriate-708.02

Priority, constructive use-201.02

Priority for publication or issue based on effective filing date-201.01; 1003.05

Priority under §44(d), application claiming

abandonment of foreign application-1003.08

amendment of basis, priority filing date retained-806.03(g); 806.04(b)

assignment of §44(d) application-1006

basis for registration required-1003.03

bona fide intention to use mark in commerce must be asserted-806.01(c); 806.02(e); 1003; 1008

combined with other bases-806.02(f)

effect of failing to file within six months-1003.02

effective filing date of-206.02; 1003.05

eligible applicants-1002.02

establishing entitlement under a treaty-1002.02; 1002.03; 1002.04

"first-filed" requirement-1003.01

identification of goods/services-1012; 1402.01(b)

may also rely on §44(e)-1003.06

more than one foreign application-1003.07

must be filed within six months of foreign filing-806.03(b); 1003.02

not limited to country of origin-1002.04

ownership of foreign application-1005

priority for publication of-201.01; 1003.05

requirements for §44(d) filing basis-806.01(c)

retention of priority filing date without perfect §44(e) basis-806.04(b); 806.03(g)

requirements for receiving a filing date-202

suspension pending receipt of foreign registration-716.02(b); 1003.04

use not required-1009

valid basis for registration in United States required-1003.03

Process, system or method-1301.02(e)

Protest, Letter of-1715-1715.07

adversarial arguments inappropriate -1715.01

appropriate subjects to be raised-1715.01-1715.01(b)

approval of application for publication after grant of-1715.05

does not extend opposition period-1715.03(b)

filed after publication-1715.03

filed before publication-1715.02

petition to review denial of-1715.06

recourse after denial of-1715.06

requests for copies of-1715.07

timely filing of-1715.03(a)

PTDL (see Patent and Trademark Depository Libraries)

Publication for opposition

amendments after-1505-1505.02(d)

notice of-704.01

of mark in intent-to-use application-1105

Publications, marks for

columns or sections, marks that identify-1202.07-1202.07(b)

identification of goods-1402.03(e)

specimens for-904.02(b)

Punctuation marks in drawing-807.06(a)


Reasonable time between signing and filing papers-804.03; 1104.09(b); 1108.02(b); 1109.05(a); 1109.11(c)

Receipt date stamped on all correspondence filed-303.02(b)

Receipt, filing-402

Receipt, of documents by Office-303-303.02(c)

Receipt, postcard-303.02(c)

Reciprocal registration rights-1002.03

Reconsideration after final action-715.03-715.03(c)

Reconsideration of Board decision, request for, by examining attorney-1501.07

Reconsideration of holding of abandonment-718.03(c)

Recordation date-503.05

Recorded documents

indexing against, not permitted-503.07

requests for copies of-503.08

Refund of fees-405.04

for informal application-204.01

Refusal, final (see Final refusal)

Refusal of registration

amendment to Supplemental Register after-714.05(a)(i); 816.04; 1209.02

as to fewer than all classes in combined application-1403.05

based on inadequate response to request for additional information-814

deceptive matter-1203.02-1203.02(b); 1210.05(a); 1210.07(d)


disparagement-1203.03(c); 1203.03(d)

duplicate registrations-703

false suggestion of a connection-1203.03(e); 1203.03(f)

flag, coat of arms or insignia-1204


generic names-1209.01(c)-1209.01(c)(iii)

geographic descriptiveness-1210-1210.09

geographic misdescriptiveness-1210.01(b); 1210.05; 1210.07(c)

immoral or scandalous matter-1203.01

likelihood of confusion (see also Likelihood of confusion)-1207-1207.03

matter protected by statute-1205-1205.02

name, portrait or signature of living individual or deceased United States president without consent-1206-1206.03(b)

nondistinctive configuration-1202.02(b)-1202.02(b)(ii)


ownership (see Ownership of mark)

res judicata-1217

surname, primarily merely a-1211-1211.02(b)(vi)

trade name-1202.01

use as a service mark-1301.02-1301.02(e)

use as a trademark-1202-1202.15

use in commerce-901.04

Register (see Principal Register; Supplemental Register)

