SBA Could-Do-Better Customer Feedback

    We read, respond to and collect all feedback on our website and use it to determine customer satisfaction and to improve the overall performance and delivery of information. We publish the messages as they were received, with only the names removed. We would like to hear your feedback as well.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Tuesday 06/01/2004 3:46 PM
    Subject: Feedbck

    >I found my way to your freeware/shareware page.
    >All links for downloading the various packages
    >lead to a file not found message.
    >For a person just getting started this is a
    >great service.
    >Is this just a temporary problem?
    >If yes could you notify me when the
    >problem is corrected. If not do
    >you know of a similar service being
    >provided elsewhere?

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Friday 04/09/2004 8:26 AM
    Subject: Feedback

    Please get rid of the animated Flash intro on the home page. Intros like this one only waste time and detract from the overall usefulness of the site. I am unable to install software such as Macromedia’s Flash player on our network computers (I have no desire to either.) Every time I go to the home page (or return to it from another sub page) I have to answer “no” to installing this plug in. It always asks two times.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Tuesday 02/10/2004 3:18 PM
    Subject: Feedback

    I really thimk that this website is not very helpful and not very easy to read. Please fix this as soon as possible.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Friday 12/05/2003 2:02 PM
    Subject: Feedback

    when is the subcontracting page going to get updated, we need to use it! its been over 2 months!!!

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Thursday 09/11/2003 2:11 PM
    Subject: Feedback

    I found a lot of useful information on your website but I have a lot of trouble reading the color print and also printing it out. It comes out in red . Is this because of the settings on my computer or is the webmaster just getting too cute with all the colors. The readability is a real pain.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Tuesday 09/09/2003 1:58 PM
    Subject: Feedback

    Please add to under Center for Business Women's Rersearch -- Economic Statistics & Research and link to

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Friday 09/05/2003 7:55 AM
    Subject: Feedback

    Please add to under Center for Business Women's Rersearch -- Economic Statistics & Research and link to

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Wednesday 09/03/2003 7:33 AM
    Subject: Web Site

    This is the first time I've been on your site. As the SCORE secretary in Cadillac, I'm usually the first contact a person may see when they need help.

    Many times I have handed out the Michigan business start up web site, so I thought I'd check out your site also to see if I could refer people there also.

    As I was searching for our local SBA office, I put in our zip code (49601) and it gave me a map with absolutely no identification on it; no highway names, no county names, no city names. The map was no help at all. Was the map under construction?

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Wednesday 08/27/2003 4:44 PM
    Subject: Feedback

    I like the other website better. I thought it was more user friendly.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Friday 08/15/2003 8:07 AM
    Subject: Feedback

    Can anyone tell me how long the file "Download 1997 U.S. all industries data by receipt size (about 0.5 meg.)" has been on the Office of Advocacy webpage I would appreciate this information to resolve a dispute about timing. Thank you.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Thursday 08/14/2003 7:34 AM
    Subject: Feedback

    Much of the text in this site is compressed and unreadable. This is a
    >comment intended for your web master, but I could not find a link
    >directing me there.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Wednesday 08/13/2003 5:46 PM
    Subject: Feedback

    Hello....That's a good idea, but this is only my 3rd time to use this web-site. It seems well organized but I haven't yet found the total list of "acts" for grants to small businesses.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Tuesday 08/12/2003 7:33 AM
    Subject: About This Site

    Hello....That's a good idea, but this is only my 3rd time to use this web-site. It seems well organized but I haven't yet found the total list of "acts" for grants to small businesses.

    Bill McCarthy.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Friday 08/08/2003 5:53 AM
    Subject: feedback

    I was looking at your site for NAFTA information.
    This information starts off with providing good information, but there are some broken links.
    The last item listed has a spelling mistake:
    Potatos Briefing Room USDA (This link is also broken.)
    I just thought you would want to know.
    Carolyn Smith

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Tuesday 07/15/2003 2:57 PM
    Subject: Feedback

    It is very frustrating to click on a state, click on WBC resources and get a list of all WBCs around the country to scroll through to see if any or which ones are located in my state. Can’t this list be broken out and only resources applicable to that particular state pop up?

