Berkeley Lab Government and Community Relations
A-Z Index
Phone Book
Berkeley Lab
Environmental Review Documents
Environmental Review Documents
Tours of the Lab
Environmental Restoration Program
Educational Programs
Speaker's Bureau
Berkelely Lab Retirees
Community Activities
Economic Impact
Community/Laboratory Issues
Community Newsletter
Visitor Information
Aerial view of Berkeley Lab and San Francisco Bay

Berkeley Lab sponsored a booth at the 1.5 mile Solano Stroll, bordering Berkeley & Albany, on September 12th, 2004. Eighteen employees volunteered time during the 9-hour event, and approximately 1,500 people stopped by the booth, learning about the Lab's scientific research and community programs.

Building strong and productive bridges with Berkeley Lab's neighbors and with local, state and federal governments is critical to ensuring that great science continues to thrive at the Lab. The Office of Government and Community Relations exists to serve as a resource for community members and elected officials to learn more about the Lab, its future and its impact on the surrounding communities. The office is also a conduit for Lab scientists and adminstrators to communicate the significance and importance of their scientific endeavors to our neighbors and to government representatives.

Community Relations

Being a valued member of our community is one of Berkeley Lab's highest priorities. We hope our efforts can help us continually build stronger community relationships.

Our philosophy as a neighbor is simple. Along with engaging the public in what we do, we hope our active involvement in the community -- through a variety of community activities, outreach programs and education -- can build a legacy of trust and promote the Lab’s achievements and future goals. We look to maintain an ongoing dialogue with community members and regional leaders, forging an open and honest relationship.

Terry Powell
Officer, Community Relations
One Cyclotron Road, MS 65A0101
Berkeley, CA 94720
(510) 486-4387


Government Affairs

As a Department of Energy, Office of Science sponsored institution performing scientific research and development, Berkeley Lab interacts with many sectors of government. From federal funding and science policy issues with the United States Congress and the Executive Branch, to local land use and environmental issues with state, county and municipal governments, the Lab works to promote an open and two-way dialogue with our elected and appointed government officials. The Office of Government and Community relations owns the responsibility to keep government officials apprised of Lab activities, educate them on the benefits of the world-class science conducted at Berkeley Lab, and serve as a resource to policymakers as they debate science funding and policy issues.

Don Medley
Manager, Government Affairs and Community Relations
1 Cyclotron Road MS 65A0101
Berkeley, CA 94720
(510) 486-6863
