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NIST Special Database 9

NIST 8-Bit Gray Scale Images of Mated Fingerprint Card Pairs (MFCP) Volumes 1-5

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A sample of the data contained in this database is available via anonymous ftp at in the files prints9.txt and prints9.tar.Z [13,961].

The NIST database of mated fingerprint card pairs consists of multiple volumes. Currently five volumes have been released.

Each volume will be a 3-disk set with each CD-ROM containing 90 mated card pairs of segmented 8-bit gray scale fingerprint images (900 fingerprint image pairs per CD-ROM).

Each segmented image is 832 by 768 pixels and classified using the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) classes given by the FBI. The images are compressed using a non-standard implementation of the JPEG lossless compression algorithm.

Each CD-ROM requires approximately 630-660 megabytes of storage compressed and 1.0-1.2 gigabytes uncompressed (1.8:1 average compression ratio).

The database also includes example software which was written on a SUN 4/470 SPARCserver. The software is the same code used with NIST Special Database 4.

You may browse this database by clicking here to see how it works.

NIST Special Database 9 has the following features:

  • 270 mated card pairs of segmented 8-bit gray scale fingerprint images
  • NCIC classifications given by the FBI
  • Cards selected randomly thus approximating a natural horizontal slice of the NCIC classifications
  • Scanned at 19.7 pixels per mm
  • Image format documentation and example software (written on a SUN 4/470 SPARCserver)
  • Same code as software used with NIST Special Database 4.

Suitable for automated fingerprint classification research, the database can be used for algorithm development and system training and testing.

The database is a valuable tool for evaluating fingerprint systems using a statistical sample of fingerprints which approximate a natural horizontal slice of the NCIC classifications.

System Requirements: CD-ROM drive with software to read ISO-9660 format and the ability to compile SUN C source code.

Price: $90.00 per volume. Special pricing for multiple copies available. Call for details.

To order online, click here

Link to a FAX or Mail Order Form Special Database 9. NIST 8-Bit Gray Scale Images of Mated Fingerprint Card Pairs (MFCP) - Volumes 1-5

For more information on Special Database 9 please contact:

Standard Reference Data Program
National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Dr., Stop 2310
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-2310

(301) 975-2008 (VOICE) / (301) 926-0416 (FAX)
Contact Us (E-MAIL)

The scientific contact for this database is:

Craig Watson
Advanced Systems Division
National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8940
Building 225, Room A216
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8940
(301) 975-4402

Keywords: Card pairs, classification, fingerprint, lossless compression, matching, NCIC classes, NIST, software recognition.

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Create Date: 6/02
Last Update: Monday, 05-May-03 11:35:50
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