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Monday 07/14/2003 1:59 PM
    Subject: Feedback

    New home page is very hard to navigate. No breakdown on various loan types ie Low Doc -term versus line of credit. I think the average business owner is going to have a hard time with it.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Friday 07/11/2003 10:44 AM
    Subject: Feedback

    I am looking for a specific form.
    If I go to the library and go to forms, the form I want is something other than what it is supposed to be.
    Are all of your forms wrong or just this one?
    Are you saying to get a form I cannot use the website, I must call my local office and ask them for a Form 461

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Wednesday 07/02/2003 1:51 PM
    Subject: Feedback

    The validation mechanism for the online SS-4 form is too restrictive.
    It doens't allow the character "." in the 'legal name of the
    business' form box. My name is, LLC and I couldn't
    enter it correctly.

    Here is the form I'm referring to:

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Sunday 06/29/2003 4:09 AM
    Subject: Contact Us Link

    A CONTACT US link would have been helpful. The ASK SBA link is somewhat counterintuitive. The convention on most state and other federal sites is the use of the CONTACT US link. Thanks

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Friday 06/27/2003 11:40 AM
    Subject: Feedback

    Please advise - I am trying to get more pamplets of Florida Small Business Start-Up Guide 2002-2003 sent to our office for passing along to customers. I have tried the e-mail address on the pamplet of to no avail. No phone # is printed. Our mailing address is:

    City of Lakeland

    Occupational License Office

    228 S Massachusetts Ave

    Lakeland, FL 33801

    Please contact me at (863)834-6226 if there are additional questions. Thank you for your assistance

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Thursday 06/26/2003 12:14 PM
    Subject: Website Feedback

    It was very helpful. However, as a woman, single mother, I specifically need information regarding where to go for prequalification for Woman's Small Business Loans. When I click on my state, NJ, the website did not give info on where the SBA counseling centers are in my area or whether I must call the Newark office for that information. Also, it might be helpful if a guide to specific businesses was available in a worksheet format to check on eligibility. But I am grateful for all the other information that was given. Thank you.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Wednesday 06/25/2003 11:45 AM
    Subject: Can't Find

    Application for 8a program??

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Wednesday 06/25/2003 11:45 AM
    Subject: Feedback

    Application for 8a program

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Wednesday 06/25/2003 5:59 AM
    Subject: Feeback

    The web site "" I find impossible as a lender looking for forms or program details. It is not clear or easy to get what I need.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Tuesday 06/24/2003 1:43 PM
    Subject: Feedback

    Feedback I receive from the local public:

    As if to spite SBA Information Notice 9000-1448, ALL of the (unsolicited) reactions I have received from our clients to the new SBA Home Page look have been negative. They find the information that they are looking for is too hard to find without assistance/guidance from me as BRC Manager. They don't like the page and tell me that they won't go back to it. Even I had a harder time -until I studied it- finding things (business plan self-paced activity?) which seemed simple to find on first glance in the old format. Now it takes more steps to reach.

    People also don't understand how or why they have to install a Flash plugin just to display the page. This is their impression from the pop-up notice they see. As an IT Specialist, I of course know that they don't HAVE to, that it is just for the page's self-promotional ad.

    As seems typical for government (to me), while there does not seem to be room on the page to advise going to a (LOCAL) BIC for assistance or guidance (or WHERE one might be found) on using the SBA site, there IS room to list links to the following TWICE: Starting (Your Business), Financing (Your Business), Managing (Your Business), Business Opportunities, and Disaster Recovery. Why?

    The public which I have contact with seems to feel that SBA is keeping its BIC's a secret from them. For most, our BRC is a wonderful 'godsend' of a resource of LOCAL information, once they find out about it, as is our SCORE Chapter (#140).

    This has been a simple summary of the hottest issues

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Tuesday 06/24/2003 10:00 AM
    Subject: Feedback

    You folks need to review the spelling and grammar on the web page.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Monday 06/23/2003 1:42 AM
    Subject: Export Assistance

    With the changes to the SBA home page came also a perhaps unintended consquence, namely new hurdles to customers in trying to find international trade information. This is regretable. Is this in your future plans?