Register indicated on certificate of registration-1601.07

Registration, amendment of mark in-1609.02-1609.02(c)

Registration as correct type of mark-1307

Registration certificate (see Certificate of registration)

Registration notice

improper use of-906.02

provided for in 15 U.S.C. §1111-906

symbolizing foreign registration-906.01

Registration, reinstatement of registration cancelled or expired due to Office error-1712.02

Reinstatement of inadvertently abandoned application-1712.01

Reinstatement of registrations cancelled or expired due to Office error-1712.02

Related applications (see also Companion applications; Conflicting applications)-702.03-702.03(b)

Related company

common stockholders, directors, officers-1201.03(d)

control with respect to use by-1201.03

definition of-1201.03

first use of mark by-903.06

licensees and franchisees-1201.03(f)

reference to, in §1(b) applicant-1201.03(a)

sister corporations-1201.03(e)

use by-903.06; 1201.03-1201.03(f)

use solely by-1201.03(a)


Remand to examining attorney from Trademark Trial and Appeal Board-1504.05


of registrations issued under Act of 1920-1602.03; 1606-1606.15

of registrations issued under Act of 1946-1606-1606.15

of registrations issued under Acts of 1881 and 1905-1602.02; 1606-1606.15

Renewal, application for-1606-1606.15

appeal to federal court-1606.15

by registrant not domiciled in United States-1606.10

combined with §8 affidavit-1606.16

deficiencies, correction of-1606.05(b); 1606.13-1606.13(c)

domestic representative, designation of -1606.10

execution of-1606.07

fee for filing-1606.05-1606.05(c)

form for filing-1606.02

goods and services set forth in-1606.08-1606.08(d)

grace period-1606.05(b); 1606.03

Office action upon examination of-1606.11

ownership and who may file-1606.06

petition to Director-1606.14-1606.14(c)

premature filing of-1606.03(a)

recourse after refusal-1606.14-1606.14(c)

requirements for-1606.04

signature of-1606.07

specimen not required-1606.09

term of-1602-1602.03

time for filing-1606.03; 1606.03(a)

untimely filing cannot be cured-1712.02; 1606.13(c)

use, declaration of use not required-1606.09

who may file-1606.06

Repeal of prior trademark acts-1601.02

Reply brief in ex parte appeal-1501.02(a)

Representation by attorney or other authorized individual-602

Request for extension of time to file statement of use-1108-1108.05

bona fide intention to use the mark in commerce-1101; 1108.02(e)

fee for filing-1108.02(c)

filing in conjunction with or after statement of use-1108.03-1108.03(a)

form for filing-1108

good cause for-1108.02(f)

identifying goods/services in-1108.02(d)

minimum filing requirements-1108.04


recourse after denial-1108.04; 1108.05

requirements (of 37 C.F.R. §2.89) for-1108.02-1108.02(f)

time for filing-1108.01


Request for extension of time to oppose-1503.04

Request for information from applicant-814

Request to divide -1110-1110.07

division of application-1110-1110.07

division of application subject to Board proceeding-1110.06

division of application under §44-1110.07

division of multiple class application-1110.05; 1403.03

division of registration not permitted-1110.08

fee for-1110.02

time for filing-1110.01

when statement of use is due-1110.04

when response to Office action is due-1110.05

Reregistration of marks registered under prior acts-1601.03

Res judicata-1217

Resignation of examining attorney-702.01

Response to Office action

deadline for-711-711.02

persons who can sign-712.01-712.01(a)(vii)


Restoration of filing date-1711

Return of application materials not entitled to a filing date-204.01

Returned correspondence-403; 717.01

Revival (see Petition to revive abandoned application)

Revocation of power of attorney-602.04


Scandalous matter (see Immoral or scandalous matter)

Scent as mark-807.11; 1202.13

Scope of identification of goods/services for purposes of amendment-1402.07-1402.07(e)

