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Global Air Pollution Map Produced by Envisat's SCIAMACHY
Featured News Story

From the European Space Agency:

Based on 18 months of Envisat observations, this high-resolution global atmospheric map of nitrogen dioxide pollution makes clear just how human activities impact air quality. ESA's ten-instrument Envisat, the world's largest satellite for environmental monitoring, was launched in February 2002. Its onboard Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric Chartography (SCIAMACHY) instrument records the spectrum of sunlight shining through the atmosphere. These results are then finely sifted to find spectral absorption 'fingerprints' of trace gases in the air.

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  4. Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations - The Canadian Background Air Pollution Monitoring Network (BAPMoN), CDIAC NDP-034/R1

  5. Open Distributed Information and Services for Earth Observation(ODISSEO) Online Catalogue

  6. Environmental Defense Funds Scorecard; An Interactive and Educational Site About Pollution



Additional information is available at the European Space Agency

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