    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Friday 06/20/2003 7:10 AM
    Subject: Feedback

    This is a lovely new website. However, even with my DSL connection, it took a looooooooooong time to load. If you're truly interested in a citizen-centric approach, you may want to consider redesigning your page so that it loads faster.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Friday 06/20/2003 2:45 AM
    Subject: Suggestion

    I respectfully suggest SBA add a "Buyer" menu to the website to explain and search available programs, contractors, processes, etc. As a "Buyer", most of the site currently seems to be intended for the "Seller" and any "Buyer" info is fragmented and not intuitive to find.

    As federal agencies as a whole continue to engage in A-76 Competitive Sourcing studies and as the Forest Service continues to have a shortened acquisitions year due to Fire Transfer in the last quarter, I expect the use of noncompetitive procurement (SBA, GSA, Unicor, JWOD, etc.) to greatly increase.

    As a user, our office would be happy to provide further feedback/collaboration on the website.

    Thank you for your attention.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Thursday 06/19/2003 12:01 PM
    Subject: SBA Site

    You need a site map or maybe I have missed it.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Monday 06/16/2003 10:11 AM
    Subject: problems with ccs on web site

    I am having great difficulty reading the web site. The text is getting scrunched together. I have attached a gif file (the colors are all off) for you to see the issue. I am using a Mac (OS 9.2) and INternet Explorer 5.0. This is not a common problem for me.

    Thank you!

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Tuesday 05/27/2003 11:48 AM
    Subject: Feedback

    So this may be more directed towards your web designer/host, I find it very hard to understand why there is a black stripe vertically running down the right side of the pages? It blocks out all of the text that extends beyond it. I have been coming to your site a lot lately, since I am an owner of a new small business. I find it (to be very honest) quite annoying to have to highlight everything on the page just so it can be read. This is true for all of the pages here. For a site that is loaded with extremely helpful and worthwhile information it is not very easy to read. I see that the last time your site was modified was on 8/1 of 2001, may be time for another update so your customers who value your service can actually read what you have to say. Thank you for all of your help and I hope this helps you better your site. Ted Owner and Tour Designer Sky High Golf Adventures Inc.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Wednesday 05/21/2003 1:27 AM
    Subject: Feedback

    I dont understand anything about this site. I just want to apply for small business loan nothing more.

    Can you help me?

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Tuesday 04/29/2003 10:16 AM
    Subject: Feedback

    The maze of overwhelming information on your website is confusing. I'm a 60% disabled vet with many years experience as a martial arts instructor. My desire is to aquire capital to start a martial arts academy in the Colonial Heights/Chester area. I'd like to send you my marketing plan and get the paperwork started to receive financing to be up and running by 1 September. Is there someone to mentor me through your process and how do I get in touch with them? Thank you.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Tuesday 04/01/2003 1:57 PM
    Subject: Feedback

    From looking at your information on the website it is too difficult to try to get a loan to start a business, it would seem to me you would relize the reasom people need a loan to start a business is because they have no money in the first place, did you eve think of that?

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Sunday 03/09/2003 5:08 PM
    Subject: Feedback

    I am unable to read all of the information because of the black wide line on the right side of your website.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Friday 02/28/2003 2:00 PM
    Subject: Feedback

    Your Hubzone website is impossible almost to look at. Why is it like molasses to open up to find a state, county, city, or an address in a hubzone?????? When will it be fixed?

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Thursday 02/13/2003 12:01 PM
    Subject: Feedback

    I like the website but I couldn't find what I am hunting for. Someone told me to check into your assoctiation to find out How to get a business grant or apply for a business grant. If you could please help me with this information I would greatly appreciate it.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Wednesday 02/05/2003 10:41 AM
    Subject: Feedback

    You have a major problem at the following address:

    If I am using Internet Explorer--I get runtime bugging errors and end up in an endless loop that I am unable to get out of until I shut down. In Netscape, the scrolling menu does not appear at all--which is probably good, because that is what causes the bugging error in IE. But I doubt that is what you had in mind.

    The version of IE I use is 6.0.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Wednesday 01/29/2003 2:13 PM
    Subject: Feedback

    I have searched your website 7 cannot find any information on how to determine if the name you have chosen for your business is available or taken. Can you help me with this, please?