Search--104; 704.02

"Search clause"-704.02

Search library, trademark-104

Search room, trademark assignment-104; 503.08

Secondary meaning (see Acquired distinctiveness (§2(f)) claim)

Secondary source-1202.03(c)

Section 2(f) claim (see Acquired distinctiveness (§2(f)) claim)

Section 8 affidavit (see Affidavit of continued use or excusable nonuse (§8))

Section 15 affidavit (see Affidavit of incontestability)

Section 44 (see also Foreign registration, application based on ownership of; Priority under §44(d), application claiming)

applications for Supplemental Register under-1014

assignment of applications under-1006

claim of acquired distinctiveness in application under-1010

eligible applicants, under-1002-1002.05

international trademark agreements implemented by-1001

sections of publications, marks that identify-1202.07-1202.07(b)

Security interest agreements, recording of-503.02

Serial number-401.01

Series code-401.01

Service mark

character or personal name-1301.02(b)

definition of-1301

informational matter-1301.02(a)

matter that does not function as-1301.02(a)

menu item for restaurant-1301.02(a)

ornamental matter-1301.02(a)

process, system or method-1301.02(e)

product used in performing service-1301.02(a)

radio and television program, title of-1301.02(d)

specimens of use-1301.04-1301.04(d)

system, process or method-1301.02(e)


what is a-1301.02-1301.02(e)

Service, what is a-1301.01-1301.01(b)(v)

contests and promotional activities-1301.01(b)(i)

criteria for determining what constitutes-1301.01(a)-1301.01(a)(iii)

informational services ancillary to sale of goods-1301.01(b)(v)

investment, soliciting-1301.01(b)(iv)

promotional services-1215.02(b); 1301.01(b)(i)


warranty or guarantee of repair-1301.01(b)(ii)


identification of-1402.11-1402.11(e)

classification of-1401.02(a)

Shape as mark-

background designs and shapes as mark-1202.11

product and container configurations-1202.02(a)-1202.02(b)(ii)


as certification-602.02(a)

date of-804.03; 1104.09(b); 1108.02(b); 1109.05(a); 1109.11(c)

of applicant (see also Verification of application)

by association-712.01(a)(vi); 804.04

by corporation-712.01(a)(iv); 804.04

by foreign corporate-type entity-712.01(a)(v); 804.04

by joint applicants-712.01(a)(i); 804.04

by joint venture-712.01(a)(iii); 804.04

by limited liability company-712.01(a)(vii); 804.04

by partnership-712.01(a)(ii); 804.04

by someone other than applicant or applicant's attorney-603.04

persons who can sign verification on behalf of applicant-804.04

of application for registration, persons who can sign-804.04

of response to Office action-712-712.01(a)(vii)


"Single source" (related companies)-1201.07-1201.07(b)(iv)

Single creative work, title of-1202.08

Size of mark on drawing -807.01(b)


disclaimers with respect to-1213.05(b)

registrability of-1202.03(f)(i); 1202.04

Sole proprietorship as applicant-803.03(a)

Sound marks-1202.15

"Special" applications (see also Petition to make "special")-702.02

Special boxes for mail-305.01

Special-form drawing

also referred to as "ink drawing"-807.07-807.07(c)

appropriate when essential elements of mark cannot be produced by typing-807.07(b)

characteristics of-807.07(a)

correction of-807.16; 807.17

size limitations for-807.01(b)

typed matter should not be part of-807.07(c)


agreement with mark on drawing-807.14; 1215.02(c)


catalogs as-904.06(a)

certification mark-1306.06(c)

collective membership mark-1304.09(c)

collective trademark and collective service mark-1303.02(b)

deferral of examination in multi-basis application-806.02(c)


electronically transmitted-904.02


for amendment to allege use-1104.09(e)

for color marks-904.02(a); 1202.05(f)

for combined application-1403.01

for computer programs, movies or videotapes-904.04(d)

for publications-904.02(b)

for statement of use-1109.09(b)

number of-904.01

parties named on-Office no longer inquires as to relationship with applicant-1201.04