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Wednesday 01/29/2003 1:27 PM
    Subject: Feedback

    It would be tremendously helpful if searches would return all the identified concerns at one time instead of requiring one to click on each letter of the alphabet. This is horribly time consuming!!! To assist people in navigating through long lists, why not offer the alphabet across the top of the screen with hyperlinks to the first result in the list beginning with that letter? That would service both the needs of those who wish to go directly to an area of the alphabet, while also providing the entire list of results for those who are interested in that.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Thursday 01/23/2003 7:28 PM
    Subject: Feedback


    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Saturday 11/30/2002 12:05 PM
    Subject: Why????

    Why can’t I access part of your web site with Internet explorer 6? Why do I need Netscape, the most unused browser ever? Moreover, your website is very poor considering today’s standards.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Friday 11/22/2002 3:59 PM
    Subject: Feedback

    You need to QA your pages a bit better. The right hand border on the Syracuse 'About the District Office' page obscures the text. Please have a web programmer look at your right side margins. The url is
    Good luck.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Tuesday 10/08/2002 4:10 AM
    Subject: Comments about the website

    As of 10/3/02, the last time the listing of HUBzone certified firms was updated was 8/26/02. This section needs to be updated much more frequently. I am trying to determine when my client, Falcon Contractors of East Point, Georgia is HUBzone certified. They submitted their application about 2 months ago.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Wednesday 10/02/2002 4:10 AM
    Subject: web site extremely awkward to navigate

    I find that the content of your website is very helpful, but navigating within it from the (a government contractor/partner?) links is extremely tedious due to the browser framing. For example, when going to
    provided links, the frames in my Explorer browser open and have no access to the toolbars which include the back button and are unable to be sized. So, I am constantly scrolling around, going back to an original link in another
    frame and starting over, etc. I'm not sure I'm articulating the problem well, but I'm sure if you go to one of the links, you'll see the difficulty.
    For example, try going to, selecting the start up kit and navigating to the SBA Online Womens' Business Center. Then try to navigate within that site. I can only imagine how difficult it would be for an inexperienced internet user to navigate this, since it is so tedious for me.

    I thought you might want to have the feedback, particularly since there is so much valuable information potentially available, and I think the intent in partnering with was to enhance availability of the information. They would do much better to simply direct someone to the actual website than to have such awkward link support!! This will never work for some of your target audiences: welfare-to-work, etc.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Monday 07/15/2002 3:49 AM
    Subject: Feedback

    Your website was very confusing. All I want to know is what do I have to do to get a loan for my business?

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Wednesday 06/26/2002 3:34 PM
    Subject: Feedback

    I find your website quite confusing and generally of minimal value. I cannot get basic questions answered (i.e. Is there a standard application for a microloan?, who are the SBA lenders in a particular area?, etc.) Your phone numbers are useless. If you can get out of voice mail hell, you leave a message that nobody returns. You can't talk to a person. When someone finally does answer the phone, you're transferred to another party where nobody responds again. Your main office in Washington is worse. Everytime I do get through, I get voicemail, get put on hold, and promptly get disconnected before I even speak to anybody. A suggestion: Have one page on the website devoted to one type of loan where all questions and forms could be found on that particular loan program. List ONE phone number as a gateway to any information requested for each loan program on each page. Do not connect to anybody who is on vacation for a week with no backup. Make sure second parties have the phone staffed. Now, I will be forced to pay someone just to get basic questions answered that should normally be free.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Saturday 05/11/2002 9:39 AM
    Subject: web site feedback

    I visited your site for the first time and I found it to be very poor for the following reasons:
    1. Information is not well organized and so to find specific information is difficult. In my case, I was interested in learning about the different loan programs that SBA offers. Either you only offer one program, or I was unable to find the various types of loan available.
    2. Your search engine is stupid and feels like it's about 5 years out of date. Do a search is almost useless since no matter how I phrase my search words, I get a ton of useless and non-relevant information.

    If you want to see a good government site, I recently used the New York City redesigned site. Now that site is useful!
    Randel Cole

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Tuesday 04/30/2002 10:57 AM
    Subject: Feedback

    There seems to be a MARGIN problem with your site. I cannot see part of each sentence on the right side of the page.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Sunday 03/24/2002 3:54 PM
    Subject: Feedback

    Please update your siteThanks

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Tuesday 03/19/2002 12:08 PM
    Subject: Feedback

    I appreciate the extend of information on your site but I could not find any information about non residents starting a business in the US

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Sunday 02/24/2002 11:11 PM
    Subject: Feedback

    Your site SUCKS! ou don't tell me anything whene I ask/highlight certain sites that YOU have. I'm not happy at all

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Wednesday 02/20/2002 10:44 PM
    Subject: About Your Site

    I'm using a Macintosh with Netscape 4.7. I have been a webmaster for over 7.5 years. May I make a few suggestions? Arial is not a Mac font. This combined with a "size=2" attribute makes the text very difficult to read. It would be better not to specify a font or a size. It is always better to let the user decide -- particularly when the content has no real aesthetic value. I came to this site to obtain information--not to be wowed by your Microsoft-centric HTML. ;-)

    Thank you for your time.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Monday 02/18/2002 9:47 PM
    Subject: Feedback

    your website will not let me find obtaining a license! why?

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Friday 02/15/2002 7:46 AM
    Subject: Feedback

    Your site has much to offer - I think I need a little help getting through all of it, though. I am thinking of starting a business with three other women, I just wondered if their were special laws and guidelines we needed to know about as it will be a fine art business. Sometimes fine art and money are far apart so i wondered if there were any special laws we needed to know about. If so, what literature do I need to find? Where do i look for said laws? Any help would be wonderful. Thank you for your time.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Thursday 02/14/2002 7:02 AM
    Subject: Feedback

    Your site is confusing as to how to find info on starting a business- it keeps sending you to a page with many changes but never any info. How do I find info on starting a business, etc without the confusion

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Friday 02/08/2002 10:19 AM
    Subject: Feedback

    Please review your website. There are a few distracting problems, such as a wide black line through the text that should possibly be a border to the far right instead.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Tuesday 01/29/2002 12:34 PM
    Subject: Feedback

    Am I understanding SBA correctly when I interpret that it is not intended for services?

    I am in the process of beginning my own mentoring services program for young adults. I gather that would not fit. Am I correct?

    Also, how do I find out if my proposed business name is copyrighted?

    thanks! appealing site~ well done!

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Sunday 01/13/2002 11:25 PM
    Subject: Feedback

    On you page at
    you define 'Patent' as --A patent secures to an inventory the exclusive right to make, use and sell an invention for 17 years. Inventors should contact the U.S. Department of Commerce Patent Office.-- This is incorrect. The term 'inventory' is a typographical error and should be 'inventor.' Also, the law changed so that the term is no longer 17 years (from date of issue) but rather 20 years (from earliest effective filing date). Please call if you have more questions (703-790-9110) -- Eric Robinson, registered patent attorney.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Tuesday 01/08/2002 5:01 PM
    Subject: Feedback

    I could not find the answer to my question on your site. It is a common question about par value on stock certificates and you may want to include the answer in the future to assist other business owners. Does the par value on the certificate of the stock change to match the dollar amount of the price per share as it is sold ( now selling at $2.50 per share)or remain at the price established when the total amount of stock was first issued (par value was set at $.50)? Thanks for your help on this.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Tuesday 01/08/2002 5:01 PM
    Subject: Feedback

    I could not find the answer to my question on your site. It is a common question about par value on stock certificates and you may want to include the answer in the future to assist other business owners. Does the par value on the certificate of the stock change to match the dollar amount of the price per share as it is sold ( now selling at $2.50 per share)or remain at the price established when the total amount of stock was first issued (par value was set at $.50)? Thanks for your help on this.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Tuesday 01/08/2002 10:04 AM
    Subject: Feedback

    This comment relates to the area of signage. My concern is that the signage discussions revolve largely around the single identifying sign for the business, and not the signage that may be required by law for the interior of the business space to be ADA compliant. In the smallest of businesses, it could be simply public restroom signs that need to comply. At a minimum, small business owners should have access to the basic information regarding interior room identification signage

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Friday 11/02/2001 11:37 AM


    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Monday 10/01/2001 8:46 AM

    At URL: - Broken link.