physical form of-904.02

service mark-1301.04-1301.04(d)

substitute (see Substitute specimens)



translation of matter on-904.10

Statement of use

approval of-1109.18

classification, amendment of-1109.14

clear-error standard in examining-1109.08

correcting defects-1109.16-1109.16(d)

date of execution-1109.11(c)

dates of use-1109.09(a)


examination of, -1109.07; 1109.08

execution of -1109.11-1109.11(d)

extension of time to file (see Request for extension of time to file statement of use)

failure to file within time permitted-718.04; 1109.04

fee for filing-1109.15; 1109.15(a)

form of-1109.05

identification of goods/services in-1109.13

may not be withdrawn-1109.17

minimum requirements for-1109.01

minimum requirements, review for compliance with-1109.02

necessary elements of-1109.06


response to Office action-1109.16(d)

requirements for-1109.06

signature of-804.04; 1109.11-1109.11(d)

specimens for-1109.09(b)

time for filing-1109.04

use on all goods/services required before filing-1109.03

use in commerce-1109.09

verification of-804.04; 1109.11-1109.11(c)

withdrawal prohibited-1109.17

Status inquiries

Internet information-108.01

Recorded status messages-108.02

Statutory authority for examination-701

Statutory averments in application for registration-804.02

Stippling on drawing-807.09(e)

Subpoena received by Office employee-1801.01

Substitute drawing-807.16

Substitute specimens

affidavit supporting-904.09

for amendment to allege use-1104.09(e)

for statement of use-1109.09(b)

may require amendment of dates of use-904.09

requirements for substitute specimens and statutory refusals-904.11

Supervisory authority of Director-1707

Supplemental Register

allegation of use examined before action taken on amendment to-1102.03

amendment of application to-816-816.05

applications for-815-815.05

approval for registration on-815.03

intent-to-use applications-1102.03

marks eligible for Principal Register not registrable on-815.01

not an admission that mark has not acquired distinctiveness-815.04

Surname, primarily merely a-1211-1211.02(b)(vi)

combined with additional matter-1211.01(b)-1211.01(b)(vii)

combined with domain name-1211.01(b)(vii); 1215.03

combined with initials-1211.01(b)(iii)

combined with title-1211.01(b)(iv)

double surname-1211.01(b)(i)

evidence supporting refusal-1211.02-1211.02(b)(vi)

geographical significance-1211.01(a)(iii)

historical place or person-1211.01(a)(iv)

non-surname significance-1211.01(a)-1211.01(a)(vi)

ordinary language meaning-1211.01(a)(i)

phonetic equivalent-1211.01(a)(ii)




Surrender of registration for cancellation-1608

Suspended cases checked by examining attorney-716.04

Suspension of Office action

circumstances where appropriate-716.02-716.02(e)

letter of inquiry regarding-716.05

notice of-716.01

pending cancellation or expiration of cited registration-716.02(e)

pending disposition of earlier-filed application-716.02(c)

pending receipt of foreign registration-716.02(b); 1003.04

pending receipt of proof of renewal of foreign registration-716.02(b); 1004.01(a)

request to remove-716.03

Suspension, removal of application from-716.03; 716.06


Taiwan, understanding with the United States-App. B

TARR database-108.01

Tax-exempt corporation-803.03(c)

TEAS (see Electronic filing)

Telephone numbers-1209.03(l)

Telescoped words-807.08; 1213.05(a)(i)

Temporary specimens-904.04(a)

"Ten-year proviso" of §5 of Act of 1905-1601.04

Territorial commerce-901.03

TESS (Trademark Electronic Search System)-104

Testimony, requests for, referred to Office of General Counsel-1801.01

Third parties, inquires from regarding ex parte matters-1806

Third party registrations

evidence of-710.03

relevance in determining descriptiveness-1209.03(a)

relevance in determining likelihood of confusion-1207.01(d)(iii)

Three-dimensional marks-807.12; 1202.02-1202.02(e); 1301.02(c)

Time between execution and filing -804.03; 1104.09(b); 1108.02(b); 1109.05(a); 1109.11(c)