    Also at URL:

    Page is malformed denoted by, "TRANSFER INTERRUPTED" which repeats on successive 'Reloads'.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Thursday 09/13/2001 5:33 PM
    Subject: error on website

    This page, SBA: State-Level: Missouri shows only two offices available. It does not show the office in Springfield, MO.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Thursday 09/06/2001 3:55 PM
    Subject: PRO-Net

    For several months, some parts of the Small Business Administration's Internet homepage has been experiencing access problems. E-mails to the system administrator have not been responded to and no change or corrections have been made.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Monday 05/14/2001 8:26 AM
    Subject: Patriotic help?

    It would be to this country's advantage to use logical dates on all web pages and it would particularly help if the government were to lead the way. Believe it or not, it would be quite energy efficient. Please read the referenced links. I have thus far been unable to secure funding to continue my pursuit, thus far. All it would take is a letter authorizing or suggesting logical date use since many seem afraid to use them. I include my stardard materials.

    You are perpetuating the use of illogically constructed date formats on your web pages. They would look so much better if they were formatted the way you would have formatted them given no prior information. Won't you please help in this matter?

    It is the 2001st May 11th.

    If in eighth grade, you were given the following word problem:

    SS: A second cycles 0 - 59, there are 60 seconds in a minute
    MM: A minute cycles 0 - 59, there are 60 minutes in an hour
    HH: An hour cycles 0 - 23, there are 24 hours in a day
    DD: A day cycles 1 - n, where n is determined by a month name
    or affiliated number, there are n days in the respective month.
    MM: A month cycles 1 - 12, there are 12 months in a year
    YYYY: is the count of the number of 12 month cycles.
    Format these as a date-time-group.
    Given no a priori knowledge, can you possibly think that in your lifetime, you would have devised any format sequence other than YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS ?

    This should be part of an IQ test. Maybe it was and I flunked. Maybe we'll have to wait for a rude awakening or we don't pay enough for energy.

    Please do not use insidious date formats:
    or be sequacious.

    Now I ask, "If the time lost to the use of illogical dates were enough to save a significant portion of humanity from a tragedy, how would you decide to format the date?" Want to continue to play with the "dark side?" What, no children, don't care?

    YYYY/MM/DD (HH:MM:SS), YYYY Mon DD or variations thereof. You say you want to get into space faster, cheaper, safer? Prove it - write the date logically. Go metric. Remember the MCO! Where is Moonbase 1?

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Friday 03/16/2001 4:00 PM
    Subject: Web Site

    Woefully out of date, with pics of prior president and pages that are 1.5 ton 2.5 years since updating - if that's the best that can be done, the site should be eliminated.

    Are you going to update your information? If so, when?

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Tuesday 02/20/2001 10:04 PM
    Subject: Web Site

    Your web site has many mistakes.

    For example at: :
    1) You have listed on such page "SYRACUS OFFICE" when it should be "SYRACUSE OFFICE";
    2) The same office there is no city, state or zip code (should be "SYRACUSE NY ______");
    3) For the last six months under the "SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE" the web site says "Vacant, please contact Daniel Sanchez in the LA field office (above) when in-fact the office has been filled.

    These are just on a single page! There are hundreds of more errors throughout the site!

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Tuesday 10/10/2000 8:21 AM

    this site sucks i hate it

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Thursday 05/25/2000 1:34 PM
    Subject: SBA Success web cast

    I watched your live web cast today and want to know if there is any way to replay the web cast or if it was only live and not taped for future playing. We are friends of Young Entrepreneur of the Year David Cohen and would like to watch it again if possible.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Tuesday 04/04/2000 8:34 AM
    Subject: Inc magazine

    April's issue of Inc.includes an article about small business websites, and has this to say about SBA's--"Run by the SBA, this utilitarian site is the definitive source for small business information from the government. Visitors can search a comprehensive on-line library about regulations, download loan forms and other documents, and take workshops in tasks such as preparing a business plan. The material is at the beginner level and often needs updating. (Y2K information was still on the site in February). But the site is well set up and a snap to search.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Tuesday 01/25/2000 1:43 PM