Title, chain of-502; 502.01

Title of a single creative work-1202.08

Title report-502.01; 502.02

Titles or degrees-1304.08(c); 1306.03; 1306.06(a)

Trade dress-1202.02; 1202.02(b)-1202.02(e); 1202.03; 1202.03(f)(iii)

Trade name-1202.01

Trademark Act of 1946

claiming benefits of, under §12(c)-1603-1603.03

duration of registrations under-1602.01

effective date of-1601.02

Trademark assignment search room-503.08

Trademark Assistance Center-108.03

Trademark, definition of-1202

Trademark Law Revision Act of 1988-816.02; 901.02; 1303.01; 1602.01

Trademark Law Treaty Implementation Act, changes to requirements for maintaining a registration-1602.04

Trademark Official Gazette

contents of-106

notification of errors in-1502.01

publication in-1502

Trademark searching-104

Trademark Trial and Appeal Board

appeal to-1501-1501.04

jurisdiction of-1504.02

opposition proceedings before-1503-1503.05

Transfer of old drawing to new application-807.19


approval of-809.02(a)

equivalency in-809.01

of dead languages-809; 1207.01(b)(vi); 1209.03(g)

of document submitted for recording in Assignment Division-503.03(c)

of foreign registration-1004.01(b)

of idiomatic expressions-809; 809.01

of matter on specimens-904.10

of non-English wording in mark-809-809.02(a)

printing of-

Transliteration of non-Latin characters in mark-809-809.02(a)

Treaty or convention relating to trademarks-1001; 1002.03; App. B

TRIPS (Trade Related Intellectual Property portions of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)-1210.05(b); App. B

Trust as owner of mark-803.03(e)

Type of commerce-901.03; 903.03

Type of mark, registration in correct category-1307

Typed drawing

characteristics of-807.06-807.06(b)

correction of-807.17

diacritical marks in-807.06(b)

inappropriate when essential element of mark cannot be produced by typing-807.07(b)

punctuation marks which are acceptable in-807.06(a)

standard type should be used in-807.06(a)

Types of applications-801-801.02(b)

Types of marks-1300 introductory text

Types of registrations-1601-1601.06


Unintentional delay

petition based on-1714.01(e); 1714.01(f)-1714.01(f)(ii)

statement of-1714.01(e)

where unintentional delay applies-1714.01(f)-1714.01(f)(ii)

United States Patent and Trademark Office

reorganization of-1701

World Wide Web Site-102

Unity of control-1201.07-1201.07(b)(iv)

Unpublished decisions-705.05

Unsigned response to Office action-712.02

Uruguay Round Agreements-1210.05(b); App. B

Use in commerce

assertion of-901

bona fide use in ordinary course of trade-901.02

commerce that may be lawfully regulated by Congress-901.03

current, asserted in §1(a) application-901

date of first-903.02

definition of-901.01

solely by related company-903.06; 1201.03(a)

Use of mark

bona fide use in ordinary course of trade-901.02

by applicant-1201.01

by licensee-1201.03(f)

by predecessor in title-903.06

by related company-903.06; 1201.03-1201.03(f)

in commerce (see Use in commerce)

solely by related company-1201.03(a)


Varietal names-1202.12

Verification of application (see also Signature of applicant to application)-804-804.05

declaration in lieu of oath-804.01(b)

defective-804.01(a); 804.01(b); 804.02

in a foreign country-804.01(a)(i)

not required for receipt of filing date-804

persons who can sign-804.04

under 28 U.S.C. §1746-804.01(b)

with oath-804.01(a)


Waiver of rules, on petition-1708

Warehouse storage

access by public to files in-109.02

of registration files-109.02

Who may practice before Office in trademark matters-602

Wines/spirits, misleading indication of origin of-1210.05(b)

Withdrawal of attorney, permissive-602.04(a)

Withdrawal of authorization to represent-602.04

Withdrawal of refusal or requirement after appeal-1501.03

Written application, form for filing-802

World Trade Organization-App. B