    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Sunday 11/21/1999 8:32 AM

    I find this site useless. There is nothing in regard to my native american heritage. There are not any sites listed for anything in New England, never mind for the State of Maine. I am a "Native American" in which the State of Maine and New England refuses to acknowledge our existance.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Thursday 09/02/1999 2:13 PM

    The search capabilities of the SBA website are among the worst I have ever seen. I am searching for three specific online publications: "Handbook for Small Business"; "How to Write a Business Plan"; and "Introduction to Strategic Planning". Through the SBA website search function, I get between zero and 7,700 responses when I enter these titles; I need one for each. How can I find these? Do you have the specific web addresses for these three publications?

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Monday 03/08/1999 9:22 AM
    Subject: lousy site

    Your web site is unmanageable - keeps returning to itself and the information I got last year is gone - what happened -

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Wednesday 03/03/1999 5:25 PM
    Subject: response to questions sent by e mail

    I have emailed the sba on numerous occasions. none of the email questions have been answered. is the web site just eye wash?

    Lack of response makes the agency seem lazy and unresponsive to community it serves.

    can someone call to discuss this issue.

    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Tuesday 12/29/1998 9:19 AM
    Subject: Comments On Your Web Pages

    My organization has performed Y2K platform compliance testing and diagnostic services for IBM, Sun Microsystems, Compaq, Dell and Microsoft over the past three years. Large commercial and department of defense organizations that run applications and transactions that are sensitive to time and date use our test product, Foundation/2000. I thought that you might appreciate some feedback relative to your Web site.

    I was very disappointed in the information you published on Web page While the information is somewhat technically accurate for systems running the older 16-bit operating systems (i.e., PCDOS and Windows 3.x), it is both inaccurate and misleading for users running the newer 32-bit operating systems (i.e., Windows 95, Windows 98, NT, OS/2 or any of the varieties of UNIX). Here are a few simple reasons why:

    · Most 32-bit operating systems, in particular those intended to function as servers, make no use of the BIOS. Other client based 32-bit operating systems make limited use of the BIOS. Of what value is the NSTL product Y2K on these platforms?

    · No operating system, 16 or 32-bit, use the BIOS at run time for the purpose of maintaining correct time and date values. Operating systems update time and date values by servicing hardware interrupts that result from the interaction of the interval timer with the system clock. How can the NSTL be used to Y2K validate platforms at run time?

    · It is physically impossible for applications and test programs, i.e.; NSTL's test program, to address the BIOS or RTC on 32-bit operating systems. Why? Because virtual memory prevents direct addressing of the RTC I/O ports, and all hardware and software interrupts are trapped by the operating system's interrupt handler and serviced at the operating system layer. Therefore, what exactly is NSTL's test program testing on 32-bit operating systems?

    · Time Zone (TZ) and Daylight Savings Time DST) are two important dimensions of time and date that are managed entirely at the operating system layer, not the BIOS or RTC. For example, when you configure Windows 95 you click on the Date/Time Icon in the Control Panel window to access a dialog box used to set the Date/Time properties which include the date, time, TZ, and whether DST is in effect. All the code and logic for managing these corrections reside in the operating system and is packaged in something called Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). How can the NSTL product be used to validate operating system related errors if it doesn't test the operating system APIs?

    What amazes me most about the Y2K problem is all the fuss about the BIOS, approximately 2000 lines of code that was written and published by IBM almost 19 years ago. To add to the puzzle, most of this code isn't even used by modern operating systems. Yet, everyone including yourself, seems perfectly willing to ignore testing millions of lines of operating system code that is in a constant state of flux as the vendors roll out their latest and greatest new features and fixes. My suggestion is that you need to be telling small business users what Microsoft, Dell, IBM and many other OEMs are telling their customers. Their Y2K plan needs to address risks at the date, applications, operating system, firmware (BIOS) and hardware (RTC) layers. To do otherwise places them at risk relative to time and date related issues.

    For a more complete discussion of these topics please refer to the white paper on my Web site at Please call if you would like to discuss.